PAID: Automated key word review caution message pop up before posting

Started by njtweb, August 10, 2021, 09:33:11 AM

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I'd like a mod where a keyword can be added to the mod admin interface which if identified after the guest or member hits submit, it will pop up a message that warns them their comment or post will be reviewed based on the reason I provide as the  result for the key word being found. It should have an ok button and then allow the post to be made. At which point the admins will review and decide if it's kept.

For instance the word masks, this is both acceptable and unacceptable. It's acceptable if it pertains to what the players wear on their helmet, like a cage or clear plastic cover. What isn't acceptable is anything pertaining to cloth or paper coverings on the face because they typically include obnoxious political verbiage immediately following.

Problem: I have the same people coming back and complaining about their posts being deleted due to constant spamming. There is a proclamation on my index displayed that advises anybody posting as a guest anonymously is subject to review due to the political spamming.

Reason: They post the same crap every day about covid and it started to become such a problem because the posts were burying actual site specific content.

Admin side:
A field for key word
A field for pop message verbiage
A check box to turn on or off
A link to add another key word and pop up message
Caviate - If a comment or post has more than one key word, the end user only gets one pop up message, not multiple messages.
A save button
Guest/Member side in production
When a guest posts a comment or new post which has an identified keyword, when they hit submit they will see a popup notification that informs them a key word was identified, (and includes my pop up message verbiage). They can then hit the okay button to clear the notification and the post will complete. THE POST IS NOT TO GO INTO MODERATION, it is to be allowed to complete posting. An admin will decide if the post or comment will remain.

Budge $50
