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[DONE] Magic Llama mod

Started by Aquilo, April 04, 2004, 08:03:55 AM

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Quote from: rafter on July 25, 2008, 10:35:12 AM
So what's the good download link because I really want that mod. Btw I fixed the problem on my own.

is no updated mod link m8.


I wish that the Llama would disappear when clicked, so that hitting "back" on browsers with a bfcache will not show the llama again (I've had to refresh the page to get rid of it about 5 times already today :( )
Check out the AJAX Shoutbox (my one and only mod to date :P)
Do you like SMF? Are you using ProBoards, InvisionFree, ActiveBoards or some other web-hosted forum? I can help you convert to SMF (without having to purchase a DB conversion) me [nneonneo {at} gmail *dot* com], and see this topic
spammers here!


On my forum i see always 2 lama's.
1 stay still and the other rolls over the screen.
How can i fix this so it will work with 1.1.5???
Wij zoeken diergerelateerde fora ter overname.
Pb gerust als je geen tijd of zin meer hebt om uw forum te onderhouden.


That are the changing files:
<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>
   // Load the current user's permissions.
</search for>

<add after>
   // load a new Llama.
   if ($modSettings['freeLlamas'] == 1)
</add after>

<search for>
      '.xml' => array('News.php', 'ShowXmlFeed'),
</search for>

<add after>
      'magicLlama' =>  array('Karma.php', 'magicLlama'),
</add after>

<search for>
      'jsoption' => array('Themes.php', 'SetJavaScript'),
</search for>

<add after>
      'Llamalog' => array('LlamaKeeper.php', 'Llamalog'),
</add after>

<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>
      'permissions' => array()
</search for>

      'permissions' => array(),
      'goodllamas' => isset($user_settings['goodllamas']) ? $user_settings['goodllamas'] : '',
      'goodpoints' => isset($user_settings['goodpoints']) ? $user_settings['goodpoints'] : '',
      'badllamas' => isset($user_settings['badllamas']) ? $user_settings['badllamas'] : '',
      'badpoints' => isset($user_settings['badpoints']) ? $user_settings['badpoints'] : ''

<search for>
         mem.birthdate, mem.memberIP, mem.ICQ, mem.AIM, mem.YIM, mem.MSN, mem.posts, mem.lastLogin,
</search for>

<add after>
         mem.badllamas, mem.goodllamas, mem.badpoints, mem.goodpoints,
</add after>

<search for>
      'karma' => array(
         'good' => &$profile['karmaGood'],
         'bad' => &$profile['karmaBad'],
         'allow' => !$user_info['is_guest'] && $user_info['posts'] >= $modSettings['karmaMinPosts'] && allowedTo('karma_edit') && !empty($modSettings['karmaMode']) && $ID_MEMBER != $user
</search for>

<add after>
      'llamamod' => array(
         'goodpoints' => &$profile['goodpoints'],
         'badpoints' => &$profile['badpoints'],
         'goodllamas' => &$profile['goodllamas'],
         'badllamas' => &$profile['badllamas'],
</add after>

<search for>
</search for>

<add before>
// Create new Life for all SMF Boards!
function LoadLlamas ()
   global $context, $db_prefix, $modSettings;
   global $options, $settings, $user_info;

   // if the user has the Llamas turned off and you allow it, or the user is a guest give them a blank Llama
   if ((($modSettings['allowllamasoff'] == 1) && isset($options['hide_llama']) && ($options['hide_llama'] == 1)) || ($user_info['is_guest'] == 1))
      $context['LlamaInfo']['Llamaid'] = '';
      return $context;

   // Create a new Llama!
   $Llamaid = mt_rand(0, 15);

   $c = 0;
   $needle = rand(1, 100);

   // start rolling the dice!
   for ($i=0; $i<$modSettings['Llama_chances']; $i++)
      // if the needle is found give them a Llama
      if ($needle == rand(1, 100))
         $c = 1;

   // did we find you a Llama?
   if ($c != 0)
      // setting the Llama type.
      $thisLlama = (int) rand(1, 2);

      // set the point value of this Llama
      $points = (int) rand($modSettings['Type'.$thisLlama.'_min_points'], $modSettings['Type'.$thisLlama.'_max_points']);

      // add him/her to the database.
         INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}llama_info
            (ID, Type, points, llama_id, member, Released, Caught)
         VALUES (NULL, $thisLlama, $points, '$Llamaid', NULL, " . time() . ", NULL)", __FILE__, __LINE__);

      // Freed Llamas to date.
         UPDATE {$db_prefix}settings
            SET value = value+1
         WHERE variable = 'FreedLlamas' LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);

