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Contact Page

Started by Team, July 06, 2006, 12:59:38 PM

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I installed and do see contact page...

Tried to send a test mail, but no mail is delivered on my Email ID...


What could go wrong?

Email ID is correct
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Italian translation
// Begin Contact Page Text Strings
$txt['smfcontact_contact'] = 'Contattaci';
$txt['permissionname_view_contact'] = 'Vedi il modulo di contatto';
$txt['permissionhelp_view_contact'] = 'Permetti ai membri di vedere il modulo di contatto e di inviare email.';
$txt['cannot_view_contact'] = 'Non hai i permessi per vedere il modulo di contatto.';
$txt['smfcontact_name'] = 'Il tuo nome:';
$txt['smfcontact_subject'] = 'Oggetto';
$txt['smfcontact_body'] = 'Messaggio';
$txt['smfcontact_emailaddress'] = 'La tua email';
$txt['smfcontact_sendemail'] = 'Invia il messaggio';
$txt['smfcontact_messagesent'] = 'Il messaggio è stato inviato!';
$txt['smfcontact_messagesent_click'] = 'Il messaggio è stato inviato! Clicca ';
$txt['smfcontact_messagesent_return'] = 'qui</a> per tornare al forum.';
$txt['smfcontact_errname'] = 'Devi inserire il tuo nome.';
$txt['smfcontact_errsubject'] = 'Devi inserire l\'oggetto del messaggio.';
$txt['smfcontact_errmessage'] = 'Devi inserire un messaggio.';
$txt['smfcontact_erremail'] = 'Devi inserire il tuo indirizzo email.';
$txt['smfcontact_titlesent'] = ' - Messaggio inviato.';
$txt['smfcontact_form'] = 'Modulo di contatto per ';
$txt['smfcontact_formname'] = "Nome: ";
$txt['smfcontact_formemail'] = "Email: ";
$txt['smfcontact_ip'] = "IP: ";
$txt['smfcontact_formmessage'] =  "Messaggio: \n";

// END Contact Page Text Strings
MacOsX (last)
SMF 2.0.15 and 2.1.2 (different forums)
Chrome (last) or Safari (last)


one question:
when i use the contact page, i receive the email...
but using imap i find it (the email) twice, one time in my inbox, one time in my sentmail...

this because in the header of the email, i find:
[email protected] <[email protected]>

i would just like to see in the header the name of the sender, not my email!!! and neither the email of my site!
example: Name <[email protected]>

how can i do it?

thanks for the beautiful mod... :)
MacOsX (last)
SMF 2.0.15 and 2.1.2 (different forums)
Chrome (last) or Safari (last)


My translation complete to spanish_latin-utf8.

// Begin Contact Page Text Strings
$txt['smfcontact_contact'] = 'Contacto';
$txt['permissionname_view_contact'] = 'Ver Pagina de Contacto';
$txt['permissionhelp_view_contact'] = 'Permitir a los Miembros ver la pagina de contacto y enviar correo.';
$txt['cannot_view_contact'] = 'No puedes ver la pagina de contacto.';
$txt['smfcontact_name'] = 'Tu Nombre:';
$txt['smfcontact_subject'] = 'Asunto';
$txt['smfcontact_body'] = 'Mensaje';
$txt['smfcontact_emailaddress'] = 'Dirección de correo';
$txt['smfcontact_sendemail'] = 'Enviar correo';
$txt['smfcontact_messagesent'] = '¡Tu mensaje ha sido enviado!';
$txt['smfcontact_messagesent_click'] = '¡Tu mensaje ha sido enviado! Clickea ';
$txt['smfcontact_messagesent_return'] = 'Aquí</a> para returnar al foro.';
$txt['smfcontact_errname'] = 'Necesita introducir tu nombre.';
$txt['smfcontact_errsubject'] = 'Necesita introducir un asunto.';
$txt['smfcontact_errmessage'] = 'Necesitas introducir un mensaje.';
$txt['smfcontact_erremail'] = 'Necesitas introducir una direccion de correo.';
$txt['smfcontact_titlesent'] = ' - Mensaje Enviado.';
$txt['smfcontact_form'] = 'Formulario Pagina de Contacto para ';
$txt['smfcontact_formname'] = "Nombre: ";
$txt['smfcontact_formemail'] = "Email: ";
$txt['smfcontact_ip'] = "IP: ";
$txt['smfcontact_formmessage'] =  "Mensaje: \n";

