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Started by snork13, February 06, 2006, 11:36:58 PM

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Quote from: DarkAngel612 on March 01, 2012, 12:00:28 AM
Quote from: Uhura! on February 29, 2012, 04:19:56 PM i looked in the location you suggested. The paypal bit of code is not there... what's next?

find his code:

'general' => array($txt['mods_cat_modifications_misc']),

immediately after it ADD this one:

'paypal' => array($txt['paypal_title']),

save and upload it to the server once more---use a duplicate file.

Hope that lets it show in the admin section where it is supposed to be located.

Thanks so much - this fixed the problem! :D
:) Our Parenting Spot is an online parenting community for fathers, mothers, grandparents, teachers, and family service professionals. 8) We also provide low cost advertising options for authors, family service providers, and businesses with family friendly products and services. ;D Visit us @!


The permission setting for who can view the Donation page has gone under all member groups, im the only one that can see the donation page.

Any ideas what could have happened?


       Just for the record, this modification installed successfully on SMF 2.0.4.It complained that it is unable to make modification to index.template.php but I continued, and it seems working, except permissions (everybody are able to access donations page).It worked on default (curve) theme, as well as on core, Anecdota, simpleboard and Clicksafe Pro-sidebar.So far, so good. :D

       Ofcourse, I had to enable SMF 2.0 emulation, in order to install.


Question: How do I change the title (in red below) from "Donations" to "Payments & Donations"?

:) Our Parenting Spot is an online parenting community for fathers, mothers, grandparents, teachers, and family service professionals. 8) We also provide low cost advertising options for authors, family service providers, and businesses with family friendly products and services. ;D Visit us @!


probably in modifications.english.php

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: Kindred on December 09, 2013, 11:59:29 AM
probably in modifications.english.php

Found the modifications.english.php here public_html/com/Themes/default/languages

It did not change hen I changed the bit in green. Any other ideas?

Quote$txt['paypal'] = 'Donations';
$txt['cannot_payPal_view'] = 'Sorry, you\'re not allowed to view the Donation Page.';
$txt['permissionname_payPal_view'] = 'View Donation Page';
$txt['permissionhelp_payPal_view'] = 'Allow the people to view the Donation Page.  If not set, the people will not see the page.';
$txt['DonationsNotEnabled'] = 'Sorry, the donation page is not enabled at the moment. Please check back later.';
// Reason for editing mod
$txt['reason'] = 'Reason';
$txt['reason_edit'] = 'Reason For Edit';
$txt['permissionname_reason_edit'] = 'Set Reason for edit';
$txt['permissionhelp_reason_edit'] = 'Set if the membergroup is allowed to put the reason for edit their own posts.';
// Reason for editing mod END
:) Our Parenting Spot is an online parenting community for fathers, mothers, grandparents, teachers, and family service professionals. 8) We also provide low cost advertising options for authors, family service providers, and businesses with family friendly products and services. ;D Visit us @!


did you clear the forum cache and your browser cache?

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: Kindred on December 09, 2013, 12:13:34 PM
did you clear the forum cache and your browser cache?

Automatically done each time I hit the refresh button.

You try it please:
:) Our Parenting Spot is an online parenting community for fathers, mothers, grandparents, teachers, and family service professionals. 8) We also provide low cost advertising options for authors, family service providers, and businesses with family friendly products and services. ;D Visit us @!


but did you clear the FORUM cache?

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Please attach your Modifications.english.php file... I can think of reasons why it might not work even though you've changed it.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.