      // tag the Llama.
      $context['LlamaInfo']['Llamaid'] = $Llamaid;

   } else {

      // Sorry no Llama this time!
      $context['LlamaInfo']['Llamaid'] = '';

   // a new baby Llama is Released to the world! or not! >:D
   return $context;

</add before>

<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>
// What's this?  I dunno, what are you talking about?  Never seen this before, nope.  No siree.
</search for>

<add before>
// muhahahahahahahahaha, the Llama's have been set FREE!
function magicLlama()
   global $_REQUEST, $user_info, $modSettings, $db_prefix, $context;

   if ($user_info['is_guest'])

   // set your user id stored in $context array
   $userid = $context['user']['id'];

   // now lets see if we have a Llama by that name!?
   $request = db_query("
         SELECT *
         FROM {$db_prefix}llama_info
         WHERE llama_id = '$_REQUEST[magicLlama]'
         LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);

   // most likely a script kiddy so we'll let the Llamas have at him!
   if (!$request || mysql_num_rows($request) == 0)
      fatal_error('Bad Llama id! >:(', true);

   $Llamainfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($request);

   // oops got here too late! ha...ha...!
   if ($Llamainfo['member'] != '')
      $context['title'] = 'Sorry too late!';
      $context['display'] = $modSettings['lateLlama'];
      // let's get your info in the database befor someone else get's the Llama!
         UPDATE {$db_prefix}llama_info
         SET member = $userid, Caught = " . time() . "
         WHERE llama_id = '$_REQUEST[magicLlama]'
         LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);

      $field1 = ($Llamainfo['Type'] == 1) ? 'karmaGood' : 'karmaBad';
      $field2 = ($Llamainfo['Type'] == 1) ? 'goodpoints' : 'badpoints';
      $field3 = ($Llamainfo['Type'] == 1) ? 'goodllamas' : 'badllamas';

      // log the users points
      updateMemberData($userid, array(
               $field1 => $field1 . ' + ' . $Llamainfo['points'],
               $field2 => $field2 . ' + ' . $Llamainfo['points'],
               $field3 => $field3 . ' + 1',

      $context['title'] = 'You got a ' . $modSettings['Type' . $Llamainfo['Type']] . '!';
      $context['display'] = str_replace(
               array("%N", "%P", "%K"),
                  $modSettings['Type' . $Llamainfo['Type']],
                  (($Llamainfo['Type']==1) ? $Llamainfo['points'] : '-' . $Llamainfo['points']),
               $modSettings['Type' . $Llamainfo['Type'] . '_discription']);

   if (!isset($context['page_title']))
      $context['page_title'] = $context['title'];

   $context['sub_template'] = 'Llama_speak';

</add before>

<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>
         array('text', 'karmaApplaudLabel'),
         array('text', 'karmaSmiteLabel'),
</search for>

<add after>
      array('heading', &$txt['lableLlamas']),
         array('check', 'freeLlamas', &$txt['enableLlamas']),
         array('check', 'showLlamaStats', &$txt['enableLlamastats']),
         array('check', 'allowllamasoff', &$txt['allowllamasoff']),
         array('int', 'Llama_chances', &$txt['LlamaChance']),
         array('text', 'Llama_image', &$txt['Llamaimage']),
         array('int', 'llamaW', &$txt['LlamaW']),
         array('int', 'llamaH', &$txt['LlamaH']),
         array('int', 'Llamaspeed', &$txt['Llamaspeed']),
         array('text', 'Type1', &$txt['lableLlama1']),
         array('text', 'Type1_min_points', &$txt['Llama1min']),
         array('text', 'Type1_max_points', &$txt['Llama1max']),
         array('text', 'Type1_discription', &$txt['Llama1discription']),
         array('text', 'Type2', &$txt['lableLlama2']),
         array('text', 'Type2_min_points', &$txt['Llama2min']),
         array('text', 'Type2_max_points', &$txt['Llama2max']),
         array('text', 'Type2_discription', &$txt['Llama2discription']),
         array('text', 'lateLlama', &$txt['lateLlama']),
</add after>

<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>
      if (!empty($modSettings['modlog_enabled']))
         $context['admin_areas']['maintenance']['areas']['view_moderation_log'] = '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=modlog">' . $txt['modlog_view'] . '</a>';
</search for>

<add after>
      $context['admin_areas']['maintenance']['areas']['view_Llama_log'] = '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=Llamalog">' . $txt['LlamaLog'] . '</a>';
</add after>

<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>
   global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt;
</search for>

