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How do I run the queries manually with SMFSHOP MOD?

Started by lehoang101101, October 26, 2010, 01:18:25 AM

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I'm trying to install SMFSHOP MOD for my site but my hosting doesn't support auto install MOD.

I made the instructions but I can't execute file install.php. Anybody can help me? Thank you ...


global $smcFunc, $db_prefix;

// New settings for the shop mod
$newSettings = array(
   'shopVersion' => '3.0',
   'shopDate' => '23th November 2009',
   'shopBuild' => '15',
   'shopCurrencyPrefix' => '',
   'shopCurrencySuffix' => ' credits',
   'shopPointsPerTopic' => '10',
   'shopPointsPerPost' => '8',
   'shopInterest' => '2',
   'shopBankEnabled' => '1',
   'shopImageWidth' => '32',
   'shopImageHeight' => '32',
   'shopTradeEnabled' => '1',
   'shopItemsPerPage' => '10',
   'shopMinDeposit' => '0',
   'shopMinWithdraw' => '0',
   'shopRegAmount' => '0',
   'shopPointsPerWord' => '0',
   'shopPointsPerChar' => '0',
   'shopPointsLimit' => '0',
   'shopFeeWithdraw' => '0',
   'shopFeeDeposit' => '0',

// Insert them into the database
// !!! This is done evily like this!
foreach ($newSettings as $variable => $value)
   $smcFunc['db_insert']('replace', '{db_prefix}settings',
         'variable' => 'string',
         'value' => 'string',
         'variable' => $variable,
         'value' => $value,

// Add a column for money
$smcFunc['db_add_column']('{db_prefix}members', array(
   'name' => 'money',
   'type' => 'decimal',
   'default' => '0.00',

// Add a column for banked money
$smcFunc['db_add_column']('{db_prefix}members', array(
   'name' => 'moneyBank',
   'type' => 'decimal',
   'default' => '0.00',
// Modify Boards
$smcFunc['db_add_column']('{db_prefix}boards', array(
   'name' => 'countMoney',
   'type' => 'tinyint',
   'size' => 1,
   'default' => '1',
$smcFunc['db_add_column']('{db_prefix}boards', array(
   'name' => 'shop_pertopic',
   'type' => 'decimal',
   'size' => '9,2',
   'default' => '0.00',
$smcFunc['db_add_column']('{db_prefix}boards', array(
   'name' => 'shop_perpost',
   'type' => 'decimal',
   'size' => '9,2',
   'default' => '0.00',

$smcFunc['db_add_column']('{db_prefix}boards', array(
   'name' => 'shop_bonuses',
   'type' => 'tinyint',
   'size' => 1,
   'default' => '1',

// Item table
         'name' => 'id',
         'type' => 'int',
         'size' => 10,
         'auto' => true,
         'name' => 'name',
         'type' => 'varchar',
         'size' => 50,
         'name' => 'desc',
         'type' => 'text',
         'name' => 'price',
         'type' => 'decimal',
         'size' => '8,2',
         'default' => '0.00',
         'name' => 'module',
         'type' => 'tinytext',
         'name' => 'stock',
         'type' => 'smallint',
         'size' => 6,
         'name' => 'info1',
         'type' => 'text',
         'null' => true,
         'name' => 'info2',
         'type' => 'text',
         'null' => true,
         'name' => 'info3',
         'type' => 'text',
         'null' => true,
         'name' => 'info4',
         'type' => 'text',
         'null' => true,
         'name' => 'input_needed',
         'type' => 'tinyint',
         'size' => 1,
         'default' => 0,
         'name' => 'can_use_item',
         'type' => 'tinyint',
         'size' => 1,
         'default' => 0,
         'name' => 'delete_after_use',
         'type' => 'tinyint',
         'size' => 1,
         'default' => 0,
         'name' => 'image',
         'type' => 'tinytext',
         'null' => true,
         'name' => 'category',
         'type' => 'smallint',
         'size' => 6,
         'default' => 0,
         'name' => 'id',
         'type' => 'primary',
         'columns' => array('id'),

// Inventory table
         'name' => 'id',
         'type' => 'int',
         'size' => 10,
         'auto' => true,
         'name' => 'ownerid',
         'type' => 'int',
         'size' => 10,
         'name' => 'itemid',
         'type' => 'int',
         'size' => 10,
         'name' => 'amtpaid',
         'type' => 'decimal',
         'size' => '8,2',
         'default' => '0.00',
         'name' => 'trading',
         'type' => 'tinyint',
         'size' => 1,
         'name' => 'tradecost',
         'type' => 'decimal',
         'size' => '8,2',
         'default' => '0.00',
         'name' => 'id',
         'type' => 'primary',
         'columns' => array('id'),

// Category table
         'name' => 'id',
         'type' => 'smallint',
         'size' => 5,
         'auto' => true,
         'name' => 'name',
         'type' => 'varchar',
         'size' => 50,
         'name' => 'count',
         'type' => 'int',
         'size' => 10,
         'name' => 'id',
         'type' => 'primary',
         'columns' => array('id'),

// Insert shop items
$smcFunc['db_insert']('insert', '{db_prefix}shop_items',

   // Fields
      'name' => 'string',
      'desc' => 'string',
      'price' => 'float',
      'module' => 'string',
      'stock' => 'int',
      'image' => 'string',
      'info1' => 'int',
      'info2' => 'int',
      'input_needed' => 'int',
      'can_use_item' => 'int',
      'delete_after_use' => 'int',

   // Values
      // testitem
         'name' => 'Test Item',
         'desc' => 'Just a test item!',
         'price' => 10.00,
         'module' => 'testitem',
         'stock' => 50,
         'image' => 'blank.gif',
         'info1' => 0,
         'info2' => 0,
         'input_needed' => 0,
         'can_use_item' => 0,
         'delete_after_use' => 0,

