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Centering the banner image

Started by shawnb61, July 03, 2024, 11:25:03 AM

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Yet another center the banner post!

To make a centered, full width, banner image, you need to:
 - remove the logo from index.template.php
 - center the image in index.css
 - I found it helpful to tweak the padding & margin in responsive.css for the image for use on phones

Then specify the forum logo image url in Configuration | Theme Settings.

A couple of folks have asked me how I did it on my forum.  I do all tweaks on my forum in the form of minor mods, so I can rebuild & refresh from SMF code at will, almost instantly.  I never edit code directly.

So I can share the attached modlet.  (I thought I posted it here on Tips & Tricks earlier, but can't find it...)

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A question worth asking is born in experience & driven by necessity. - Fripp