<add after>
   global $modSettings, $user_info;
</add after>

<search for>
   echo '
</search for>

<add before>
   if (($modSettings['freeLlamas'] == 1) && ($user_info['is_guest'] != 1) && ($context['LlamaInfo']['Llamaid'] != ''))
      srand ((double) microtime() * time());
      $random->x = rand(1, 640);
      $random->y = rand(1, 480);

      if (!$modSettings['llamaW'] || !$modSettings['llamaH'])
         list($width, $height) = getimagesize($settings['images_url'] . '/' . $modSettings['Llama_image']);
         $width  = $modSettings['llamaW'];
         $height = $modSettings['llamaH'];

      echo '

      <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
         var llama_speed = ', (!empty($modSettings['Llamaspeed']) ? $modSettings['Llamaspeed'] : '40'), ';
      <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="MoveObj.js"></script>
      <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
      /*   Floating image script
         By Virtual_Max (
         Permission granted to to feature it in it\'s archive
         For 100\'s of FREE DHTML scripts and components,
         Visit */

      var Llama1;
      function StartLlama()
         Llama1 = new Chip("Llama1",', $width, ',', $height, ');
      window.onUnload = "Llama1.stop();";

      <div id="Llama1" style="position: absolute; top: ', $random->y, 'px; left: ', $random->x, 'px; width: ', $width, 'px; height: ', $height, 'px; z-index: 5">
         <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=magicLlama;magicLlama=', $context['LlamaInfo']['Llamaid'],'">
         <img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/', $modSettings['Llama_image'], '" width="', $width, '" height="', $height, '" border="0" /></a>

      <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

</add before>

<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>
      'karma' => array(
         'good' => empty($user_profile[$memID]['karmaGood']) ? '0' : $user_profile[$memID]['karmaGood'],
         'bad' => empty($user_profile[$memID]['karmaBad']) ? '0' : $user_profile[$memID]['karmaBad'],
</search for>

<add after>
      'llamamod' => array(
         'goodpoints' => empty($user_profile[$memID]['goodpoints']) ? '0' : $user_profile[$memID]['goodpoints'],
         'badpoints' => empty($user_profile[$memID]['badpoints']) ? '0' : $user_profile[$memID]['badpoints'],
         'goodllamas' => empty($user_profile[$memID]['goodllamas']) ? '0' : $user_profile[$memID]['goodllamas'],
         'badllamas' => empty($user_profile[$memID]['badllamas']) ? '0' : $user_profile[$memID]['badllamas'],
</add after>

<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>
   elseif ($modSettings['karmaMode'] == '2')
      echo '
                  <b>', $modSettings['karmaLabel'], ' </b>
                  +', $context['member']['karma']['good'], '/-', $context['member']['karma']['bad'], '
</search for>

<add after>
   if ($modSettings['freeLlamas'] == '1' && $modSettings['showLlamaStats'] == '1')
      echo '
                  <b>', $modSettings['karmaLabel'], ' from ', $modSettings['Type1'], ': </b>
                  +', $context['member']['llamamod']['goodpoints'], '/ ', $modSettings['Type1'], ' Caught: ', $context['member']['llamamod']['goodllamas'], '
                  <b>', $modSettings['karmaLabel'], ' from ', $modSettings['Type2'], ': </b>
                  -', $context['member']['llamamod']['badpoints'], '/ ', $modSettings['Type2'], ' Caught: ', $context['member']['llamamod']['badllamas'], '

</add after>

<Search for>
                                 <td colspan="2">
                                    <input type="hidden" name="default_options[show_board_desc]" value="0" />
                                    <label for="show_board_desc"><input type="checkbox" name="default_options[show_board_desc]" id="show_board_desc" value="1"', !empty($context['member']['options']['show_board_desc']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' class="check" /> ', $txt[732], '</label>
</Search for>

               ', ($modSettings['allowllamasoff'] ? '<tr>
                                 <td colspan="2">
                                    <input type="hidden" name="default_options[hide_llama]" value="0" />
                                    <label for="hide_llama"><input type="checkbox" name="default_options[hide_llama]"  id="hide_llama" value="1"' . (!empty($context['member']['options']['hide_llama']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' class="check" />' . $txt['llamaoption'] . '</td>
                              </tr>' : ''), '<tr>
                                 <td colspan="2">
                                    <input type="hidden" name="default_options[show_board_desc]" value="0" />
                                    <label for="show_board_desc"><input type="checkbox" name="default_options[show_board_desc]" id="show_board_desc" value="1"', !empty($context['member']['options']['show_board_desc']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' class="check" /> ', $txt[732], '</label>

<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>
         'id' => 'show_board_desc',
         'label' => $txt[732],
         'default' => true,
</search for>

<add after>
         'id' => 'hide_llama',
         'label' => $txt['llamaoption'],
         'default' => true,
</add after>

It works with 1.1.5 but I have een few bugs.
Can someone check the code please and say why I see 2 lama's.
Wij zoeken diergerelateerde fora ter overname.
Pb gerust als je geen tijd of zin meer hebt om uw forum te onderhouden.


