Full feature list?

Started by GeorgeVW, March 12, 2004, 02:14:19 PM

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We're looking at dumping UBB for an Open Source MySQL based board, and I'm trying to get a comparison list of features for available solutions (ikonBoard, Simple Machines, etc.). I've been unable to find a full feature lists anywhere on this site. Is there one? If so, where is it hiding? I need to know what the compelling reasons are to choose SMF over other software. I'm getting some resistance to switching from PERL to php for board scripting, and I need to be able to present just what the advantages are (I'm not a scripter, so aren't real familiar with either) of one over the other.





We should have a feature list soon, I'll try and push someone to post it :) I recommend holding on before making a decision as the public beta isn't far away (or charter membership now). You should *definetly* choose PHP/MySQL over PERL. I used YaBB Gold and then upgraded to YaBBSE (about a year ago) and the speed difference/server load difference is shocking - whatever you choose go MySQL!

I'm only a half geek really...