// END Contact Page Text Strings

// Begin Contact Page Text Strings
$txt['smfcontact_contact'] = 'Contacto';
$txt['permissionname_view_contact'] = 'Ver Pagina de Contacto';
$txt['permissionhelp_view_contact'] = 'Permitir a los Miembros ver la pagina de contacto y enviar correo.';
$txt['cannot_view_contact'] = 'No puedes ver la pagina de contacto.';
$txt['smfcontact_name'] = 'Tu Nombre:';
$txt['smfcontact_subject'] = 'Asunto';
$txt['smfcontact_body'] = 'Mensaje';
$txt['smfcontact_emailaddress'] = 'Direccion de correo';
$txt['smfcontact_sendemail'] = 'Enviar correo';
$txt['smfcontact_messagesent'] = '¡Tu mensaje ha sido enviado!';
$txt['smfcontact_messagesent_click'] = '¡Tu mensaje ha sido enviado! Clickea ';
$txt['smfcontact_messagesent_return'] = 'Aquí</a> para returnar al foro.';
$txt['smfcontact_errname'] = 'Necesita introducir tu nombre.';
$txt['smfcontact_errsubject'] = 'Necesita introducir un asunto.';
$txt['smfcontact_errmessage'] = 'Necesitas introducir un mensaje.';
$txt['smfcontact_erremail'] = 'Necesitas introducir una direccion de correo.';
$txt['smfcontact_titlesent'] = ' - Mensaje Enviado.';
$txt['smfcontact_form'] = 'Formulario Pagina de Contacto para ';
$txt['smfcontact_formname'] = "Nombre: ";
$txt['smfcontact_formemail'] = "Email: ";
$txt['smfcontact_ip'] = "IP: ";
$txt['smfcontact_formmessage'] =  "Mensaje: \n";

// END Contact Page Text Strings

$txt['contact'] = 'contact';
$txt['contact_form_default_dns_check'] = 'domain must have valid A or MX record';
$txt['contact_form_default_email_sender'] = 'Direccion del correo electronico del remitente si no es proporcionada:';
$txt['contact_form_default_guest_access'] = 'No acceso a invitados';
$txt['contact_form_default_member_access'] = 'No acceso a miembros';
$txt['contact_form_default_name'] = 'Nombre del remitente si no es proporcionado:';
$txt['contact_form_default_name_default'] = 'Anonimo';
$txt['contact_form_default_require_email'] = 'Utilizar una configuracion de direccion del correo electronico a continuacion';
$txt['contact_form_default_require_name'] = 'Utilizar una configuracion del nombre del remitente a continuacion';
$txt['contact_form_default_require_subject'] = 'Utilizar una configuracion de la linea de asunto a continuacion';
$txt['contact_form_default_subject'] = 'Linea de asubto si no es proporcionada:';
$txt['contact_form_default_subject_default'] = '(Ningun Asunto)';
$txt['contact_form_default_tab_label'] = 'CONTACTO';
$txt['contact_form_dest_email_addr'] = 'Enviar respuesta del Formulario de Contacto a esta direccion de correo:';
$txt['contact_form_display_title'] = 'Titulo de la Pagina de Formulario de Contacto:';
$txt['contact_form_enable_guest_access'] = 'Permitir acceder a los invitados:';
$txt['contact_form_enable_member_access'] = 'Permitir acceder a los miembros:';
$txt['contact_form_error_invalid_email'] = 'La direccion de correo introducida es invalida.';
$txt['contact_form_error_no_email'] = 'No hay introducida una direccion de correo.';
$txt['contact_form_error_no_message'] = 'No hay un mensaje introducido.';
$txt['contact_form_error_no_name'] = 'No hay ningun nombre introducido.';
$txt['contact_form_error_no_subject'] = 'No hay ningun asunto introducido.';
$txt['contact_form_error_unable_to_send'] = 'Envio de mensaje fallido. No hemos podido enviar su mensaje';
$txt['contact_form_field_optional'] = '(Opcional)';
$txt['contact_form_field_optional_email'] = '(Si quieres una respuesta)';
$txt['contact_form_field_required'] = '(Requerido)';
$txt['contact_form_label_default'] = 'default: ';
$txt['contact_form_label_edit'] = '[edit]';
$txt['contact_form_label_email'] = 'Email ';
$txt['contact_form_label_ip'] = "\r\n\r\n-- \r\nIP: ";
$txt['contact_form_label_message'] = 'Mensaje ';
$txt['contact_form_label_name'] = 'Nombre ';
$txt['contact_form_label_rdns'] = "\r\nrDNS: ";
$txt['contact_form_label_sender'] = "\r\nSender: ";
$txt['contact_form_label_status_email'] = 'Email: ';
$txt['contact_form_label_status_name'] = 'Nombre: ';
$txt['contact_form_label_status_separator'] = "------\r\n\r\n";
$txt['contact_form_label_status_subject'] = 'Asunto: ';
$txt['contact_form_label_subject'] = 'Asunto ';
$txt['contact_form_label_submit_button'] = 'Enviar Mensaje';
$txt['contact_form_label_unchecked'] = 'No Comprobado: ';
$txt['contact_form_label_verification'] = 'Verificando ';
$txt['contact_form_message_sent'] = 'Mensaje Enviado. Gracias por su comentario.';
$txt['contact_form_mods_cat'] = 'Formulario de Contacto';
$txt['contact_form_require_email'] = 'Requerida direccion de correo:';
$txt['contact_form_require_name'] = 'Requirido nombre del remitente:';
$txt['contact_form_require_subject'] = 'Requerido linea de asunto:';
$txt['contact_form_result_error'] = 'Error';
$txt['contact_form_result_message_sent'] = 'Mensaje Enviado';
$txt['contact_form_result_send_mail_failed'] = 'Fallo enviando el mensaje';
$txt['contact_form_sender_email_dont_use_form'] = 'No utilice la dirección de correo electrónico del formulario de contacto como dirección del remitente:';
$txt['contact_form_sender_email_dont_use_form_default'] = 'Utilizar la dirección de correo electrónico del formulario si se proporciona';
$txt['contact_form_sender_is_guest'] = 'Invitado';
$txt['contact_form_sender_name_dont_use_form'] = 'No usar el nombre del formulario de contacto como nombre del remitente:';
$txt['contact_form_sender_name_dont_use_form_default'] = 'Utilizar el nombre del formulatio si se proporciona';
$txt['contact_form_sender_subject_dont_use_form'] = 'No usar la linea de asunto del formulario de contacto como linea de asunto del remitente:';
$txt['contact_form_sender_subject_dont_use_form_default'] = 'Utilizar la linea de asunto del formulario si se proporciona';
$txt['contact_form_skip_dns_check'] = 'Saltarse el checador de dominio de la direccion de correo electronico:';
$txt['contact_form_subject_prefix'] = 'Prefijo Opcional de la Linea de asunto:';
$txt['contact_form_subject_prefix_default'] = 'no prefijo';
$txt['contact_form_tab_label'] = 'Ficha Etiqueta del Contacto del formulario:';
$txt['contact_form_title']='Contacto de Formulario';