Quote from: toups on July 25, 2008, 09:52:31 AM
Quote from: rafter on July 25, 2008, 09:50:58 AM
Where's download?

Don't remember where I found it m8.. Here's the one I got though..
As stated above that's the problem I'm having with it.. no errors or anything but no llamas are ever freed for some reason :(
Thanks dude


You would think 380+ replies for this mod would warrant it's full development, yes?


Quote from: BigMike on July 26, 2008, 12:07:10 PM
You would think 380+ replies for this mod would warrant it's full development, yes?

we could wish.. yet it still doesn't work for me :\ all it needs is a good update by the mod maker & it would be dandy.


Quote from: watchhorse on July 26, 2008, 04:37:49 AM
On my forum i see always 2 lama's.
1 stay still and the other rolls over the screen.
How can i fix this so it will work with 1.1.5???

Getting the same problem as you =\


Quote from: toups on July 29, 2008, 08:44:55 AM
Quote from: watchhorse on July 26, 2008, 04:37:49 AM
On my forum i see always 2 lama's.
1 stay still and the other rolls over the screen.
How can i fix this so it will work with 1.1.5???

Getting the same problem as you =\

Please, if you fix it will you let me know how you did it.
Wij zoeken diergerelateerde fora ter overname.
Pb gerust als je geen tijd of zin meer hebt om uw forum te onderhouden.


I have no idea what you are all talking about! lol

Without having to read through 20 pages, would someone have a link to see what this is?

Thank You :)
Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)


Quote from: watchhorse on July 29, 2008, 01:10:06 PM
Quote from: toups on July 29, 2008, 08:44:55 AM
Quote from: watchhorse on July 26, 2008, 04:37:49 AM
On my forum i see always 2 lama's.
1 stay still and the other rolls over the screen.
How can i fix this so it will work with 1.1.5???

Getting the same problem as you =\

Please, if you fix it will you let me know how you did it.

No person who know how to fix this problem???
Wij zoeken diergerelateerde fora ter overname.
Pb gerust als je geen tijd of zin meer hebt om uw forum te onderhouden.

Atomic Blaze

I fixed it, works just fine on a test forum I set up, Llama goes by, clicked (multiple times) got good and evil llamas. Works on my live board, people like the llama.
Trick number one, looketh over there. Doth endeth the trick.

Follow me on Twitter!

Party Llama || GitHub


Quote from: Atomic Blaze on August 13, 2008, 10:15:20 PM
I fixed it, works just fine on a test forum I set up, Llama goes by, clicked (multiple times) got good and evil llamas. Works on my live board, people like the llama.

so... are you going to share how you fixed it.. or just tell everyone that you did  :-\


Quote from: Atomic Blaze on August 13, 2008, 10:15:20 PM
I fixed it, works just fine on a test forum I set up, Llama goes by, clicked (multiple times) got good and evil llamas. Works on my live board, people like the llama.

Don't be a tease, attach a working version!!


Quote from: BigMike on August 14, 2008, 11:18:23 AM
Quote from: Atomic Blaze on August 13, 2008, 10:15:20 PM
I fixed it, works just fine on a test forum I set up, Llama goes by, clicked (multiple times) got good and evil llamas. Works on my live board, people like the llama.

Don't be a tease, attach a working version!!

or just tell everyone how you fix it ... please
Wij zoeken diergerelateerde fora ter overname.
Pb gerust als je geen tijd of zin meer hebt om uw forum te onderhouden.

Atomic Blaze

Works just fine on 1.1.5, might work on 1.1.4, if it breaks on 1.1.6)if there's going to be one) I'll fix it again.
Trick number one, looketh over there. Doth endeth the trick.

Follow me on Twitter!

Party Llama || GitHub


Quote from: Atomic Blaze on August 14, 2008, 02:10:47 PM
Works just fine on 1.1.5

I won't be able to verify this until tonight. If someone else has, then please post up!

Atomic Blaze

I can, I have, installed on a test board, just fine, installed on a live production site with other mods, regular activity, installed just fine no errors.
Trick number one, looketh over there. Doth endeth the trick.

Follow me on Twitter!

Party Llama || GitHub


The mod works ...... But I still see 2 Lama's. >:(
Wij zoeken diergerelateerde fora ter overname.
Pb gerust als je geen tijd of zin meer hebt om uw forum te onderhouden.
