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SA Facebook mod

Started by eladio, November 02, 2013, 05:21:40 AM

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Nakon što se pojavio problem nakon upgradea foruma na 2.0.6 verziju sa tim modom, koji je javljao "Param numposts must be a number greater than or equal to 1" , po uputi navedeni problem sam rješio sa nadogradnjom tog moda, koja se u međuvremenu pojavila.

Ali sad mi je nestao FB connect button , prilikom prijave ili registracije , član se mogao jednostavno jednim klikom prijaviti na forum, a sad tog buttona nema.
Ručno sam ga podesio i postavio na serveru, ali ništa..

E sad da li je to do moda i nove verzije? Ili je kod mene problem.. Neka ideja?


Ne znam koji je mod ali pokušaj:

Deinstalirati mod i ponovno ga instalirati.


nije pomoglo..

ali jedna stvar me iznenadila, za test sam stavio registration mode: "facebook only", i to onda mod radi! (kad se ode na registraciju) :o
ali nekoliko redova dole piše verzija 2.0.2 , a trebala bi biti verzija 2.0.3
nesto ovdje ovaj mod krivo "vuče"  :-\


Quote from: SA™ on November 05, 2013, 02:57:19 PM
the issue is with this piece of code in your index.template.php

$content = ob_get_contents();
$content = preg_replace_callback('/(<img src=")(http:\/\/\/d\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2})(.*?)(".*?>)/i',
'return \'<a href="\'.urlencode(base64_encode($matches[2].\'/original\'.$matches[3])).\'" target="_blank" class="externalLink">\'.$matches[1].$matches[2].\'/thumbnail\'.$matches[3].$matches[4].\'</a>\';'
echo $content;

this breaks smf's buffer hook would also say is problay not good to have that in your template  but dont just remove that peice of code cos it looks like copy right for that mod eaither remove tapatalk or ask them to fix it

problem riješen, tapatalk radi probleme ...aaaaaaaaa , uh
