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Started by feeble, February 29, 2008, 11:51:29 PM

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Quote from: tfs on October 08, 2010, 02:30:17 PM
Bugo, I hope they allow you to take it over, of course with the stipulation that if Feeble ever returned he'd have some say in the process of what happens.
It stands to reason. I just want to support and update mod.


Quote from: Bugo on October 08, 2010, 02:42:46 PM
It stands to reason. I just want to support and update mod.

And a thousand times thanks for your support!   ;D
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit.


Agreed. It stands to reason that feeble has abandoned this mod after two years of absence. Hopefully they will use some reason and let you update it.  :)


Bugo, did somebody say you cannot attach your updated version in this thread?
Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)


No one (in this thread). But can say.


I've never seen a 'member submitted update' refused in a thread, unless the mod Owner states they do not want anyone to do so.

Well, thanks for your update and time anyway mate :)
Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)


i have - ive seen the moderators actually even remove them if the author's permisison wasn't given


That's strange.
It used to be how members could contribute and help the community. I myself have updated a fair few in the past, without any issue such as that.
Although a couple times the author(s) have contacted me before they left, but most often, it's just a user submitted update.
Must be a new thing ....
Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)


This is news to me as well. I have seen user contributed updates several times. If that is a rule, then it is a rule though.
My compliments to you Bugo, The last one you submitted works on RC3 for me, with the exception of the wins/losses not updating in the database. The elo is changed, but the wins and losses always remain at 0 for every member that plays. It doesn't get played very often anymore, but maybe once it is fully updated and working, I may get more to play it again.


Quote from: Bugo on June 12, 2010, 01:33:33 PM
version 2.1.5 (unofficial).

fixed templates for SMF 2.x (menubar & other)
fixed leaderboard (now it works in SMF 2.x)
fixed install on SMF 1.x


Any news about the 2.1.5 status right now ?



any news about the updated version?


Quote from: Bugo on October 09, 2010, 12:03:50 AM
Quote from: Bugo on June 12, 2010, 01:33:33 PM
version 2.1.5 (unofficial).

fixed templates for SMF 2.x (menubar & other)
fixed leaderboard (now it works in SMF 2.x)
fixed install on SMF 1.x
PM sent.


Question: Whenever i join a quickmatch the system will not recognize, that user is joined and chess can begin. Has anyone noticed this issue or is there a slight problem ?!


Hello SMFChess Users - can someone tell me how the Quickmatch works. How can i start such a game ?! Whenever both players are online the game cannot start because chess tells me that not all player are joined and ready ?!


OK guys - for all people who have troubles starting a game under 1 hour, there seems to be a small problem finding the right players:

Change chessXML.php LINE 307 to:

AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lo.log_time) < " . (time() - 20) . ") AND lo.id_member = '{$context['SMFChessXml']['oppId']}'

Now game starts when both players are online.


And for the correct update whenever player forget to move in an quick match, you should add the following in ChessXML around line 221 (don't know why this wont work without this modification):

if(($context['SMFChessXml']['moveTimeleft'] == 0) && (!empty($context['SMFChessXml']['side'])) && (!$context['SMFChessXml']['yours']) && (!$context['SMFChessXml']['control'])){
$context['SMFChessXml']['message'] = '<b>'.$txt['SMFChess_control']['moveexpired'].' '.$txt['SMFChess_control']['click'].' <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="if(confirm(\''.$txt['SMFChess_control']['yousure'].'\')){chessCommand(\'clock_accept_win\');}"><u>'.$txt['SMFChess_control']['here'].'</u></a> '.$txt['SMFChess_control']['acceptwin'].'</b>';

$smcFunc['db_query']('', "UPDATE {db_prefix}chess
SET status='5', updated='".time()."', movetime='".time()."', control='0', extra='{$context['user']['id']}'
WHERE id_chess='{$context['SMFChessXml']['id_chess']}'
AND status < '5'
LIMIT 1");



I haven't heard any reports of that issue on my forum, but I will keep this in mind if I do. Thanks for the heads up petesky.


We need updates for this mod. Please somebody take over if the writer is not responding.
