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I would really appreciate anything you could do to help me

Started by puntocom07, February 07, 2021, 07:15:55 PM

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Hello there! First than anything I have no clue about websites development, I'm doing this as a "hobby" reading tutorials and checking other people topics that had the same problem and everything is going mostly fine hehe.. My goal is to bring back an online community in which I was an administrator and then owner for a short period of time. I had the best years of my life there (Nostalgia kicks in) and I would love to bring back the forum to see if I can get the "gang" back.

This is the forum back then taken from webarchive;

Home: [nofollow]

Forum: [nofollow]

I know the forum was based on SMF 1.1.11 with SP 2.3.1 and Analysis theme by Crip. The original Analysis is not available anymore but I could get the new version.

My website is based on SMF 2.0.18 with SP 2.3.1 and the new version of Analysis theme. I didn't use 1.1.11 because I saw people's topics using it and most replies to their post was to upgrade it as soon as possible. Can I still manage to get the same old look in the new forum? Most mods from old forum are from 2006-2007 and are not updated ever since. Can I still use them?

My website looks like this so far and here we start with my problems.

As you can see hrd-l.png doesn't seem to show on the header. Also all left side from blocks are missing. How can I fix it?

Also if you could help me where to look to get the profiles on topic to look like this, what should I edit?

Old forum:

Note: Also, I got the awards mod but it says it's not compatible with my version. Should I install it anyway?

How it looks atm:

I know old one has multiple membergroups but when I tried to install it happened the same as awards.

Should I use SMF 1.1.11 to use the old mods without problems?

Also there is a last thing I would like to do

Old forum recent posts looked like this

and atm it looks like this

and I will ask you once again if I should move to smf 1.1.11. Most things I will use on the forum are old, also its a gaming forum should I still be concerned about security? If so, how do I install 1.1.11 using Softaculous?

I will leave Analysis there in attachments!

I would really appreciate anything you could do to help me, I don't expect you to do all the work but if you could point me out where to edit things and where to find the mods I need that would be enough. I have no problem to mess with the files trying to get things right and that's what I will do while I wait for an answer.  Thank you in advance!


when you say newest version of the theme.....does that mean that the theme was made for smf 2.x or was it made for smf 1.x

any mods and themes that are for smf 1.x will not work on smf 2.x (without a lot of knowledge on how to make them work and a lot of time and headache)

I'm guessing the theme you are trying to use is not made for smf 2.x or if it was it was only made for a release candidate, and a lot changed after 2.0 final version.

hate to say but you're really better off just finding a new theme, one that is made for 2.0.18 or at least 2.0.15 and up

same goes for mods, you should be able to find either the same exact mod you were using updated to 2.x or find another mod that does the same thing that is made for 2.x

and no, I really don't advice going back to smf 1.x, there's been a lot of security updates to the script since then.

as far as the image not showing, make sure that it is actually in the theme's image folder (or one of it's subfolders, wherever it's trying to pull the image from)

for the profile on the post page it's in the display.template.php in your theme folder


Quote from: shadav on February 07, 2021, 07:37:56 PM
when you say newest version of the theme.....does that mean that the theme was made for smf 2.x or was it made for smf 1.x

I had to check the website and it says

"Analysis , is back by request , fully updated now to SMF 2.0.4 version.
This is a light theme, w- Blue-ish links + colors & gradients , it's an old Theme [--] updated."

So I believe it's the same theme but updated for 2.0.4? Should be fine for 2.0.18?

About the block corners from simpleportal, do you think the old version I'm using could be the problem?

Quote from: shadav on February 07, 2021, 07:37:56 PM
as far as the image not showing, make sure that it is actually in the theme's image folder (or one of it's subfolders, wherever it's trying to pull the image from)

Yes, the image is stored in Themes/Analysis/images/img but it's not showing.

Also my theme doesn't have  display.template.php, should I edit the default theme then?

Sir Osis of Liver

Any 2.0.4 theme should work in 2.0.18.  Crip left us some years ago, Jeff was a high quad and died from complications.  Some of his themes are still on the theme site here, and I believe some friends are maintaining his website and supporting his themes.  I'm still using his themes on my own and several client forums.
When in Emor, do as the Snamors.
                              - D. Lister


There have been some (fairly minor) default theme changes since 2.04, so it would be best to incorporate those if using an old 2.0.x theme on 2.0.18.

Sir Osis of Liver

Most importantly the login session check.  Anyone have the link?
When in Emor, do as the Snamors.
                              - D. Lister


Here's a complete list of all default theme files edited by patches from 2.0 Final to 2.0.18:

No Themes/default edits for 2.0 Final to 2.0.1 patch.
No Themes/default edits for 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 patch.
No Themes/default edits for 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 patch.

