[DONE] Magic Llama mod

Started by Aquilo, April 04, 2004, 08:03:55 AM

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Blank page in admin area? woah that sounds serious man! Cant help you there.

to enable u should look under
Configuration ---> Features and Options

a new section appears there


Quote from: akulion on December 24, 2005, 05:06:21 PM
Blank page in admin area? woah that sounds serious man! Cant help you there.

to enable u should look under
Configuration ---> Features and Options

a new section appears there

Well the mod is installed, but it doesnt seem to show the image :/

login and test it yourself:

test //test



I cant even access your page - it gives a load error


Well anyone know how i can fix it? the image doesnt show when i enable the "mod"


Why in my board all the members catch only late Llama, every time they get Sorry too late!
no Evil or Good Llama

i get this too? any ideas why? thanks, very interesting mod!

Please DO NOT PM me with requests for individual support, but post your questions and concerns in the appropriate section of the forum where other users can benefit from them as well. Thank you.
I have been super busy as of late. Working on updates to all my modifications for 2.0.1


try to empty llama_info table


Quote from: Sakuragi on December 25, 2005, 05:34:10 PM
try to empty llama_info table

tried it, and still the same thing, but thanks for trying to help.

i noticed that the null in the table is set to yes

   member  mediumint (8)     Yes  NULL               
   Released  int(10)     Yes  NULL               
   Caught  int(10)     Yes  NULL   

seems they are set to null? and could be the problem, but i'm not so good with the mysql stuff       

after looking at

$request = mysql_query("
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$db_prefix}llama_info");
db_message('llama_info table droped!');
$request = mysql_query("
CREATE TABLE {$db_prefix}llama_info (
ID mediumint(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
Type int(2) NOT NULL default '0',
points smallint(3) NOT NULL default '0',
llama_id varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
member mediumint(8) default NULL,
Released int(10) default NULL,
Caught int(10) default NULL,
db_message('llama_info table installed!');

well, after messing around in phpadmin, i set the default "Null" values to "0" and it's working :)
Please DO NOT PM me with requests for individual support, but post your questions and concerns in the appropriate section of the forum where other users can benefit from them as well. Thank you.
I have been super busy as of late. Working on updates to all my modifications for 2.0.1


i give up

ill have to wait for the final package which does everything for ya

i cant get it to work


I figured out that it works with the default template, tho i cant seem to fix it for the 7dana template, tried of for some time but no luck.

if you know how, my file are here:


Quote from: ArkServer on December 26, 2005, 01:40:46 PM
I figured out that it works with the default template, tho i cant seem to fix it for the 7dana template, tried of for some time but no luck.

if you know how, my file are here:

it's in the mod file:

<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>
global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt;
</search for>

<add after>
global $modSettings, $user_info;
</add after>

<search for>
echo '
</search for>

<add before>
if (($modSettings['freeLlamas'] == 1) && ($user_info['is_guest'] != 1) && ($context['LlamaInfo']['Llamaid'] != ''))
srand ((double) microtime() * time());
$random->x = rand(1, 640);
$random->y = rand(1, 480);

if (!$modSettings['llamaW'] || !$modSettings['llamaH'])
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($settings['images_url'] . '/' . $modSettings['Llama_image']);
$width  = $modSettings['llamaW'];
$height = $modSettings['llamaH'];

echo '

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var llama_speed = ', (!empty($modSettings['Llamaspeed']) ? $modSettings['Llamaspeed'] : '40'), ';
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="MoveObj.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
/* Floating image script
By Virtual_Max (http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/lakes/8620)
Permission granted to Dynamicdrive.com to feature it in it\'s archive
For 100\'s of FREE DHTML scripts and components,
Visit http://dynamicdrive.com */

var Llama1;
function StartLlama()
Llama1 = new Chip("Llama1",', $width, ',', $height, ');
window.onUnload = "Llama1.stop();";

<div id="Llama1" style="position: absolute; top: ', $random->y, 'px; left: ', $random->x, 'px; width: ', $width, 'px; height: ', $height, 'px; z-index: 5">
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=magicLlama;magicLlama=', $context['LlamaInfo']['Llamaid'],'">
<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/', $modSettings['Llama_image'], '" width="', $width, '" height="', $height, '" border="0" /></a>

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

</add before>

<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>
elseif ($modSettings['karmaMode'] == '2')
echo '
<b>', $modSettings['karmaLabel'], ' </b>
+', $context['member']['karma']['good'], '/-', $context['member']['karma']['bad'], '
</search for>

<add after>
if ($modSettings['freeLlamas'] == '1' && $modSettings['showLlamaStats'] == '1')
echo '
<b>', $modSettings['karmaLabel'], ' from ', $modSettings['Type1'], ': </b>
+', $context['member']['llamamod']['goodpoints'], '/ ', $modSettings['Type1'], ' Caught: ', $context['member']['llamamod']['goodllamas'], '
<b>', $modSettings['karmaLabel'], ' from ', $modSettings['Type2'], ': </b>
-', $context['member']['llamamod']['badpoints'], '/ ', $modSettings['Type2'], ' Caught: ', $context['member']['llamamod']['badllamas'], '

