problems with upgrade 1.0.5 to 1.1rc1

Started by Greybrow, December 27, 2005, 01:57:13 PM

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I tried to update from 1.0.5 to 1.1rc1, and it was hours of trouble.
Upgrade script stopped when it met tables that were already updated, and it tried to update them again.
Updating Settings.php... Successful.
Creating new tables and inserting default data... Unsuccessful!

This query:
ALTER TABLE yabbse_permissions
ADD addDeny tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1';
Caused the error:
Repeated column name 'addDeny'

After a while I came to idea, that script tries to update every previous version than 1.1 with upgrade_1-0.sql, so I hacked it to use upgrade_1-1.sql
But still there were some tables that were already updated, so I hacked upgrade_1-1.sql to not to update them.
After that, forum upgraded fine, and works fine.

All this I have done on my home computer. I didn't want to try it online, because restoring backups for my forum, takes almost 5 minutes now. I've used before upgrading repair_paths and repair_settings scripts to make it work on my home computer.
Forum was updated from 1.0 with 1.0.2, 1.0.4 and 1.0.5 scripts by package manager.
Forum is so old that it remembers yabb perl text version and yabbse.

Any help? Am I doing something wrong? I want to be sure before I'll try to update it on the real forum.
I may provide you with the code hacked and mine 1.0.5 tables structure.