I put everything back the way it was:


Thanks for your help with this :)

// Version: 2.0; Modifications

// SMF Sitemap Strings
$txt['sitemap'] = 'Sitemap';
$txt['sitemap_boards'] = 'Boards';
$txt['sitemap_topics'] = 'Topics';
$txt['sitemap_xml'] = 'Show Sitemap XML <em>link</em>';
$txt['sitemap_topic_count'] = 'Maximum number of topics to display in XML sitemap<br /><span class="smalltext">0 to show all (<strong class="error">NOT RECOMMENDED ON LARGE BOARDS</strong>)</span>';
$txt['sitemap_cache_ttl'] = 'Time that XML data should be cached (seconds)';
$txt['sitemap_board_none'] = 'No boards to display';
$txt['sitemap_topic_none'] = 'No topics to display';
$txt['sitemap_30day_priority'] = 'Priority for topics active in the last 30 days';
$txt['sitemap_60day_priority'] = 'Priority for topics active in the last 60 days';
$txt['sitemap_90day_priority'] = 'Priority for topics active in the last 90 days';
$txt['sitemap_91day_priority'] = 'Priority for topics older than 90 days';
$txt['invalid_sitemap_subaction'] = 'Invalid selection';

$txt['banned_user_avatar_url'] = 'For banned users, use this URL as an avatar:';
$txt['default_user_avatar_url'] = 'For users who have not set an avatar, use this URL as an avatar:';

$txt['noisen_footnote'] = 'Footnote';

$txt['infobox'] = 'Add Info Box';

$txt['sd_add'] = 'Share me:';
$txt['sd_social_bookmarks'] = 'Share me';

$txt['paypal'] = 'Donations';
$txt['cannot_payPal_view'] = 'Sorry, you\'re not allowed to view the Donation Page.';
$txt['permissionname_payPal_view'] = 'View Donation Page';
$txt['permissionhelp_payPal_view'] = 'Allow the people to view the Donation Page.  If not set, the people will not see the page.';
$txt['DonationsNotEnabled'] = 'Sorry, the donation page is not enabled at the moment. Please check back later.';
// Reason for editing mod
$txt['reason'] = 'Reason';
$txt['reason_edit'] = 'Reason For Edit';
$txt['permissionname_reason_edit'] = 'Set Reason for edit';
$txt['permissionhelp_reason_edit'] = 'Set if the membergroup is allowed to put the reason for edit their own posts.';
// Reason for editing mod END

$txt['recaptcha_configure'] = 'reCAPTCHA Verification System';
$txt['recaptcha_configure_desc'] = 'Use the reCAPTCHA Verification System. Don\'t have a key for reCAPTCHA? <a href=""> Get your reCAPTCHA key here</a>.';
$txt['recaptcha_enabled'] = 'Use reCAPTCHA Verification System';
$txt['recaptcha_enable_desc'] = '(This replaces the built-in visual verification with reCAPTCHA)';
$txt['recaptcha_theme'] = 'reCAPTCHA Theme';
$txt['recaptcha_theme_clean'] = 'Clean';
$txt['recaptcha_theme_blackglass'] = 'Black Glass';
$txt['recaptcha_theme_red'] = 'Red';
$txt['recaptcha_theme_white'] = 'White';
$txt['recaptcha_public_key'] = 'reCAPTCHA Public Key';
$txt['recaptcha_private_key'] = 'reCAPTCHA Private Key';
$txt['recaptcha_no_key_question'] = 'Don\'t have a key for reCAPTCHA?';
$txt['recaptcha_get_key'] = 'Get your reCAPTCHA key here.';

$txt['permissionname_profile_signature'] = 'Edit signature';
$txt['permissionname_profile_signature_own'] = 'Own signature';
$txt['permissionname_profile_signature_any'] = 'Any signature';
$txt['permissionname_simple_profile_signature_own'] = 'Edit their signature';
$txt['permissionname_simple_profile_signature_any'] = 'Edit other people\'s signatures';

$txt['permissionname_profile_website'] = 'Edit website details';
$txt['permissionname_profile_website_own'] = 'Own profile';
$txt['permissionname_profile_website_any'] = 'Any profile';
$txt['permissionname_simple_profile_website_own'] = 'Edit their website details';
$txt['permissionname_simple_profile_website_any'] = 'Edit other people\'s website details';

$txt['permissionname_profile_displayname'] = 'Edit display name';
$txt['permissionname_profile_displayname_own'] = 'Own display name';
$txt['permissionname_profile_displayname_any'] = 'Any display name';
$txt['permissionname_simple_profile_displayname_own'] = 'Edit their displayed name';
$txt['permissionname_simple_profile_displayname_any'] = 'Edit other people\'s displayed name';

