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Info Center (users online) isn't updating?

Started by FastRobot, November 10, 2010, 02:44:35 AM

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I am running SMF 2.0 RC3, and I removed the forum statistic section of the info center and just left users online (followed by a guide posted here on the SMF boards). For some reason, my users online is NOT updating since October 15th, which was then I uploaded the forums and began testing them.

QuoteMost Online Today: 2. Most Online Ever: 3 (October 15, 2010, 12:27:12 AM)

Which isn't true, because at the time I copied this, there were 6 people online. Can anyone help me track down the problem?


I've seen this happening as a theming issue. Are you using the default theme? In addition, please post back a link to the guide you followed to remove the infocenter.
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."



When I want to look statistic, the link lead me to my host?

SMF 2.0.7
Aeva Media
French utf8
Thème: MundoNetv2


"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."


Quote from: xenovanis on November 11, 2010, 04:21:03 PM
I've seen this happening as a theming issue. Are you using the default theme? In addition, please post back a link to the guide you followed to remove the infocenter.

Yes I am using a theme. The theme was downloaded here:;sa=view;down=18 [nofollow]

I went and obviously modified the mainblock and other various components, but mainly just image related objects.

The guide I followed to removing the forum statistics is from this link:


This is my modified info_center. I removed the forum stats section so only users online appears. Maybe I removed something that controlled the tracking of users online??


function template_info_center()
   global $context, $settings, $options, $txt, $scripturl, $modSettings;

   // Here's where the "Info Center" starts...
   echo '
   <span class="clear upperframe"><span></span></span>
   <div class="roundframe"><div class="innerframe">
      <div class="cat_bar">
         <h3 class="catbg">
            <img class="icon" id="upshrink_ic" src="', $settings['images_url'], '/collapse.gif" alt="*" title="', $txt['upshrink_description'], '" style="display: none;" />
            ', sprintf($txt['info_center_title'], $context['forum_name_html_safe']), '
      <div id="upshrinkHeaderIC"', empty($options['collapse_header_ic']) ? '' : ' style="display: none;"', '>';

   // "Users online" - in order of activity.
   echo '
         <div class="title_barIC">
            <h4 class="titlebg">
               <span class="ie6_header floatleft">
                  ', $context['show_who'] ? '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=who' . '">' : '', '<img class="icon" src="', $settings['images_url'], '/icons/online.gif', '" alt="', $txt['online_users'], '" />', $context['show_who'] ? '</a>' : '', '
                  ', $txt['online_users'], '
         <p class="inline stats">
            ', $context['show_who'] ? '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=who">' : '', comma_format($context['num_guests']), ' ', $context['num_guests'] == 1 ? $txt['guest'] : $txt['guests'], ', ' . comma_format($context['num_users_online']), ' ', $context['num_users_online'] == 1 ? $txt['user'] : $txt['users'];


Please attach the file BoardIndex.template.php of your custom theme.

Have you tried to see if this does work with the default theme?
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
