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Started by feeble, November 26, 2006, 07:36:17 PM

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I am getting a weird glitch... I thought I saw a fix for it before but I might be stupid... :P



Quote from: Embrace on January 15, 2008, 03:30:12 PM
I am getting a weird glitch... I thought I saw a fix for it before but I might be stupid... :P

The misalignment is caused by HTML and/or CSS syntax errors

Use W3C-Online-Validator at

If you are not sure on how to fix any errors that it find, I would talk to the author of your theme.

If history serves, this has been mostly caused by incorrect syntax used in the themes menu bar.

Small note: even if this might seem like alot of trouble, I highly recommend sorting out any errors that the W3C online validator finds, as it greatly improves compatibility between browsers as well as decreases page loading.


could u also set up (back end) that admins can set up matches between players

QuoteIve been meaning to do this.
Where would you like it, on the challenge screen? or in the admin area?
the challenge screen would make it quicker,

I would suggest placing in the same place the admins would set up tournaments
(in progress I hope?)

the CSS for the rank/groups is perfect
~playing poker~


Quote from: Assistance on January 15, 2008, 05:58:10 PM
QuoteIve been meaning to do this.
Where would you like it, on the challenge screen? or in the admin area?
the challenge screen would make it quicker,

Quote from: Assistance on January 15, 2008, 05:58:10 PM
I would suggest placing in the same place the admins would set up tournaments
(in progress I hope?)
Umm, its still being thought out.
We just had a trial run tournament, and it ran into a few issues.
The biggest issue is the time, and that it can go for a very long time if enough players sign up.
A different board game is also on the table.


What's the name of that different game?  Guess ( I forget it...) :P
Visit = | |


Quote from: eXecuT on January 16, 2008, 04:17:29 PM
What's the name of that different game?  Guess ( I forget it...) :P
Its still in discussion.
I don't rightly know at the moment. But essentially its either a Tournament for SMFChess or a diff board game.


Update on the next release:
first off some boring stuff. Tweaked the ELO formula and fixed a few bugs here and there.

for the last couple of days I've been messing around with
Its a really cool framework for, well alot of different things. I recommend checking it out, could make your website pretty flash.
My main interest with is its effects.

So what I've done is when your opponent moves his chess pieces, it will initiate an effect, so you can visually see the piece change.
I can't decide between Effect.Shake and Effect.Highlight

In saying this thou, I probably wont end up using, as Ill be trying to make my own versions and add it to the already wonderful Walterzorn's Dragdrop script, which I've used for everything else. Mostly to try and keep the overhead down, but we shall see how it goes.

Also been working on the foundations for showing captured pieces. Should be implemented soon enough.

Also this week I've also finished a new mod, just waiting for it to be approved right now.
I've had it laying around for a while, but was asked to release it so it didn't take much time.


how about a chat feature within the game?

so we can say "owned"  :P


There is a chat feature within the game ...or was that taken out. ???


Quote from: Bigguy on January 18, 2008, 06:56:44 PM
There is a chat feature within the game ...or was that taken out. ???

oh if so i did not know. :P


i dunno about the fancy flash
if u do go that route please have an enable/disable feature

personally I would rather have a simple chess setup, then some fancy Chessmaster 2million ; )

I've yet to install the latest version, not getting a clean uninstall (is ok)
I do have a few more idea's, but I'd rather see the tournament section running before I overload ya.

what u have done so far is great

thank you
~playing poker~


You threw me off a bit when you asked me that cause I was sure there was a chat feature in the latest release, lol. There always has been a chat feature.

Quote from: nick09 on January 18, 2008, 06:58:27 PM
Quote from: Bigguy on January 18, 2008, 06:56:44 PM
There is a chat feature within the game ...or was that taken out. ???

oh if so i did not know. :P


Quote from: Assistance on January 21, 2008, 07:02:35 PM
i dunno about the fancy flash
if u do go that route please have an enable/disable feature

personally I would rather have a simple chess setup, then some fancy Chessmaster 2million ; )

Sorry for the delayed reply

I do agree with this, you will be able to disable the effects.
It's really not that much, basically just a colour change, a small wiggle or a small pulse.
I have it being tested on a friends site at the moment, and he seems to enjoy the effects.

