MODS and mambo bridge

Started by profile, December 29, 2004, 01:03:23 PM

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Not sure if all MODS will work with the Mambo bridge, so if not, please list any that has been tested successfully.  TIA


Well, I have the following mods installed on my forum:

Member Map/Location mod (you must add the mm action to the bridge file)
Faster Parse Code
Board Default Sort
Buddy List
Gender Specific Groups
Manage Holidays (you must add the editcalendar action to the bridge file)
Coloured Jumpbox
Member Specific Permissions
Message Icon Manager
Visual Warning/Post Moderation (you must add the warning actions to the bridge file)
Escape Tag
Spoiler Tag
Secret Tag
Anchor Tag
Fuse Box
Custom BB Code
Mod Settings TextArea
Excess Blank Lines
Table from CSV

Security Fix
RC2 Fix Package

Theoretically, the shoutbox will also work, if you add the shoutbox actions to the bridge file... but since there's a shoutbox module for Mambo, why bother putting a shoutbox in SMF?

The Pie Chart Mod requires some modification (which doesn't matter too much, since I have not yet gotten Polls to work in RC2 with the bridge... waiting for v1.0 which fixes it)


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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Integrated Chat works  :) (you must add Chat action to the smf.php file and comment out obexit in the chat.php file to make it look pretty)


how do you comment the OBEXIT out? delete it?



thanks. Do you have any idea where to find these functions at? I've been looking in the packages and I can figure out what to omit here? ???


Search the files for obExit();

In the Member Map, it was in MemberMap.php.  I don't have the two mods you have, but I imagine they are similar.


Quote from: kindred on December 29, 2004, 01:42:58 PM
Visual Warning/Post Moderation (you must add the warning actions to the bridge file)

i'm new to all this stuff so could some1 explain me where and what should i add


Quote from: Orstio on February 17, 2005, 06:29:03 AM
Search the files for obExit();

In the Member Map, it was in MemberMap.php.  I don't have the two mods you have, but I imagine they are similar.

I searched Chat.php and Arcade.php in the Source files, and there was no obExit.  Hopefully someone else can shed light on this. My portal is 100% ready to roll.  but I want these two features wrapped before I make it public! :-\

This is what I found in chat.php


function ChatRoom()


global $user_info;


if ($user_info['is_guest'])



fatal_lang_error(138, false);




$context['page_title'] = 'Chat Room';


Arcade.php was extremely long, so I didnt post it. I wouldnt know where to start with that one.

Thanks though Ortiso for attempting to help me. I'll wait for someone else to come along! ;)


I already took obexit out of chat, it should work fine the way it is.


The chat wont stay in my portal. Im using a custom theme. Could that be it? what would I have to do?


Quote from: trenchteam on February 18, 2005, 02:26:38 AM
The chat wont stay in my portal. Im using a custom theme. Could that be it? what would I have to do?

I also added this to my SMF.php file. that didn't do the trick either.  grrr.........  I did remove the entire header of the forum.  There is no boxes at the top at all. Its starts with the news fader box. Im not sure if this would cause problems. :-[

QuoteSorry guys, I see what your problem is now. I actually removed the obexit() in the latest version. You are saying chat doesn't work at all in mambo. For any mod that you install when using mambo that usually edits index.php you need to make the same changes in smf.php in the mambo components smf folder. So for chat you need to

search for
      'calendar' => array('Calendar.php', 'CalendarMain'),

      'chat' => array('Chat.php', 'ChatRoom'),

UPDATE: I got it working. I looked at Goosemoose URL for his chat, then imitated it in mine. And it worked fine......... ;D  Sorry for the mess.


I strongly suggest you replace obExit() with return instead of simply commenting it out.  Watch:

// PHP might be broken, if so... die.
if (1 == 2)

echo 'PHP works!';

If you comment out obExit();, in this case, you get two undesired effects: first, it won't properly quit if 1 equals 2, and second.. in this case, it will ONLY say PHP works if 1 DOES equal 2!!!  Replacing it with return, mostly, fixes both these problems:

if (1 == 2)

echo 'PHP works!';

However, this can still cause problems, depending on the mod.  This is what I wrote up the output buffering example for - it should fix this issue.



Quote from: kindred on December 29, 2004, 01:42:58 PM
Well, I have the following mods installed on my forum:

*Member Map/Location mod (you must add the mm action to the bridge file)

*Manage Holidays (you must add the editcalendar action to the bridge file)

*Visual Warning/Post Moderation (you must add the warning actions to the bridge file)

What do you have to do or modify and add in order to make this work?

I added 'mm' => array('MemberMap.php', 'mm'), in functions.smf.main.php  (cowboy com) but it did not work

Theoretically, the shoutbox will also work, if you add the shoutbox actions to the bridge file... but since there's a shoutbox module for Mambo, why bother putting a shoutbox in SMF?

yes, it works. Why not the one from mambo instead?, because the one from smf works better (with smileys and everything)




well, I use Orstio's version of the mod... but addint the mm command into the functions file should have it working.

I dunno about you, but I get smilies in the mambo shoutbox just fine...

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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


using cowboy's 1.2.0 bridge w/ mambo

topic ratings 1.02
forum kings 1.6
visual warning 1.2

not working:
smf arcade 1.1.3
suggest topic 1.2


As has been discussed multiple times... the arcade mod will actually not work properly with any version of the bridge.

The games should run just fine, but the games will not save high scores and will exit back to the site frontpage rather than the games menu.
There is nothing that can be done about this without changing the actual FLash files themselves.

If the games themselves are not working, I think that's something to do with Cowboy's bridge, since I've seen people sue Orstio's bridge and still play the games.

I don't know what suggest topic does...   but how does it fail? What happens?


Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


To anyone who doesn't mind SMF in a new window (unwrapped), arcade will work just fine.  Just add a menu to the frontpage as it will still accept the single login.


well....       mamboflashgames works perfectly on the mambo-side of things and has more games available for it than the SFM arcade does... inlcuding most of the same games...

mamboflashgames component and

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: kindred on April 11, 2005, 01:28:16 PM
well....       mamboflashgames works perfectly on the mambo-side of things and has more games available for it than the SFM arcade does... inlcuding most of the same games...

mamboflashgames component and

I agree with you that it works, but mamboflashgames hasn't been updated for a long time.  I even believe the project has been abandoned.  It also doesn't have the challenge, tournament feature like vb or ib.
