No registration notice to admin or applicant

Started by ConfusedToday, November 17, 2021, 09:46:03 PM

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I made one modification to the text on the registration page, changing the word "Username" to "Your Name" in themes/default/languages/index.english.php like this:

$txt['login'] = 'Login';
// Use numeric entities in the below string.
$txt['username'] = 'Your Full Name';
$txt['password'] = 'Password';

I hadn't yet test email. So after that, registered as a test with another email account. Neither my admin email account nor the test email account received an email of registration. I've checked spam and refreshed pages. I double checked the spelling in the emails.

Forum set to require admin approval. Notify admins when new member joins is checked. I also approved test member and selected send email. No email arrived.

I can go to membership and see a pending member. Nothing in the error logs.

Any ideas? Thank you!


I made a similar adjustment to mine to change location to a certain member number.  Worked fine.  Though I do get a handful of people claiming they never received the email to activate.   Out of 1,000 users I think I did 10 or 15 we couldn't attribute to a misspelled email address or spam folder.


If 'Admin Approval' is chosen for 'Method of registration employed for new members' in 'Administration Center > Registration > Settings' there are two places in which you can approve a membership application:

1. Via 'Administration Center >> Members > View All Members > Awaiting Approval'; and
You cannot view this attachment.

2. Via the Summary section of a member's profile.
You cannot view this attachment.

If you process a membership application via the Administration Center you will have the following account options:
Approve and send email
Approve and require activation
Delete and send email

However, if you process a membership application via the member's profile you can only approve or delete the account.  You will not be the given the option to send an email message or require activation and the member will not receive an email message to advise that their account has en approved or deleted.  This is despite the fact the applicant received the following message when they applied: Before you can login and start using the forum, your request will be reviewed and approved.  When this happens, you will receive another email from this address.

See Activation Required and Emails for Accounts Approved via Member Profile for a workaround to this issue ...
Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful ...

"Before you allow people access to your forum, especially in an administrative position, you must be aware that that person can seriously damage your forum. Therefore, you should only allow people that you trust, implicitly, to have such access." -Douglas


Quote from: rcane on November 17, 2021, 10:30:21 PMI made a similar adjustment to mine to change location to a certain member number.  Worked fine.  Though I do get a handful of people claiming they never received the email to activate.   Out of 1,000 users I think I did 10 or 15 we couldn't attribute to a misspelled email address or spam folder.

I'm in your group there. It seems to run well. Nice job!


Quote from: GL700Wing on November 18, 2021, 02:06:27 AMIf 'Admin Approval' is chosen for 'Method of registration employed for new members' in 'Administration Center > Registration > Settings' there are two places in which you can approve a membership application:

1. Via 'Administration Center >> Members > View All Members > Awaiting Approval'; and
You cannot view this attachment.

I'm doing what you listed first. I'll follow the link you posted at the bottom. Thank you.


I went through all the possible settings and still can't understand why no email is going to the applicant address, including the acceptance email. I restored the text to "Username" in case that was the problem. Nothing else in the code has been modified. "Notify administrators when a new member joins" is checked. I have not installed any mods. I never changed themes. I'm checking spam. My test email accounts are not connected to the forum.


Quote from: ConfusedToday on November 18, 2021, 09:35:11 AM
Quote from: rcane on November 17, 2021, 10:30:21 PMI made a similar adjustment to mine to change location to a certain member number.  Worked fine.  Though I do get a handful of people claiming they never received the email to activate.   Out of 1,000 users I think I did 10 or 15 we couldn't attribute to a misspelled email address or spam folder.

I'm in your group there. It seems to run well. Nice job!

You know there was a nice side-effect of that too.  Bot-spotter.

I merely changed the display text of the field "location" to have members put an ID # in there (for me to check elsewhere to verify them) and did nothing to the form field itself. 

When I scroll through the 'waiting for approval' list, any time I see a city name where there should be a number I can tell a bot was trying to sign up.   You have to click on the the names to read them though.   I'd love to be able to see that field on on the "waiting for approval" page.  You could just scroll down with your eyes to spot the fakes.


Are the OTEHR emails from your forum being sent (and received)?

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: Kindred on November 18, 2021, 11:58:50 AMAre the OTEHR emails from your forum being sent (and received)?