// PJL : Start of Redirect on login/logout Mod.
$txt['logon_redirect_enable'] = 'Enable Logon Redirect<br /><span class="smalltext">(This redirect users to given URL when they login)</span>';
$txt['logon_redirect_url'] = 'Enter Login URL';
$txt['logout_redirect_enable'] = 'Enable Logout Redirect?<br /><span class="smalltext">(This redirect users to given URL when they logout)</span>';
$txt['logout_redirect_url'] = 'Enter Logout URL';
// End Mod.

$txt['lbnr'] = 'Look But No Read';
$txt['mods_cat_lbnr'] = 'Look But No Read';
$txt['boards_deny_guest_browsing'] = 'Boards to deny guest reading:';
$txt['categories_deny_guest_browsing'] = 'Categories to deny guest reading:';
$txt['enable_guest_browsing_control'] = 'Enable guest browsing control:';

// Bad Behavior Start
$txt['permissionname_badbehavior_goodgroup'] = 'Bad Behavior Whitelist Group';
$txt['permissionhelp_badbehavior_goodgroup'] = 'This option will make a member group exempt from all Bad Behavior tests.';
// Bad Behavior End

//   MOD Stop Spammer - START
$txt['stopspammer_error'] = 'Error with Anti SPAM DB. Connection Failed.<br />
Please try again later, or Contact with the WebMaster';
$txt['stopspammer_count'] = 'Spammers blocked up until today';
$txt['stopspammer_title'] = 'Search more info in `Stop Forum Spam`';

$txt['stopspammer_enable'] = 'Enable/Disable MOD Stop Spammer';
$txt['stopspammer_show01'] = 'Show Link "More Info" for All Members';
$txt['stopspammer_show01_sub'] = 'You can check any member at any time with one simple click';

$txt['stopspammer_faildb'] = 'If the Connection Fail with Anti SPAM DB...';
$txt['stopspammer_fail01'] = 'Show Error and Stop Registration';
$txt['stopspammer_fail02'] = 'Allow Immediate Registration';
$txt['stopspammer_fail03'] = 'Member Approval and show yellow icon to check later';
$txt['stopspammer_faildb1_sub'] = 'Your host can make remote connection with the DB';
$txt['stopspammer_faildb2_sub'] = 'Your host couldn\'t make connection with the DB. Try again later.<br />
If this error continues see Support Topic and search ';
$txt['stopspammer_not_translate'] = '<a href=""><span class="error"><b>Known Issues</b></span></a>';

$txt['stopspammer_leyd01'] = 'Not Spammer: This data wasn\'t in a DB. But you can check';
$txt['stopspammer_leyd02'] = 'Suspect: This member couldn\'t be checked. Check now';
$txt['stopspammer_leyd03'] = 'Spammer: See more info of activity of this spammer';

$txt['stopspammer_profilecheck'] = 'Check this member';
$txt['stopspammer_limitexceded'] = 'You have exceded the check limit (5000 API queries per day).<br />You should wait until tomorrow to check again.';

$txt['in_stop_forum_spam'] = 'In Stop Forum Spam Web:';
$txt['spammers_checks'] = 'Check these Members';
$txt['spammers_report'] = 'Report these Members';
$txt['confirm_spammers_checks'] = 'Are you sure you want to check the selected members?';
$txt['confirm_spammers_report'] = 'Are you sure you want to report the selected members?\n\nThink that when you report a member to SFS they are marked as spammer all over the world\nand they won\\\'t be able to use any of the forums connected to SFS around the world.\n\nDo it only if you are completely sure they are spammers and if by any chance you make a mistake\ntell as soon as possible the mod\\\'s creator to correct the mistake inside the SFS database.';

$txt['stopspammer_api_key'] = 'Your API key';

