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Calendar mods

Started by Chris Curran, January 21, 2006, 11:14:33 AM

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Chris Curran

Nope. And I don't know if there ever will be one - those who I've asked for help seem to have forgotten....


Quote from: circles on July 05, 2006, 01:54:04 PM
Did anybody make a mod pkg for this? I'd like it if it exists.




I have not forgotten. I have just been overwhelmed with a case of "life" (who would've thunk it)

My real-life boss is on leave, so I am holding down both her job as well as all my own tasks... :(

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."

Chris Curran

:)... I'm always amused by folks who discover just how hard "life" really is. I have a wife, three kids (one still at home) and a grandkid, I'm the PM of seven programmers (i.e. seven egos) on a project that debuts at the NAMM show on the 14'th, I haven't seen a vacation in years and I never miss a New Moon weekend with my astro buddies. Don't talk to me about "life".... :)

Psst: old school organizational tip: Get yourself some of those small pocket sized spiral-bound notebooks (the paper kind, not electronic). They come in packs of 10 for about 3 bucks. Write it down and you'll be amazed at how much more you accomplish. I stopped trusting my memory after enjoying the 70's a bit too much...


Quote from: Kindred on July 07, 2006, 09:52:05 AM

I have not forgotten. I have just been overwhelmed with a case of "life" (who would've thunk it)

My real-life boss is on leave, so I am holding down both her job as well as all my own tasks... :(


Quote from: Chris Curran on May 01, 2006, 09:48:10 AM
I don't have a "mod" package for my code. I'll make the code available to anyone that wants to make a "mod" package....


Quote from: rpalmer68 on April 22, 2006, 11:14:27 AM
Hi Chris,

Is your mod for recurring calendar events available for 1.1 RC2?

This is all I need, I don't need the additional stuff in kindred's mod (also yet to be released)

Sydney, Australia

I'd like to try and make a package from your code. Where can I get your post.php and calendar.php files?

Chris Curran

Check your PM's....

Quote from: cyberbillp on August 07, 2006, 08:24:13 PM
I'd like to try and make a package from your code. Where can I get your post.php and calendar.php files?


I keep doing a search on the forums here every couple of weeks in hopes that this has been packaged by someone. The lack of recurring events is killing me since we schedule daily activites, some that happen every week. Arrggh!! ;)

Will a small donation help get this moving?

Chris Curran

I understand. I have gotten numerous requests for this feature via email, but so far no one has stepped up to the plate... Send a note to the SMF development staff - maybe they will get involved if they know there are enough folks out there that want this type of mod?


Quote from: satterwc on August 25, 2006, 01:04:20 PM
I keep doing a search on the forums here every couple of weeks in hopes that this has been packaged by someone. The lack of recurring events is killing me since we schedule daily activites, some that happen every week. Arrggh!! ;)

Will a small donation help get this moving?


why chris's modifications wouldnt be built into the default build is beyond me.


Chris Curran

Good news, and more good news:

1) I have updated my repeating events and moon phase code (for the Calendar) to support SMF 1.1.1.

2) I finally sat down and wrote a mod package for this! It needs beta testing - anyone?

Chris Curran


sure - i'm free to test it (inside and out) --- where should i begin?

Chris Curran

I uploaded the mod to the system last night:

It awaits approval from those who do that sort of thing here....




I've just been checking it out just a little (so far).
on the surface it functions near 100%...

one issue is while this mod is installed, when entering to edit an existing event > the edit form does not reflect original dates - and so dates need to be re-entered upon every edit (not the case without this mod)

there seems to be some other issues too, but i gotta double check 'em
- like at sometime existing events that were spanned lost their span somehow (during unistall or reinstall)
- we probably can swing more efficient use of DB while installed
- i also wonder about leaving the DB modified after uninstall (not the best thing)
- questionable if such is a real "issue" (i can't reproduce such easially - maybe such is due to my own customizations) but one time the moon cycles were mixed in with upcoming posted events on the board index (didn't look good)

[ click for full size ]

note: this issue might be an effect caused by an interaction with some not fully dev'ed mods that i'm currently working on < reason why i use multible test beds - i'm checking to see if i can get this effect on a default smf install (so far - so good)...

the "issue" i mentioned above sorta intergrates with a new feature request and the following feature request below - it might be nice to have the option to display current month moonphases in its own stat box on the board index (homepage)

basically the mod does two unrelated things > makes events repeatable and displays moon phases - i think once installed displaying moonphases should be optional - i know it was one of the driving factors behind the mod's creation, but the repeatable aspect is strong enough - the repeating event aspect is inheirently optional (during post creation) so that's fine...

now consider this is feedback after a quick look (on a few test beds) - i'll be looking much deeper into this in the coming days (weeks, months ;) ) - i'm also gonna check out what other calender mods do (danny just came out with one) and see if any have some stuff here or there that might help - finally, all this stuff is right up my alley, so when i mention "issues" or "feature request" i mean either i or we can look into such, i'm not passing all the work back to you - unless you're greedy :)


Edit to post: modified to include image of effect on info center

Chris Curran

Quote from: ooop on February 03, 2007, 02:43:46 PM


one issue is while this mod is installed, when entering to edit an existing event > the edit form does not reflect original dates - and so dates need to be re-entered upon every edit (not the case without this mod)

I just checked my virgin install and it seems to be working as I expect. All previously entered dates show up as I expect them too.