No one else in the forum. I'm not using it until everything is running smoothly. I've been using various email accounts from different hosts, and I have no success. I also changed my email in the forum and the admin email. Should they be different? Just tried making them different and did not work.


Ah -- rather than focus on the specific instance, it's important to make sure that the feature itself is working first. :).

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I did not do this because I don't know where php.ini is....not sure if that's a factor. Oh, nothing in the error logs.

The following must be changed in the php.ini file:

    The engine directive must be set to On.
    The magic_quotes_sybase directive must be set to Off.
    The session.save_path directive must be set to a valid directory or empty.
    The file_uploads directive must be set to On.
    The upload_tmp_dir directive must be set to a valid directory or empty.
    The fileinfo must be enabled.


Just tried taking the everything out of the forum folder at the server and put it directly under public_html. Boy that back fired! I think I put it all back together alright.

That email test isn't doing anything. When I call it up in the browser, I just see the text.

I've been using two of my email accounts. Should I get an email account under the domain name? I tried change.

Here's what my screen looks like running the testmail script now:

,�7�Mq␏␜)��␘ToR��#D�kZ60ͦ��␈M��Ǐ�� m��-+2ܦ�U�␁�-e� endstream endobj 3 0 obj 800 endobj 5 0 obj <> stream x��|y|SU��9���۽7�Mn�=m�6]�Ғ�\(␔␔�␅A@� ␂␂�@]�e␄W␄QT�p␙yGtFq)e1��:� :��8␃���*���␌4��s�������/m�z��g_ν�␋�!#Z�␘$���e�G�␑|^E␈␋g_tA`�B���>��f��e�,9y�s␟#�[��j�9�/����y*���"����ygͽ�.����n�F�␂␘���␑5�?�~d��␋~}�xĀ�␒#�W,^z�Y��̅␛.YC�K����␃��␌B���_��d��G�� �I���eKϿ��"t�b:��y�z�=�C␟��o�1␌��␃�c5�␓�U�5Z��`4�-␜/Xmv��\n���␏␄C�H4␖/+�H$+�R�5�u���a�M�3�#Z���␟�S�ފ�P��9ȇP�@��Q���|��P ���SJ��g �ݮ�S��b���h �␅� cu���a$#␋��G␌,�tԌ֡��[hj�[␘ �␇�7(��ЂB␞�h9��ߠ␇0A␄�jDo�y�f��$�/␁n␕��ل�B�p�)�␎�@���␕␅=��␐/i������,m�P]�␎?˾R��~�����〱}8Ģ�Յ␛ �␔�Eft�����PSX␂gME�х�rx�␕��5<�� �␋�����3,GO��8�"v6␒�d8�␚t␗ځ�A�л�c��␅��␕�M�_�����␔N*�),Ec�DԁV��␗G�Hr:s:�␘�N���␏␖|p�)�"�kt␙Z�nF��;�=�W�␐=�B�2�!7␚�NGs`5��3=�^A␇�␖��p,����"���␃��";��8e�oA���>��@{��� �淰�␌�p␂O�g���k�M�6� ~␔?��$*�.�0W�/�_��.�␋w␗␞����␇␅P9@�␑�␂�| }␁��␂'q␖��$H����?��+�-,/�Px␇�Q␜�␝�F�o����S_��F�Ћp�k���␓�␏X%␆�k␑�a<␙��/��x␌����␈�k$�I␏��$���i���[��|O��|����]�c�U␅� p�V�@'Z��W � ��␂�E����␞j�g␝����␋��␟␅tҒ+ȣ���`nf^a%�������]�-�ta␂�␖�THBi�␛␎�4␕̀k_␅��z␄ �␅��m�5vb␟��'���t<␛/�K�2܅/×ê>���]�m�W�5a���a�␒�lr␕YG��=�m�� �Tf:��\Ƭc�2�3��␜�d�� �l�␒�R␕R1jQ��Q��%�s����c�*?:�n���s���␟␕␌�݅��␚U�3�@��3�␆~�u�&t?��#��␟�Oї��`-␘��.xb�␂�Vx� ����␌<␟�␖�E��+�&܃������+x/�␋��C0<}␕�e� ����␛�&�H7y␏��'�dbL��e�␖f6������{�d>`>f kgk�S���K*F5Wu��␞�␞�˪/Ԝzf�GL␙���W�sl␋�␘m@␝�a� �!��7�␈�=����n^��� �$�␈�␅X�␄�4���� �!N3�^��'��46�␘�␅@o��N�#��C�)t��␃L��y�l ��{�[�␖�␎Z␎�DĄ�@#�H�␂�{␓u␁�*�'�?�+���Q�␒b*�d?U␑�/�␇G���␓>␝��␎"�je�M(␌}␎�A}␒P�{��;�4��␞d���_al1Z���߸␋-&���.�@���␎|/S���]�␚Mh␑� ��2␒␂|���␇_��@�G6␑2␟�������␙�ױ@��␕��K� x5J�~�,z�܂␚�<晣R�␙�G��ff␜ڌ�����␐␖��␜�f5p␏␙0�␁�␑S�2�L␌��␑�H␒�␓8�)�'����b�␐��|�␟$#Q;�ǜO��␝��ّL␝��N�&��&-R5��l␚ �)j␁l<␇!�␂���*�f�d␎␗f␔��Y*s�␃t)��8�n7-�C�c␑��'�␅2�-␔NC��␓�␇␅␇6� z�␔�߆�q�␐�]␅␃�␄␘~������ ���� ���␎݊�Fσ4�␈r+␎�x ��␙�{␖���F��␞~]␋␚␅\�$��@�␁?� \r>�␕�␂�{␟z␔m␆ 5␞��L8o>Z␄�烄�␌]␁��␒�␁␞p␇z␈�A␞!�3Ar=y�\D␖�����K��OC��U�rt*��I� w␞␆P��yk o��ʑ␛��␚�␔��e���␟����␞�g�U= }�nEe�␝����J␞9Eζ�h�␌oj␜V�����NUU&␓␕�e�X4␒␎␅␃~���vIN�h�Y␅���MF�^�ըU,C0J� ��␎t�fw���q��␟>␋␆�␚20�;Cm�␟�␝��␜␖8�H␙����r�Hy�H�␅�Qse20&␜�~mt8�çO�␎�␛G�g␄����␄�}��6A;␘�␓␂c�␋F␇������␖�␞3{4\n�A�␚n���L��z␃4 ��v��mƎ␖�4�c���␄iM�Pݮ��1�Rx4}�n&:欹�␝���␙�␎␆gT&�q���9�(<�ےP␎A��m�խ�␚�6���נ␛␂��Ϯ^��М�


