Sources > Subs-Auth.php file deleted itself

Started by cbielich, November 17, 2014, 01:37:59 PM

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I am having a weird issue. I am receiving the following error

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/content/html/latestgamecheat/Sources/Subs-Auth.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5_3/lib/php') in /home/content/html/latestgamecheat/Sources/Security.php on line 543

The obvious reason is that the Subs-Auth.php file is missing, I noticed that it was missing initially. When I upload the original file manually to my server after refreshing the page it immediately deletes the file. I have no idea why it is doing that.

I recently moved me site from one hosting company to another. I also ran the repair_settings.php and changed all my directory paths to the correct settings.

Any help?


This would imply the new hosting company has overly strict security procedures that delete 'suspicious looking files'.

Of course, none of these companies ever tell *us* what is suspicious looking about anything in SMF so it's not like we can ever fix it properly...

Contact them, ask them why their security system keeps dealing your files.



Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


(This is not just GoDaddy. I am hearing rumours of HostGator doing something similar)


So I figured it out, for whatever reason when I tried to upload through my FTP client filezilla it skipped many files in the Sources folder. I used godaddy's file manager through a web browser and uploaded them that way it worked just fine.

Weird because filezilla didn't report any connect or permissions issues when uploading the files.

Also please tell someone in the upper management that the image verification is ridiculously hard to read and I mean really hard....



After finding 3 of them I just uploaded the entire Sources folder and that fixed it. The three I found were

Sources/Crap can't remember the third one sorry

They were all in Sources folder though


Change Filezilla's "Transfer type", under the "Transfers" menu, to "binary". The default "auto" setting is known to break some files.


Hmmmmmm. I'm confused by the first one, the others... even more surprising.

Something is weird.

@K@: I do not understand why auto would freak text files. Images, sure, but not text files. And not in a 'file not even being uploaded' way.


It shouldn't, I concur. But, for whatever reason, it does, with some. I've known it happen to a number of people, including me.

I have no idea as to why, though.

Someone did explain it, here, a while back. Pity I didn't bookmark it. :(


I can't imagine why it would, though, that's the weird thing. I know what it's doing with the auto thing, at least what it's supposed to be doing as per what FTP specification says. But I don't get why it would mess up text files.


Me, neither.

Fact is, though, it does and I can't figure any pattern with the files that croak.

Life... don't talk to me about life... ;)


k@ is just wierd - he can break any technology by looking at it. :P

Subs-Auth has been reported by others on GoDaddy - as has Subs-Post

and although it has been reported on HostGator as well, I immediately suspect GoDaddy because... well.  Stupid.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."



Quote from: Arantor on November 17, 2014, 01:39:54 PM
Contact them, ask them why their security system keeps dealing your files.

Well, that's a new one. A webhost that deals your own personal files. 8)
Jason Clemons
Former Team Member 2009 - 2012



Jason Clemons
Former Team Member 2009 - 2012


I quite agree. I just disagree whose keyboard and whose chair ;D

Sir Osis of Liver

Filezilla default transfer settings will break attachment files with hashed file names because they have no extension.  Other files are not affected.

Edit -> Settings -> Transfers -> File Types -> Treat files without extension as ASCII file
Ashes and diamonds, foe and friend,
 we were all equal in the end.

                                     - R. Waters


I believe this is the point I made earlier in thread?