$txt['stopspammer_check_name'] = 'Check their username';
$txt['stopspammer_check_mail'] = 'Check their email';
$txt['stopspammer_check_ip'] = 'Check their IP';
$txt['stopspammer_check_sub2'] = 'By default, every time you check a member with MOD Stop Spammer it will check their username, email and IP. If you are getting too many false positives because of their usernames you can turn that option off. We wouldn\'t recomend you to turn off the another 2 options (to check their email and IP) unless you know what you are doing.';

// Changed from 2.3.8 to 2.3.9
$txt['stopspammer_check_sub1'] = 'If MOD Stop Spammer is enabled, every time we check a member:';
$txt['stopspammer_api_key_sub'] = 'If you want to use your own API key you must go first to <a href="" target="_blank"></a> to sign up for one and write it here. If you haven\'t got one you cannot report spammers with this mod.<br /><br />If you need help with this configuration or with anything else about Mod Stop Spammer, apart from the support forums, you can also ask for online help. If you have already installed Mod httpBL you can see how to ask for online help going to Admin => MOD httpBL => Help. If you haven\'t got it you can <a href="" target="_blank">see more info here</a>.';

// New in version 2.3.9
$txt['stopspammer_settings'] = 'MOD Stop Spammer settings';
$txt['stopspammer_enable_sub'] = 'With this check-box checked the mod is ON. With the check-box unchecked the mod is OFF.';
$txt['stopspammer_error_no_api_key'] = 'You cannot report a spammer without an API key from<br /><br />You need to register on their site first, ask them for an API key and then navigate inside your forum to:<br />Admin => Members => Registration => Settings<br />Scroll down to Stop Spammer settings, write your API key there and save your settings.';
$txt['stopspammer_no_connect_1'] = 'Mod Stop Spammer is ON but there is no connection just now with Stop Forum Spam. Please try later.';
$txt['stopspammer_no_connect_2'] = 'If the problem persists ask for help in the <a href="" target="_blank">official support forum</a>.';
$txt['stopspammer_new_version_1'] = 'Mod Stop Spammer is ON but it is not up-to-date.';
$txt['stopspammer_new_version_2'] = 'There is a new version of this mod. The version you have is: ';
$txt['stopspammer_new_version_3'] = '<a href="" target="_blank">Please update it here whenever you can</a> to the new version: ';
$txt['stopspammer_all_ok'] = 'Mod Stop Spammer is ON, it is up-to-date and the connection with Stop Forum Spam is perfect.';
$txt['stopspammer_is_off'] = 'Mod Stop Spammer is OFF.';
//   MOD Stop Spammer - END

// Topic Solved
$txt['topic_solved'] = 'Topic Solved';
$txt['topic_not_solved'] = 'Topic Not Solved';
$txt['topic_solved_quick'] = 'Mark selected as solved';
$txt['topic_solved_quick_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to mark selected topics as solved?';

$txt['topic_solved_board'] = 'Topic Solved Board';
$txt['topic_solved_board_desc'] = 'Enables the Topic Solved feature in the board';

$txt['topic_solved_log'] = 'Topic Solved Log';
$txt['topic_solved_no_log'] = 'There are no topic solve actions logged.';
$txt['topic_solved_desc'] = 'Lists topic solved actions that have been performed by moderators on your forum.';
$txt['modlog_topicsolved_log_desc'] = 'Below is a list of all the topic solved actions that have been carried out by moderators of the forum.<br /><b>Please note:</b> Entries cannot be removed from this log until they are at least twenty-four hours old.';
$txt['modlog_ac_solve'] = 'Solved &quot;{topic}&quot;';
$txt['modlog_ac_not_solve'] = 'Un-Solved &quot;{topic}&quot;';

$txt['permissionname_solve_topic'] = 'Marks topics solved';
$txt['permissionhelp_solve_topic'] = 'This permission allows a user to a topic solved.';
$txt['permissionname_solve_topic_own'] = 'Own topic';
$txt['permissionname_solve_topic_any'] = 'Any topic';
$txt['permissionname_simple_solve_topic_own'] = 'Mark their own topic as solved';
$txt['permissionname_simple_solve_topic_any'] = 'Mark anyone\'s topic as solved';

