how to extract board forum titles and child topics from offline webpage

Started by simpaint, August 17, 2010, 07:54:57 AM

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i have switched forums and have a old smf forum on my desktop and wanted to get the list of forums and boards out of it....

any help?

i tried xampp for mac and it was just too hard to use....i just need to get the data outof it.




Backup smf_boards, smf_board_permissions and smf_categories from your database and import them to your forum. Change smf_ wirh your prefix.

Adish - (F.L.A.M.E.R)

You can simply make a backup of your database from xamp and use it over linux/windows servers rather than moving specific tables individually. If you are trying to merge up two existing forums, then there is no easy way to do it or a tool that I know about at the moment.
