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Database Dreams - Music And Chart

Started by mickjav, August 06, 2021, 02:24:28 PM

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Just Updated My Site With my First Mod Thanks to @Diego Andrés For all his help.

This is the first stage of a very large system

I've synced my personal DB with the site data for all artists Data
I have add the homepages for artists Which are searchable here

I have also added a like/fan system which will be expanded on in later version.

There are 5 artists "The Original Artists" Available in the Artists block top left these five have been updated with galleries and links.

I've also moded both the galleries and links sections to make attaching artist to both simple

There is also a edit system for the artists again this will be expanded as I learn more.

Thanks to all who have help be get this far.


Stage 2 is well underway Think I'll be ready to add to main site this weekend

have added 600,000 recordings details on top of the 150,000 for artists details

NOTE THE LINKS ALL POINT TO MAIN SITE FOR RECORDINGS;area=artists;sa=home;art=-477275235

I am looking for somebody to build me some images this will be paid work

  • the post/no post on forum index I want this images to replace the index set but image will be edited for posts/no posts etc
    These are what I had built for my 2.0.19 forum
    off.png on2.pnp
    Both were for a dark background
  • My Albums, My Singles Images will be sized for 20x20 what these are is each member will be able to add any recording to there list of recording which will at a later date be available in there profile
  • Other image will be for Edit Recording

There may be more as I develop the system further PM Me if interested.

Also looking for somebody to help test these new system again pm if interested.

All the best mick


Well I did it again...

Just moved version 1 of our newest section onto to main music & charts site.

after adding nearly 4 million records I now have the first of a number of systems for my charts this being the number 1's;area=charts;sa=numone.

I would like to thank all this who continue to help even when I ask silly questions lol

All the best mick

PS It's a work in progress I'm waiting on a new banner for it and the queries may need some tweaking to speed it up  :o


Geez mick, what you've put together is nothing short of impressive!
My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.


We'll I've been at it again, Working Over Christmas  :o  :o

But I think the result is worth all the headaches;area=charts;sa=weekly

This is the last major piece of my chart system, It's still not 100% complete as will be adding a Data Error reporting system plus A Chat system designed to work with the weekly charts, I was going to combine the 2 but can make the error Report system a classy tool on it's own.

As Always thanks goes out to those who have helped over the last year your all stars.

All the best mick.
Music & Charts Site Project


My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.


Works have now been completed on the next phase Of DD Music & Charts

I would like to thank @Diego Andrés for the Amazing job he did on this mod.

I had 2 options, both with their benefits and drawbacks

  • Create a script that would update topics on mass for those within the charts for that week, this might have been 100-200 Topics. The drawback to that was the data would still be semi updated, and no additional systems could be used.
  • Use BBCodes and get info from DB, Which is what I decided to do as Read below

As I went for option 2 I am now able to add some additional features to it
See Here:

So what Diego has done for me is enable 4 bbcodes that use a file I added with functions to display
Album Info stored in my dB Awards, Info, Stats & Tracks.

You can see one result below "Please note, I still have the Colour formats to add"

This is what the old system looked like
I will be updating above soon

This is also useable for groups, so members with the correct permissions can post one or more bbcodes but that will be very limited  :o

So in a nutshell, I have a system that is current to the visitor viewing it.

As already said I still have lots to do and intend working on it over easter.


I just signed up so I could look at some things I couldn't as a guest ...

Amazing, amazing job Mick!
My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.


Thanks, Steve, but most of the heavy lifting has been done by @Diego Andrés It's still got a long ways to go.

There is a lot that guests just don't get to experience and a lot of available resources, plus members can interact with the wide system.

Hopefully one day it'll take off, but I still have a min of a year left on the development


I understand that and appropriate kudos to Diego as well. My comment still stands. In the meantime, okay to stay a member?
My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.


Quote from: Steve on April 06, 2023, 07:35:59 AMI understand that and appropriate kudos to Diego as well. My comment still stands. In the meantime, okay to stay a member?

Yeah no problem.


Have completed Stage 2 or is it 3 lol of the Albums Database, Again Thanks to @Diego Andrés For his work on this section.

Plus I have added a most popular tracks List complete with a list of albums that track is on.;area=album;sa=top

Currently looking at adding a module to the ST Shop, Which will allow me to create some prize items

Still got a mass of work left to do, but most of that now is behind the scenes.

All the best mick.


Just had a look at your site and searched for an artist's picture. I noticed that there's a hover effect setting a white border which makes the formatting jerking.

Maybe you'd want to edit this selector

.fn-container img {
border-width: 0px;

.fn-container img {
        border: 2px solid transparent;



You can't look at the main site, so have removed the link from my profile sig.

You can check out the test site, "There may be errors"

Gallery System Update
Still have work to do in this system;sa=view;id=24760;gpid=24309

  • Altered the gallery system, so images are able to be added from all music sections that use pictures.
  • Updated permissions, so members of specific group can now create gallery sets Via artists main page I.E. Main, Tours/concerts, Album Covers, Videos.
  • Added a many-to-many table, so pictures can be shared between galleries.
  • Made it easier to copy pictures by adding a button to the view picture page
  • Altered the Copy picture so it no longer created another image set, It now uses the many-to-many table.
  • Edited all code that created a copy of images I.E. set as thumbnail, copy image
  • Added Connections to stats showing all gallieries that picture is in.

Links section;area=people;sa=person;pers=672
Updated add/edit links so links can be added from people, tour venue sites Atc

New Sections:
Tours Concerts

Report System in progress
Help System "Not Started"
Awards System "Still a few pages to add"
Personal charts system "Not Started"
Gigging system "Not Started"

I have updated the Albums database, taking it away from the forums and creating it's own page;area=album;sa=albums;rec=1637532409;art=-477275235

Artists homepages have been updated

Plus so many other updates it's hard to remember them lol

I'm only able to spend between 6-10 hours a week on the code as I'm also adding data to all sections I have another 4 million chart entries to sort and add plus another 100k album tracks to add

So I'm not expecting it to be ready until July next year as I'm unable to give access to main site to others while in maintenance mode unless this mode is updated for 2.1.4 Allow Access in Maintenance Mode

Also added a managers section to aprovals of all music items, pictures, Links


I may create a mod for this once I have it working fully.

This does require a lot of data as it's a page system

  • Any page can be turned off too general members/Guests
  • uses action & sa to display page correctly
  • portal page that don't use action can have a help page "See image below"
  • help pages are able to have multiple topics.
  • Topics can be moved up/down
  • FAQ System will be included
  • found helpful system "using the topics likes table"

Menu button will only be visible for pages with active help entry in main help table

image below shows my testing site homepage system "it's a work in progress"
2024-07-17 (1).png

topics entry system BBC Code can be used making it more interesting
2024-07-17 (2).png


2024-2025 redesign update

Finally got my albums' system working.

  • All tracks can be rated 1-5
  • Album can be rated 1-10
  • Votes can be changed after 10 mins
  • votes locked after 2 days

Planned additions reliant on other systems
members of managers groups will be able too:

  • Add Genre /styles
  • Add Info I.E. Producer, songwriters Act.

above, currently added via my db export

Example Test Site;area=album;sa=albums;rec=-1489224253;art=-477275235


2024-07-25 (1).png


Gonna start posting with updates as I bring each new section online or get them to a level where they are usable.

I'm currently working on a fan system that only allows members who have joined an artists fan club to view  or add any of the following, fan topics, fan gallery, fan links plus a banner system a ban system.

I'll post the help page image with each section as I'm only allowing current members in until I complete all main section.

Below is the homepage help page which is used to allow visitors to jump to any page of interest.