</add after>

<Search for>
<td colspan="2">
<input type="hidden" name="default_options[show_board_desc]" value="0" />
<label for="show_board_desc"><input type="checkbox" name="default_options[show_board_desc]" id="show_board_desc" value="1"', !empty($context['member']['options']['show_board_desc']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' class="check" /> ', $txt[732], '</label>
</Search for>

', ($modSettings['allowllamasoff'] ? '<tr>
<td colspan="2">
<input type="hidden" name="default_options[hide_llama]" value="0" />
<label for="hide_llama"><input type="checkbox" name="default_options[hide_llama]"  id="hide_llama" value="1"' . (!empty($context['member']['options']['hide_llama']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' class="check" />' . $txt['llamaoption'] . '</td>
</tr>' : ''), '<tr>
<td colspan="2">
<input type="hidden" name="default_options[show_board_desc]" value="0" />
<label for="show_board_desc"><input type="checkbox" name="default_options[show_board_desc]" id="show_board_desc" value="1"', !empty($context['member']['options']['show_board_desc']) ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' class="check" /> ', $txt[732], '</label>

<edit file>
</edit file>

<Search for>
$txt[732] = 'Show board descriptions inside boards.';
</Search for>

<Add before>
$txt['llamaoption'] = 'Turn Magic Llama\'s off:';
</Add before>

<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>
'id' => 'show_board_desc',
'label' => $txt[732],
</search for>

<add after>
'id' => 'hide_llama',
'label' => $txt['llamaoption'],
</add after>

<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>
</search for>

<add before>
$txt['LlamaLog'] = 'View Llama Log!';
</add before>

<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>
$txt['karmaSmiteLabel'] = 'Karma smite label';
</search for>

<add after>
$txt['lableLlamas'] = 'Magic Llama\'s Settings';
$txt['freeLlamas'] = 'Enable Magic Llama\'s?';
$txt['Llama_chances'] = 'Chances for a Llama (out of 100):';
$txt['Llama_image'] = 'Magic Llama Image:';

$txt['Type1'] = 'Title for Good Llama:';
$txt['Type1_min_points'] = 'Minimum points for Good Llama:';
$txt['Type1_max_points'] = 'Maximum points for Good Llama:';
$txt['Type1_discription'] = 'Message to display for Good Llama:';

$txt['Type2'] = 'Title for Evil Llama:';
$txt['Type2_min_points'] = 'Minimum points for Evil Llama:';
$txt['Type2_max_points'] = 'Maximum points for Evil Llama:';
$txt['Type2_discription'] = 'Message to display for Evil Llama:';

$txt['lateLlama'] = 'Message to display for late Llama:';
$txt['Llamaspeed'] = 'Llama Speed: (0-???)<br /><small>The smaller the number the faster it moves!</small>';
$txt['llamaH'] = 'Height of Image:<br /><small>(0) Zero for auto detect!</small>';
$txt['llamaW'] = 'Width of Image:<br /><small>(0) Zero for auto detect!</small>';
$txt['allowllamasoff'] = 'Allow users to turn this off:';
$txt['showLlamaStats'] = 'Show stats in user profiles:';
</add after>


Please DO NOT PM me with requests for individual support, but post your questions and concerns in the appropriate section of the forum where other users can benefit from them as well. Thank you.
I have been super busy as of late. Working on updates to all my modifications for 2.0.1


Thats the wierd thing, i did the mod but it doesnt show up.


Quote from: ArkServer on December 26, 2005, 02:38:56 PM
Thats the wierd thing, i did the mod but it doesnt show up.

You probably need to copy the image to the 7dana theme directory as well.
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."


Quote from: xenovanis on December 26, 2005, 04:36:21 PM
Quote from: ArkServer on December 26, 2005, 02:38:56 PM
Thats the wierd thing, i did the mod but it doesnt show up.

You probably need to copy the image to the 7dana theme directory as well.

i double checked, its there.


Sorry, I've fixed a bunch of issues.  Hopefully they will fix the problems you're having?

EDIT:  I've fixed a serious *refresh* bug.  What would happen is after you've won, if you press refresh, you win again.  This has been fixed.[/i
EDIT:  I've also fixed another bug.  When you click on a llama you get "sorry another member...", this has been fixed.
EDIT:  I've updated the package file to include the latest bug fixes, as well as all the files.  They should now upload to your server. (Untested)
The Anime Brigade
Anime-style Role Playing Games and Discussion.
(SMF v. 2.1.4, PHP v. 8.0)


So is the package now updated and ready to go?

I wana know so I can install it - cos one of our festivals in Islam Called Eid Ul Adha is comin up very soon its something like Christmas only bigger cos its like a whole month :D


Any chance of this being finished...

I love the llamas. Have them working fine on my 1.0.6 but eager to upgrade further.. but i can't without my llamas

I'd still pay for it too 8)
(='.'=)This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(")signature to help him gain world domination.
Total Twaddle.


Guys, Anyone's having a working link for this mod ?

all links posted aren't working

thx  :D


Quote from: belphegor on February 28, 2006, 11:30:38 PM
Guys, Anyone's having a working link for this mod ?

all links posted aren't working

thx  :D

Same here  :)
TLC for minds


I have reorganized my server a bit.  Here is the current link to the mod....I haven't had a chance to install this yet using the new software, so hopefully it still works.

Llama Mod
The Anime Brigade
Anime-style Role Playing Games and Discussion.
(SMF v. 2.1.4, PHP v. 8.0)
