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Multiple Signature Mod

Started by rhynon, March 23, 2006, 09:58:59 PM

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Hi guys, I am new to SMF but am liking what I have been seeing so far.  My friends and I currently have a forum we use for roleplaying purposes.  So many of us have multiple accounts under different character names.  I was wondering if there was a mod that allowed you to use either multiple signatures per account with a label on each(you could choose which to use while posting) or even better would be multiple "Real names" on an account which would each have their own profile.  This way we could have many characters under one account.  It would help with board clutter, but might also help us control spam users from being created (with one email per account).

Does anyone know of a Mod that does something similar or would be interested in creating one?  I have tried the different naming mods which are cool, but I was looking for something a little more involved. 

If you are a World of Warcraft player, a similar character choice like takes they have on their forums would be sufficient though something more fluid would be better(choosing the character as you post).

I know I'm asking a lot on this one, but I thought I'd throw it out there.  Thanks for any and all responses.


I also would love to have the option of being to rotate (or choose) from, say, a drop-down menu selection of signatures to use per post.

I know that YUKU actually does have that ability in place (which is probably the only thing cool about Yuku), but it would totally rock if SMF permitted that option, or had a mod that allowed it.

At least to allow up to 3 signatures in a drop down menu under "Addition Options" under the text field would be too sweet for words. :)


Bumping because I would still so love to see this feature implemented.



Search for "multiple personas"...


Quote from: CrazyHorse80 on July 19, 2008, 10:06:29 AM
Search for "multiple personas"...

Thanks, but I don't want multiple personas. I want to be able to choose from X number of signatures whenever I post, which would also include the option to not have a signature at all.


Quote from: rhynon on March 23, 2006, 09:58:59 PM
I was wondering if there was a mod that allowed you to use either multiple signatures per account with a label on each(you could choose which to use while posting) or even better would be multiple "Real names" on an account which would each have their own profile.  This way we could have many characters under one account. 

Eliana Tamerin

Interesting option. I'm usually the type of RPer who prefers multiple accounts, but it would be good to have a mod for those who prefer one account for multiple characters. I like the idea.

BTW, there is a sophisticated Aliases mod being created for SMF 2.0. It does the last part you want:
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Another cool aspect would be to be able to choose which signature you want to use per post (or to use no signature at all; handy when posting chapter updates to stories, for example).

I know there's a signature option mod --- I have it installed on all my sites and love it. But it would be great if that was expanded for multiples...

*hint, hint* ;)


Any word on this happening somewhere? Bueller?


Mod submitted for approval few minutes ago (multiple signatures, random signature, no signature, per post/PM or for all posts/PMs).

Since (I think) it is a quite complicated mod and I'm not very good at programming and testing I expect it will need a bit to be approved... ;D

Take a peek at what I'm doing! ;D

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