menu buttons only for members

Started by anunlike, March 16, 2005, 09:26:37 PM

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I hope this is posted in the right board and I couldn't find anything on this...

I've added some buttons (IM/PM & ATTACHMENTS & DOWNLOADS) to the main collapsable buttons menu; HOME, HELP, SEARCH, etc.

But, I'm pretty much needing these (and the CALENDAR button) to show up only for registered members and not guests. I've got them working perfectly, I just want them to not show up until registered.

So, like the ADMIN, LOGOUT, PROFILE, etc. buttons only show up for registered members, how would I go about doing this?

I'm still a green newbie, I'd very much appreciate the instructions!

Thanks in advance. I appreciate the services and the assistance!!



if (!$context['user']['is_guest'])
echo '
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=PAGE"><img src="IMG URL" alt="" border="0" /></a>', $context['menu_separator'], '';

dunno if its right Where Aspiring Musicians Can Be HEARD!


Search for "adding buttons" for more examples.

