The default theme's directory is wrong, please correct it by clicking this text.

Started by, July 03, 2006, 06:35:13 PM

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Hi guys,Sorry if this has been asked but I did look.

Ive changed hosting companies and in process lost my records of what version of SMF I was using, eventually I got a version installed and working I re populated the Database with all the ex posts etc.
  Only issue is when I try to install a new theme it doesnt work,it seems or looks like the css is all over the place, buttons un recongniseable and all in write cant read whats what.
    The other thing and I thing is the main problem is when I log in as admin I get an
"The default theme's directory is wrong, please correct it by clicking this text." ICON in red at the top. now once I check this by clicking the text the DIR looks prefect
Theme URL : [nofollow]
Theme IMG URL : [nofollow]
Thems DIR : E:/hshome/rattlehe/

Now Im not the best when it comes to SMF but I know some stuff, I cant figure this out AT ALL.
  If you need more info please just ask.


If it aint broke, break it.

When I do that,
I go into /Sources/RepairBoards.php

Im guessing thats the closest thing to repair settings.php as I cant find that.
Once I go to the above file all I get is a page that says
"Hacking Attempt"

But solves nothing
