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Theme Development Request

Started by Bixby, February 26, 2024, 11:36:17 AM

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Good day one and all.

I was wondering if there is a process or means to request a theme. We have a site that is getting some uptake in membership and have some plans for growth in our community and would like to explore setting up a minimalistic theme in preparation of the growth.

Perhaps, some background information is in order.

I am the founder and co-chair of an annual charity fundraising campaign/event that uses board games and board game events to raise money to address food insecurity, homelessness, and poverty. The event is called "Play with Your Food" (PwYF). The success of the event has grown significantly. Last year we tried to raise $15,000 and raised over $45,000. This year we are on track to raise over $50,000. It is all so humbling. For more information you can check out the charity site at

The success of that event led us to set up a community branch of PwYF that is focused on running free weekly public boardgame events as a means of hobby outreach. A year ago we were asked to take over a weekly event that was in a state of decline. The event is called ChewsDay Challenge and in this past year we have doubled attendance and are still experiencing growth. The Community site uses SMF to plan weekly boardgame events and that is the focus of this request. We would like to give the site a makeover. We are getting requests to grow our suite of public boardgame events and would like to prepare for that growth. The site running for the public boardgame events is located at

We are looking to work with an established theme designer to help us, one with a history of developing & supporting SMF themes. We have long term plans and want to make sure the theme can grow with future versions of SMF. We are curious to learn if there is interest in partnering with us, what the costs would be along with timelines.

I should mention that I am just fact finding at this point and will take the information back to our leadership team once I have more info.

Thanks in advance and thanks for the ongoing commitment to SMF. I have used SMF since 2007 for my own site and it has been a tremendous boon for organizing events and community.

"Life is Short; Play Games!"
Life is Short; Play Games!


you can request in the Help Wanted section... 

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Seeing that you are currently using one of my free themes(Bend), I believe I could be of assistance.  Shoot me a PM if you wanna discuss things further :).


DO NOT pm me for support!
