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Post count stars

Started by lazy-ferret, November 16, 2011, 04:04:55 PM

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My website was hacked by "" and it was first thought by my ISP that they may have got in via the old SMF version I was running, so my ISP backed everything up, and cleaned my site for me.

Long story short, it was not my trusty forum software, but another software product I was using called ZenPhoto. Unfortunately, by the time I discovered all this, I had already set to work re-building everything and decided that now was the time to start from scratch with the latest software.

I got the forum back up, and I now have SMF 2.0.1 apparently working perfectly, and even managed to keep the old Database, so still have all the original posts etc. I have noticed that a couple of threads did seem to have a few random post losses, but overall it had survived. Very impressive stuff, so thanks guys for such hardy software.

I do have one minor, but annoying problem though, since doing the new install, I have found that the "Stars" that relate to how many posts a user has made, are not working corectly. The ranking system seems to be working, e.g, it is putting the correct Membergroup in the Author section of a post, but then only ever displays just 1 star. I have checked the membergroups, and each one has a different number of stars, and I checked the database to make sure it had not been corrupted, and that seems OK.

I have tried the default core theme, and also downloaded a a few others, just to make sure it was not theme specific, but it stays the same on all the themes.

I only know enough to be dangerous, so please if you need any extra info, be as specific as possible, as I can not read/write PHP, just look, search, cut and paste in the right places.

Hope someone can help me.



in what way are the stars not working correctly? you have given us the history and how you got to where you are but not actually explained the issue.


Oppss, Sorry..

Basically, it is set up to display the Yellow box, called Star.gif, but regardless of how many it is supposed to display, it only displays 1.


link to your forum where we can see the issue?

lazy-ferret [nofollow]

You need to register to see the majority of the forum, but if you look here [nofollow] most of the posters in there should have 5 stars, where as "darkqueenenlightened" 2nd from the bottom should only have 2.


can you take a screenshot of the member groups list in the admin panel?


the users with the issue are in a different regular group then the "regular members" group, so they have their own badge that overrides the one of the post count based group [badge or star whatever you want to call it]. so it is working as expected.


Ahhhh, I see what you mean... strange thing is, it worked on the old software..

Surely though, since it is displaying that they are "Alpha Ferret" or "Weaned Kit", and that has 5 or 2 stars, it should display the stars relating to what it is displaying. If not, can I make it so it does again, as the other groups are for board permissions only


if you set those groups as the additional group and leave the main group as regular members it will work as you want. otherwise you can look into a mod but i dont think any of the mods related to this work with post count based groups but i could be wrong.


Actually, as you pointed me in the right direction, I just made the top member groups so they displayed "0" stars, and it made it back to how it used to be, and it now displays the postage count stars... Perfect.

Thanks for being there...
