Registration requiring a photo or link

Started by 2yearsinvegas, July 12, 2012, 09:22:25 PM

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We have set up SMB and I hope to limit our registration duties. Our board is for an NFL fan club in a major city. We will require that all users provide either a photo of themselves or instead a link to their own Facebook page. The elimination of anonymity is important for our members only board. Is there something that allows us to manage a registration requirement like this on SMB?



At the moment I don't think it's possible.
It should be the field of custom profile fields, but at the moment it's impossible to require an image to be uploaded.
The facebook link should be easier to implement (at least you it should be easy to ask for a link and verify that is a facebook link, I don't think it's possible to verify that the link belong to the person is registering nor that it is actually a link to a profile).

Probably the existing solution closest to your request is:

ETA: I'm keeping this topic here because add a bit of flexibility to the advanced profiles in the end could be an idea.

Take a peek at what I'm doing! ;D

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