$txt['topic_solved_error_no_board'] = 'Sorry, topic solved feature is not enabled in this board.';
$txt['cannot_support_tools_solve_topic_own'] = 'You cannot mark your topics as solved.';
$txt['cannot_support_tools_solve_topic_any'] = 'You cannot mark topics as solved.';
// Topic Solved

$txt['pm_register'] = 'Send pm to new members';
$txt['pm_register_id'] = 'Select the ID of the sender';
$txt['pm_register_username'] = 'Select the Username of the sender';
$txt['pm_register_subject'] = 'The subject of the PM';
$txt['pm_register_body'] = 'The message of the PM (BBCODE)';
$txt['pm_register_body_desc'] = 'This is where you set the message that you would like to send to the user. To insert the username of the user just insert "<b>{$username}</b>".  For forum name use "<b>{$forumname}</b>".';

$txt['googleAnalyticsCode'] = 'Google Analytics code<br /><span class="smalltext">E.g. UA-00000000-0</span>';

:) Our Parenting Spot is an online parenting community for fathers, mothers, grandparents, teachers, and family service professionals. 8) We also provide low cost advertising options for authors, family service providers, and businesses with family friendly products and services. ;D Visit us @!


It's easier if you attach the actual file rather than copying and pasting it  ;)


Hmm, I was suspecting that maybe you had ended up with two copies of the mod's code in there but that's not it.

Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


:) Our Parenting Spot is an online parenting community for fathers, mothers, grandparents, teachers, and family service professionals. 8) We also provide low cost advertising options for authors, family service providers, and businesses with family friendly products and services. ;D Visit us @!


Try this:

Go to: duplicate file for editing.



                'paypal' => array(
                'title' => $txt['paypal'],
                'href' => $scripturl . '?action=paypal',
                'show' => $context['allow_paypal'],
                'sub_buttons' => array(

Replace with (changes are red):

'paypal' => array(
                'title' => 'Payments & Donations',
                'href' => $scripturl . '?action=paypal',
                'show' => $context['allow_paypal'],
                'sub_buttons' => array(

Save and upload your copy to server to replace it.


I see what that is and no the code above will change the name in the meu bar.

What you want to do is go to your forum admin/portal area

I do not use that portal so not sure how it works but that is a block title and you can change it in admin---if it is like tiny portal is.

you could upload a screenshot of your portal block area to see.
Fantasy Attic ::  Fantasies Realm Market :: SMF 2.0+ with various mods and TinyPortal


The title in use in all cases is "donations" not "paypal" so this doesn't seem right.
:) Our Parenting Spot is an online parenting community for fathers, mothers, grandparents, teachers, and family service professionals. 8) We also provide low cost advertising options for authors, family service providers, and businesses with family friendly products and services. ;D Visit us @!


$txt['paypal'] if the string that calls it

you need to change
$txt['paypal'] = 'Donations';
in modifications.english.php
to be
$txt['paypal'] = 'Payments & Donations';

(or wait...   are you using English-utf8?   If so, you will need to change modifications.english-utf8.php)

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Yes that is the way it appears to everyone....donations not paypal

But the first code I gave you is to customize the name in the menu and then the titles you see in the pink bar of your site is either the category or block of the portal and can be adjusted there in your forum admin section --- presuming it is like tiny portal.

if you I join you could give me admi for just long enough to see what it is like and then I can tell for certain if you can change it there for the title you want.
Fantasy Attic ::  Fantasies Realm Market :: SMF 2.0+ with various mods and TinyPortal


Uhura, is the "Donations" actually the name of the page created in Simple Portal?  If so you would need to change it via the simple portal settings > pages and edit the title of that page.


Here's how this looks in the admin panel:

The page is long with a big empty space in the center so I posted two images.

There is no way to change the page title from the admin panel. It must be done from the files.

:) Our Parenting Spot is an online parenting community for fathers, mothers, grandparents, teachers, and family service professionals. 8) We also provide low cost advertising options for authors, family service providers, and businesses with family friendly products and services. ;D Visit us @!