Default theme files edited for 2.0.3 to 2.0.4 patch:


No Themes/default edits for 2.0.4 to 2.0.5 patch.

Default theme files edited for 2.0.5 to 2.0.6 patch:


Default theme files edited for 2.0.6 to 2.0.7 patch:


Default theme files edited for 2.0.7 to 2.0.8 patch:


Default theme files edited for 2.0.8 to 2.0.9 patch:


Default theme files edited for 2.0.9 to 2.0.10 patch:


No Themes/default edits for 2.0.10 to 2.0.11 patch.

Default theme files edited for 2.0.11 to 2.0.12 patch:


No Themes/default edits for 2.0.12 to 2.0.13 patch.

Default theme files edited for 2.0.13 to 2.0.14 patch:


Default theme files edited for 2.0.14 to 2.0.15 patch:


Default theme files edited for 2.0.15 to 2.0.16 patch:


No Themes/default edits for 2.0.16 to 2.0.17 patch.

Default theme files edited for 2.0.17 to 2.0.18 patch:



All patches are listed here:

I've made drop-in CSS files for all relevant patch pages, for use in a browser add-on (Stylus, etc). These hide any Sources and/or Themes/core edits, leaving only edits for Themes/default visible, ordered as default > default/languages > default/scripts. With files listed alphabetically in each folder, of course.

For example, the CSS file for the 2.0.15 to 2.0.16 patch page has this code:

@namespace url(;

@-moz-document url(";file=smf_patch_2.0.16.tar.gz;smf_version=2.0.15") {
#upgradesite {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
#upgradesite h3, #upgradesite .upgradereadme, #upgradesite h4, #upgradesite .upgradeparse {
display: none;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(4), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(4)+.upgradeparse,
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(5), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(5)+.upgradeparse,
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(6), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(6)+.upgradeparse,
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(7), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(7)+.upgradeparse,
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(9), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(9)+.upgradeparse,
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(10), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(10)+.upgradeparse,
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(11), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(11)+.upgradeparse,
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(12), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(12)+.upgradeparse,
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(13), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(13)+.upgradeparse,
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(14), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(14)+.upgradeparse,
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(54), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(54)+.upgradeparse,
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(55), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(55)+.upgradeparse,
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(56), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(56)+.upgradeparse,
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(57), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(57)+.upgradeparse,
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(58), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(58)+.upgradeparse,
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(59), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(59)+.upgradeparse,
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(60), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(60)+.upgradeparse,
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(61), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(61)+.upgradeparse,
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(62), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(62)+.upgradeparse,
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(63), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(63)+.upgradeparse,
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(64), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(64)+.upgradeparse,
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(65), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(65)+.upgradeparse {
display: block;

#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(54) {
order: -26;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(54)+.upgradeparse {
order: -25;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(55) {
order: -24;
}#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(55)+.upgradeparse {
order: -23;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(56) {
order: -22;
}#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(56)+.upgradeparse {
order: -21;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(57) {
order: -20;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(57)+.upgradeparse {
order: -19;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(58) {
order: -18;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(58)+.upgradeparse {
order: -17;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(59) {
order: -16;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(59)+.upgradeparse {
order: -15;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(60) {
order: -14;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(60)+.upgradeparse {
order: -13;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(61) {
order: -12;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(61)+.upgradeparse {
order: -11;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(62) {
order: -10;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(62)+.upgradeparse {
order: -9;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(63) {
order: -8;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(63)+.upgradeparse {
order: -7;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(64) {
order: -6;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(64)+.upgradeparse {
order: -5;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(65) {
order: -4;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(65)+.upgradeparse {
order: -3;

#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(13) {
order: -2;
#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(13)+.upgradeparse {
order: -1;

#upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(65), #upgradesite h4:nth-of-type(65)+.upgradeparse {
order: 99;

I have attached all the named CSS files in a zip, so anyone can use them. Simply copy the content of each file and save it as a named browser add-on style. :)


Well here goes a little update.

I figured out how to make the "recent topics" block to look like the old one. All I had to do was Admin > SimplePortal > Blocks > Top > Modify Recent Posts/Topics and change 'Display Type' from 'Compact' to 'Full'.


Also I could fix the header left corner. I edited the index.css file from Analysis

#head-l{ height:175px; background:url(../images/img/hdr-l.png) 100% 0 no-repeat;}
#head-r{ height:175px; background:url(../images/img/hdr-r.png) 100% 0 no-repeat;}

#head-l{ height:175px; background:url(../images/img/hdr-l.png) 0 0 no-repeat;}
#head-r{ height:175px; background:url(../images/img/hdr-r.png) 100% 0 no-repeat;}


I still need to figure how to fix the blocks sides, as you can see here

Right side is "curved" and I have to make it look like the left. I will check portal.css if I can find anything, or should I check the theme files?!?!

