change to ssl... ?

Started by dan4ever, October 22, 2016, 06:11:40 PM

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I'm thinking of to change my forum to a ssl (HTTPS).
How do I do that? 
Does Google have to index al over again?

/Dan Olsson, Webmaster at


That's like asking, "How do I build a house?" You could grab a hammer and saw and start whacking away but you would be better off educating yourself first before you start.

Google is your friend here.


well, first of all, you need a certificate.

then you need to change all of your urls to https instead of http...  in smf, and any redirects that your system uses.

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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Easiest is if you have your own Linux/BSD box.
(Or if someone else hosts it.)

1) Download certbot
2) Run certbot
3) Enjoy SSL

If you want your own cert (bought, etc), then buckle up, it will be one hell of a ride. A ride that never ends.


I have so much less effort buying certificates and deploying them than I do running Certbot to go to Let's Encrypt, but then I run a fleet of Windows servers running Apache. (And Certbot requires dropping a bunch of things on servers that I'd personally prefer not having on a server.)

In any case, going SSL is going to be borderline mandatory as of January 2017, when browsers will start listing HTTP sites with a password entry as outright insecure.


Agreed Arantor.

Though I used a Certbot variant on Windows as well for IIS, it worked perfect.
Was only a simple exe file, set up everything and it worked flawless.

On Linux, yeah, it fetches the entire buildtool chain, no idea why.
But since it's not a shared server, I don't really mind.

Then again, big companies / enterprises will not use Let's Encrypt at all.
I mean, what's 10-15$ for a company anyway?