      // RandomMoney
         'name' => 'Random Money',
         'desc' => 'Get a random amount of money, between -190 and 190!',
         'price' => 75,
         'module' => 'RandomMoney',
         'stock' => 50,
         'image' => 'blank.gif',
         'info1' => -190,
         'info2' => 190,
         'input_needed' => 0,
         'can_use_item' => 1,
         'delete_after_use' => 1,

      // AddToPostCount
         'name' => 'Add 100 to Post Count',
         'desc' => 'Increase your Post Count by 100!',
         'price' => 50,
         'module' => 'AddToPostCount',
         'stock' => 50,
         'image' => 'blank.gif',
         'info1' => 100,
         'info2' => 0,
         'input_needed' => 1,
         'can_use_item' => 1,
         'delete_after_use' => 1,

      // IncreaseKarma
         'name' => 'Increase Karma',
         'desc' => 'Increase your Karma by 5',
         'price' => 100,
         'module' => 'IncreaseKarma',
         'stock' => 50,
         'image' => 'blank.gif',
         'info1' => 5,
         'info2' => 0,
         'input_needed' => 1,
         'can_use_item' => 1,
         'delete_after_use' => 1,

      // ChangeUsername
         'name' => 'Change Username',
         'desc' => 'Change your Username!',
         'price' => 50,
         'module' => 'ChangeUsername',
         'stock' => 50,
         'image' => 'blank.gif',
         'info1' => 0,
         'info2' => 0,
         'input_needed' => 1,
         'can_use_item' => 1,
         'delete_after_use' => 1,

      // ChangeUserTitle
         'name' => 'Change User Title',
         'desc' => 'Change your User Title',
         'price' => 50,
         'module' => 'ChangeUserTitle',
         'stock' => 50,
         'image' => 'blank.gif',
         'info1' => 0,
         'info2' => 0,
         'input_needed' => 1,
         'can_use_item' => 1,
         'delete_after_use' => 1,

      // IncreaseTimeLoggedIn
         'name' => 'Increase Total Time',
         'desc' => 'Increase your total time logged in by 12 hours.',
         'price' => 50,
         'module' => 'IncreaseTimeLoggedIn',
         'stock' => 50,
         'image' => 'blank.gif',
         'info1' => 43200,
         'info2' => 0,
         'input_needed' => 1,
         'can_use_item' => 1,
         'delete_after_use' => 1,

      // ChangeOtherTitle
         'name' => 'Change Other\'s Title',
         'desc' => 'Change someone else\'s title',
         'price' => 200,
         'module' => 'ChangeOtherTitle',
         'stock' => 50,
         'image' => 'blank.gif',
         'info1' => 0,
         'info2' => 0,
         'input_needed' => 1,
         'can_use_item' => 1,
         'delete_after_use' => 1,

      // DecreasePost
         'name' => 'Decrease Posts by 100',
         'desc' => 'Decrease <i>Someone else\'s</i> post count by 100!',
         'price' => 200,
         'module' => 'DecreasePost',
         'stock' => 50,
         'image' => 'blank.gif',
         'info1' => 0,
         'info2' => 0,
         'input_needed' => 1,
         'can_use_item' => 1,
         'delete_after_use' => 1,

      // StickyTopic
         'name' => 'Sticky Topic',
         'desc' => 'Make any one of your topics a sticky!',
         'price' => 400,
         'module' => 'StickyTopic',
         'stock' => 50,
         'image' => 'blank.gif',
         'info1' => 0,
         'info2' => 0,
         'input_needed' => 1,
         'can_use_item' => 1,
         'delete_after_use' => 1,

      // StickyTopic
         'name' => 'Sticky Topic',
         'desc' => 'Make any one of your topics a sticky!',
         'price' => 400,
         'module' => 'StickyTopic',
         'stock' => 50,
         'image' => 'blank.gif',
         'info1' => 0,
         'info2' => 0,
         'input_needed' => 1,
         'can_use_item' => 1,
         'delete_after_use' => 1,

      // StickyTopic
         'name' => 'Steal Credits',
         'desc' => 'Try to steal credits from another member!',
         'price' => 50,
         'module' => 'Steal',
         'stock' => 50,
         'image' => 'blank.gif',
         'info1' => 40,
         'info2' => 0,
         'input_needed' => 1,
         'can_use_item' => 1,
         'delete_after_use' => 1,

      // Rock
         'name' => 'Rock',
         'desc' => 'Well... It does nothing',
         'price' => 5,
         'module' => 'Rock',
         'stock' => 50,
         'image' => 'blank.gif',
         'info1' => 40,
         'info2' => 0,
         'input_needed' => 0,
         'can_use_item' => 0,
         'delete_after_use' => 0,

      // ChangeDisplayName
         'name' => 'Change Display Name',
         'desc' => 'Change your display name!',
         'price' => 5,
         'module' => 'ChangeDisplayName',
         'stock' => 50,
         'image' => 'blank.gif',
         'info1' => 0,
         'info2' => 0,
         'input_needed' => 1,
         'can_use_item' => 1,
         'delete_after_use' => 1,

      // ChangeDisplayName
         'name' => 'Change Display Name',
         'desc' => 'Change your display name!',
         'price' => 5,
         'module' => 'ChangeDisplayName',
         'stock' => 50,
         'image' => 'blank.gif',
         'info1' => 0,
         'info2' => 0,
         'input_needed' => 1,
         'can_use_item' => 1,
         'delete_after_use' => 1,


For faster and better support, you should try asking this in the support topic for the mod here:
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."



"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