As for last posts I didn't understand anything :c I'm sorry but I started 3 days ago with this but still I will try to learn everything I can from you. This is a great forum with even greater people, I really appreciate your help!

I still need help so please don't lock the topic D:


Nobody is going to lock the topic in a hurry, :)

The fancy last post stuff was me deciding to make a handy reference of all theme changes since 2.0 Final, so it can be used for updating old themes. I figured it was about time someone made it. Now that it's done it will be easy to add future patches to it as well.

If you have your site running online it would be easiest to give people a direct link to it. That way anyone can use browser dev tools on the site and quickly figure out what is wrong with your block header bars.

My 2c is that these days it doesn't make sense to use the ancient CSS that comes with SMF 2.0.x. That coded the header bars to use background images to do the rounded ends, but these days you can just use this:

.cat_bar, .title_bar {padding 0; border-radius: 5px;}
.cat_bar>.catbg, .title_bar>.titlebg {padding 0 9px;}

That should nail most of them.


Quote from: Antechinus on February 08, 2021, 02:50:51 PM
Nobody is going to lock the topic in a hurry, :)

The fancy last post stuff was me deciding to make a handy reference of all theme changes since 2.0 Final, so it can be used for updating old themes. I figured it was about time someone made it. Now that it's done it will be easy to add future patches to it as well.

If you have your site running online it would be easiest to give people a direct link to it. That way anyone can use browser dev tools on the site and quickly figure out what is wrong with your block header bars.

My 2c is that these days it doesn't make sense to use the ancient CSS that comes with SMF 2.0.x. That coded the header bars to use background images to do the rounded ends, but these days you can just use this:

.cat_bar, .title_bar {padding 0; border-radius: 5px;}
.cat_bar>.catbg, .title_bar>.titlebg {padding 0 9px;}

That should nail most of them.

Yes my site is online since I thought it would be easier, link is [nofollow] if you need an account with admin rights let me know


Just make the forum public. Doesn't matter if it's a bit messy at the moment. No need for an account.


if the issue is with simpleportal not showing things correctly, it may help to update it to the latest version, maybe it was a bug in the older version that was fixed in the newer


Good point. They're up to 2.3.7 now:

ETA: Oh, here's a thing...

Quote from: Chen Zhen on January 26, 2021, 06:59:42 PM
Simple Portal was never designed for mobile display.
It uses standard tables and does not contain the appropriate CSS to make it responsive.
I don't know if Sinan intends to update SP at some point to make such changes.

Tiny Portal is responsive out of the box. Might be worth considering changing portals. You could make SP responsive, but there would be a bit of work in it.

ETA: Come to think of it, making SP responsive is probably pretty easy. I should do it just for giggles.


Quote from: shadav on February 08, 2021, 03:48:31 PM
if the issue is with simpleportal not showing things correctly, it may help to update it to the latest version, maybe it was a bug in the older version that was fixed in the newer

Quote from: Antechinus on February 08, 2021, 03:51:09 PM
Good point. They're up to 2.3.7 now:

ETA: Oh, here's a thing...

Quote from: Chen Zhen on January 26, 2021, 06:59:42 PM
Simple Portal was never designed for mobile display.
It uses standard tables and does not contain the appropriate CSS to make it responsive.
I don't know if Sinan intends to update SP at some point to make such changes.

Tiny Portal is responsive out of the box. Might be worth considering changing portals. You could make SP responsive, but there would be a bit of work in it.

ETA: Come to think of it, making SP responsive is probably pretty easy. I should do it just for giggles.

But would update simpleportal change the way the block looks? Remember I want to keep the style

Here is another update, I fixed the blocks sides but did it dirty :b Found out it uses main_block.png image which has other "classes"
so I edited the image on photoshop and removed the borders

Original image

Edited one

How it looks now

So that means there is something wrong in the code that makes it not showing the left side?!

Now I have to find out how to move the text to the right since it's too close to the edge and also change the blue letters to white.


That's why I suggested using border-radius and custom padding on the header bars. ;)

ETA: Oh bother. They've gone and used effing table rows and cells for doing the block header bars. Just to make things awkward. :P Can be fixed, but is more of a nuisance.

QuoteBut would update simpleportal change the way the block looks? Remember I want to keep the style.

Shouldn't do. The colours and images are picked up from the theme you are using.

Hey do you know about using right click > Inspect Element in your browser? It's the easiest way of finding out which bits of code are affecting which elements on the page.


Anyway, your blue links are coming from this in index.css:

a:link, a:visited {
    color: #069;
    text-decoration: none;

You can tweak them by using something like this:

.catbg a:link, .catbg a:visited {
    color: #fff;
    text-decoration: none;


Quote from: Antechinus on February 08, 2021, 06:25:07 PM
That's why I suggested using border-radius and custom padding on the header bars. ;)

ETA: Oh bother. They've gone and used effing table rows and cells for doing the block header bars. Just to make things awkward. :P Can be fixed, but is more of a nuisance.