in general, yes.  Unless you know how to configure it -- the email from your forum should be sent using an address at the same domain as your forum.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I'm going to delete everything and start over again tomorrow.


I deleted everything and started over, this time not creating a "Forum" folder and going straight to "public_html". Still no emails sent. I found a email tracer at the host, and there's no records of any emails being sent. That tells me the program is not sending email on registration or admin acceptance. I'm selecting "Approve and send email". I'm using the domain name email address. I'm testing with other addresses as a new member trying to register. The guests blocks are not checked and no permissions (such as viewing polls) granted. "Notify administrators when a new member joins" is checked. I have not installed any mods. I never changed themes. I'm checking spam. I'm running Firefox 94.0.1. This program is absolutely worthless without email notification to new members. Does anyone else have this problem? Does anyone have any ideas?


in your admin under maintenance then under mail and then under settings
what do you have set there?


I deleted it again. Spent 10 hours working on it. The program won't send emails. I have to find something that will, maybe give phpBB a try.


well best of luck, if you decide to come back to this then feel free to reply again and let us know what your mail settings are

and are you sure you're able to send emails from your host to begin with?

in the meantime then I'm going to mark this topic as solved

but feel free to mark it unsolved and reply if you decide to try again


Think I found the problem. I get this message at host (also for 2.0.18):

! The selected version 2.0.17 is not compatible with the selected install location.

php 5.4-7.4.99 (detected: 8.0.11)

Also, I can't find php.ini top do this:

The following must be changed in the php.ini file:

    The engine directive must be set to On.
    The magic_quotes_sybase directive must be set to Off.
    The session.save_path directive must be set to a valid directory or empty.
    The file_uploads directive must be set to On.
    The upload_tmp_dir directive must be set to a valid directory or empty.


i dont think that is directly related to getting the email working. i would not recommend sticking with PHP 5.4 if you have higher versions available.