- like at sometime existing events that were spanned lost their span somehow (during unistall or reinstall)

I tossed out that "span" logic as it is outdated in this methodology. Yea, it probably breaks old events, but I didn't care. :)

- we probably can swing more efficient use of DB while installed

Huh? Like what?

- i also wonder about leaving the DB modified after uninstall (not the best thing)

SOP. Read this:

- one time (and i can't reproduce such easially) the moon cycles were mixed in with upcoming posted events on the board index (didn't look good)

Not sure what you mean here....

the last issue i mentioned above sorta intergrates with a new feature request and the following feature request below - it might be nice to have the option to display current month moonphases in its own stat box on the board index (homepage)

I don't disagree, however, this is the first mod I've ever packaged up, and as you will note, it's HUGE! As you'll also note, I've asked for help with packaging this mod for close to a year now and no one ever stepped up to the plate, so I had to plow through it last night guessing at what the best practice was...

basically the mod does two unrelated things > makes events repeatable and displays moon phases - i think once installed displaying moonphases should be optional - i know it was one of the driving factors behind the mod's creation, but the repeatable aspect is strong enough - the repeating event aspect is

:) I can see how most would consider it "unrelated"..... The reality is that I needed to upgrade our astro club forum from RC2 to 1.1.1, and I didn't want to hand code it (yet again). So, I sat down yesterday and gutted through the mod process. Since our club is an "astro" club (see my homepage), the Moon Phase status is darn near as important to us as the repeating events! I live for New Moon weekends!

Breaking this mod into two separate packages is probably the right thing to do at some point, but right now since I'm rowing alone, it's going to be one package.

so when i mention "issues" or "feature request" i mean either i or we can look into such, i'm not passing all the work back to you - unless you're greedy :)

The more the merrier.... I'm a (recently) retired programmer and way past caring about "glory". I really don't want to get bogged down with a lot of feature requests that I don't have time for. Having time for my family and telescopes is what I care about.


Chris Curran


One feature that is not included in this mod is "exceptions". For example, our astro club has regular meetings on the fourth Fri of every month, *except* in Nov and Dec. I have some prelim code for this, but it's not in the mod. Let me know if you need something to do... :)



Re: "exceptions" and other stuff i had mentioned...

yeah - i saw all the neglect you had experienced on this project, kinda tragic - however, i personally don't forget/neglect things so easily and so > yeah, you can kinda think of me as on your team now - and not sooo "relaxed"...

i'll return shortly to address a few more of the things you touched on, but actually, i wanted to bring up another feature request (and don't forget, all my feature requests i will attempt to fulfill personally ;) ) - i thought of mentioning this in my last post > basically i think an added feature of a different kind of "exception" would really add to this mod's flexibility > a kinda "repeat template" where once a repeat item has been added then each appearance of such can be individually appended/edited...

if say each monday there was a lecture listed - then each individual listing can be uniquely appended to display lecture's topic, speaker, and what not:

Feb  4 - Lecture: How SMF was started
Feb 11 - Lecture: Who's who in SMF team
Feb 18 - Lecture: SMF features
Feb 25 - Lecture: How to break SMF

anywho - how to figure out how to do stuff like that (AND make such user friendly) is one of my strengths (spelling isn't ;) ) - i'll look into the type of "exceptions" you mentioned as well...

and yeah i saw that within the Mod Guidelines
QuoteMust leave nothing more behind on uninstall then language strings, database tables, and database rows
still don't like it - but it's not really a big issue - just wondered...

lot's more to cover -- i'll be back - soonish - perhaps by monday i'll even have solutions for some things...

just mainly wanted to express i'm not likely to leave you/project high and dry.

Chris Curran

Feb  4 - Lecture: How SMF was started
Feb 11 - Lecture: Who's who in SMF team
Feb 18 - Lecture: SMF features
Feb 25 - Lecture: How to break SMF

Currently, 'calendarInsertEvent()' (in Sources/Calendar.php) writes a single record to the db. Let the user click something that tells the code to write a record for each event to the db....

I added two options that control the display of the Moon Phase. Look under 'Features and Options', 'Layout and Options' in admin.

The updated package is here:

Uninstall 1.0 first..... Good thing the db doesn't get reset when you uninstall - you'd lose any repeating events you've already entered!



OK - just tripled checked, on a 2nd virgin install....

while this mod is installed, when entering to edit an existing event > the edit form does not reflect original dates - and so dates need to be re-entered upon every edit (not the case without this mod)

note event date of Feb 7

when i click the red asterisk to edit the event i get the following

notice how it reflects earliest date of smf's default install > January 1st 2004 - instead of event's actual date of Feb 7 2007

this effect takes place on 'one time events' (have not checked other type of events yet) - this effect is caused by the mod.

i shall get to the bottom of this effect ;)

Chris Curran

Quote from: ooop on February 03, 2007, 07:00:33 PM
this effect takes place on 'one time events' (have not checked other type of events yet) - this effect is caused by the mod.

i shall get to the bottom of this effect ;)

I just tried to dup and it still works fine here.... I wonder what we're doing diff.... After you enter the event, can you please chk the db raw to see if it's being written to the db correctly?



ahh - i didn't see your last post up there
LOL! > "you'd lose any repeating events you've already entered!" < yeah, i thought bout that - my "wonderings" are pretty unfounded > given the size of smf's DB - but if it was more complex then such would be an issue...

i'll check out 1.1, thx ;)

i'm gonna PM you info to my default install so you can check out the effect i speak of (went up minutes ago) -- gimme a few minutes to type the PM > i type slow...  