QuoteBut would update simpleportal change the way the block looks? Remember I want to keep the style.

Shouldn't do. The colours and images are picked up from the theme you are using.

Hey do you know about using right click > Inspect Element in your browser? It's the easiest way of finding out which bits of code are affecting which elements on the page.

luckly block headers now looks almost the same as original, can I leave them like that or there might be some problem in the near future?

About updating, I might stick with this version some more :b

Quote from: Antechinus on February 08, 2021, 06:29:39 PM
Anyway, your blue links are coming from this in index.css:

a:link, a:visited {
    color: #069;
    text-decoration: none;

You can tweak them by using something like this:

.catbg a:link, .catbg a:visited {
    color: #fff;
    text-decoration: none;

Thank you, I already added it to index.css and it looks fantastic <3 Might play a little bit and try to move the text


I really would update SP to 2.3.7 as it's likely to have some bug fixes in it, and it shouldn't break your theme. Your call though.

For header bar is SP blocks you can do things like this:

table.sp_block, table.sp_block tbody {display: block}
table.sp_block tr {display: block;}
table.sp_block tr.catbg {display: flex; padding: 02px 6px; border-radius: 6px 6px 0 0}
table.sp_block tr.windowbg, table.sp_block tr.windowbg td, table.sp_block tr.windowbg2 {display: block;}
table.sp_block tr.catbg td {flex: 1 1 auto}
table.sp_block tr.catbg td:first-child {flex: 0 0 auto}

That can probably be cleaned up a bit (it's a quick bash at testing live) but will give the lower block header bars on the front page a radius on their top left and top right corners. The same principle can easily be applied to other elements too. I have to run off and do some things now, so won't have time to play with it for the rest of the day.


By the way, this question is what prompted me to make the complete list of all theme edits for all 2.0.x patches:

Quote from: Sir Osis of Liver on February 07, 2021, 10:33:37 PMMost importantly the login session check.  Anyone have the link?

Turns out the relevant patch is this one:;file=smf_patch_2.0.14.tar.gz;smf_version=2.0.13

I can tell it's that one, because that's the only patch that includes index.template.php. :)

I'd advise doing that edit to any pre-2.0.14 theme. It's an easy one, and will save some hassle with sessions when the forum is running live.

Ninja ZX-10RR

Quote from: Antechinus on February 08, 2021, 03:51:09 PM
ETA: Come to think of it, making SP responsive is probably pretty easy. I should do it just for giggles.
Aye, worst thing is the min-width (why tho, I wonder), but then the tables just drop one below the other if you're using side blocks :) Dealing with that on a customer's site.

Chen Zhen updated it a bit further and kinda forked it with EhPortal for 2.1 and there were some unofficial changes for 2.3.8 (especially for copyright injection, even I changed it with my own code).

Quote from: Antechinus on February 08, 2021, 07:00:16 PM
table.sp_block, table.sp_block tbody {display: block}
table.sp_block tr {display: block;}
table.sp_block tr.catbg {display: flex; padding: 02px 6px; border-radius: 6px 6px 0 0}
table.sp_block tr.windowbg, table.sp_block tr.windowbg td, table.sp_block tr.windowbg2 {display: block;}
table.sp_block tr.catbg td {flex: 1 1 auto}
table.sp_block tr.catbg td:first-child {flex: 0 0 auto}

That can probably be cleaned up a bit (it's a quick bash at testing live) but will give the lower block header bars on the front page a radius on their top left and top right corners. The same principle can easily be applied to other elements too. I have to run off and do some things now, so won't have time to play with it for the rest of the day.
Inspirational, although if you want to really clear it up you probably want to get rid of the background images and replace them with the actual colors, be it rgb with transparency or whatever you want :) Same for the buttons, they all have the same crappy span with the rounded image bit to compensate for the lack of border-radius support some 20 years ago ;D And then the hover effects with different colors, and you can add a 0.1s transition and... Yeah, make it 2021 instead of 2005.
Not gonna lie posts like these made me want to learn how to design and now I have several years of experience myself, but it all started out from posts like yours, thank you.

Back on topic yeah, link isn't public, so it's a bit problematic to help blindly, even though Antechinus above me had a rather good go at it.
Quote from: BeastMode topic=525177.msg3720020#msg3720020
It's so powerful that on this post and even in the two PMs you sent me,you still answered my question very quickly and you're apologizing for the delay. You're the #1 support I've probably ever encountered man, so much respect for that. Thank you, and get better soon.

I'll keep this in my siggy for a while just to remind me that someone appreciated what I did while others didn't.

♥ Jess ♥