Thank you aelmiger for your Spanish translation!
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on May 20, 2010, 11:59:39 AM
Thank you aelmiger for your Spanish translation!

Nothing man, now hear a question, how could I do to get on top of the message, I can put any notes for users to read.

More or less I would like to do that  ;)


Edit the Contact.template.php template and just put it above the form.
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on May 21, 2010, 08:32:10 PM
Edit the Contact.template.php template and just put it above the form.

Thanks a lot of man


Just wondering if this would ever be a feature in the future: Add name and configure your own extra forms from the Admin CP...


That would probably be the custom form Mod i think one is made already.
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From where can I control the settings of that contact form?
Thanks for that mod by the way
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There are no settings for this mod. Only one permission
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Question before I install 

Where does the "Contact" button go once installed?
SMF 2.0.1

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Great mod and Enable Great future, specially for guests who want to contact Administrator of Forum without registering.

I have installed latest version, everything is working fine including CAPTCHA verification.

But there are SMF SPAMS which by pass CAPTCHA verification, everyday I am receiving dozens of spam emails.
I had same problem with registration then I installed AntiSPAM Verification Question.

How to add Antispam Question for CONTACT PAGE?


You would need to modify the contact.php and contact.template.php to include the antispam code
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Turkish Translate :

// Begin Contact Page Text Strings
$txt['smfcontact_contact'] = 'İletişim';
$txt['permissionname_view_contact'] = 'İletişim Sayfasını görüntüleyebilir';
$txt['permissionhelp_view_contact'] = 'Allows members to view contact page and send email.';
$txt['cannot_view_contact'] = 'İletişim sayfasını göremiyorsunuz.';
$txt['smfcontact_name'] = 'İsim Soysiminiz:';
$txt['smfcontact_subject'] = 'Konu';
$txt['smfcontact_body'] = 'İletiniz';
$txt['smfcontact_emailaddress'] = 'Email Adresiniz';
$txt['smfcontact_sendemail'] = 'Gönder';
$txt['smfcontact_messagesent'] = 'Başarılı bir şekilde gönderildi!';
$txt['smfcontact_messagesent_click'] = 'İletiniz gönderildi Tıklayınız ';
$txt['smfcontact_messagesent_return'] = 'Tıklayınız</a> Sizi geri yönlendirir.';
$txt['smfcontact_errname'] = 'Lütfen İsim Soyisim giriniz.';
$txt['smfcontact_errsubject'] = 'Lütfen Konu giriniz.';
$txt['smfcontact_errmessage'] = 'Lütfen İleti yazınız.';
$txt['smfcontact_erremail'] = 'E mail adresi size geri bildirim için gereklidir.';
$txt['smfcontact_titlesent'] = ' - İletiniz gönderildi.';
$txt['smfcontact_form'] = 'İletişim Sayfası ';
$txt['smfcontact_formname'] = "İsim Soyisim: ";
$txt['smfcontact_formemail'] = "Email: ";
$txt['smfcontact_ip'] = "IP: ";
$txt['smfcontact_formmessage'] =  "İletiniz: \n";


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New release
+Added support for the reCaptcha mod! Will use instead of the normal SMF captcha if installed.
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Hi. The CONTACT button is within the menu section buttons.  Can you show the coding to actually put the button right justified of the menu buttons so itll be by itself?