Update on the last couple of days:
Been working on the challenge page mostly
-Improved the user search, actually looks pretty funky now.
-When you create a quickmatch, it will be listed now below, just so you know it has been created, and not think that you have done something wrong.
-Added a difference in ELO. so you can see a quick comparative skill to your opponent.
-added [C] next to players names on my page and leaderboard(maybe will be added to current and finished as well). This just means that if you want to challenge that player, just click the [C] and it will take you straight to the challenge page.

Also, a small mod I've been working on the side just got approved. More details here


Ok uploaded a new version, pretty much the same points are listed yesterday
-Improved the user search, actually looks pretty funky now.

Notes: the -95, is the difference between mine and Godsongz ELO. Arrow and Enter Key are useable to select player

-When you create a quickmatch, it will be listed now below, just so you know it has been created, and not think that you have done something wrong.
-Added a difference in ELO. so you can see a quick comparative skill to your opponent.
-added [C] next to players names on my page and leaderboard. This just means that if you want to challenge that player, just click the [C] and it will take you straight to the challenge page.
-Effects Added: Shake, Pulse and Fade Highlight

All Chess Files have been adjusted in this release.

Download link is in the first post

So whats left to do?
Well I'm gradually putting lines through, its mostly just cosmetic changes.
-Show captured pieces (nearly done, just need to write the js)
-add in the manual add game (this will be actually combined with the import)
-few adjustments to the elo recount.
-language files

I am thinking about dropping titles for the moment. If I can get that list done, I can then officially release. Then introduce the titles in a patch would probably be the best way to go with it. See how it goes.

Anyways, any issues with the release let me know.


Love the New Challenge Bling  :D

But one problem with it ..... if you click the dropdown menu of the person you want to challenge it clicks on the Create Quick Match, you may have to drop the "Create QuickMatch" down a little bit more.


Scratch that , maybe it didn't ... will further investigate


Please bigger and better language files pleeeeaaasseee....
im begging for it....
dying for it....


The Scriptaculous effect turned out very well! ;)

And how did you do to put even the animated gif avatars resized in both length and width AND working as animated in the user search function? :o Because that's not even possible with the default SMF. Great job!


i made a newer version of Turkish Language file... please replace it with the current one


//SMFChess Language File

$txt['SMFChess_g'] = array(
'seconds' => 'Saniye',
'minutes' => 'Dakika',
'hours' => 'Saat',
'days' => 'Gun',
's' => 'sn',
'm' => 'dk',
'h' => 'sa',
'd' => 'gu',
'search1' => 'Arama',
'search2' => 'Arama Sonuclari',
'search3' => 'Araniyor...'

//Admin Settings
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['t_settings'] = 'Satranc Ayarlari';
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['t_interval'] = '<b>Yenileme Araligi:</b><div class="smalltext">Belirtilen saniye araliginda bir 

yenilenecektir<br/>(default: 10seconds)</div>'
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['t_timeout'] = '<b>Yenilemenin bitimi:</b><div class="smalltext">Bu kadar dakikadan sonra yenileme sona 

erecektir.<br/>(default: 30 minutes)</div>'
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['t_news'] = '<b>Giris Yazisi:</b><div class="smalltext">"Benim Sayfam" Kisminda ortada yazilacak olan 

$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['t_menu'] = '<b>Menu cubugu ayari:</b><div class="smalltext">Smf Temana uygun daha farkli menu cubugu 

$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['v_menu_default'] = 'Default<div class="smalltext">Var sayilan cubuk. SMF default temasina gore 

ayarlanmis olan</div>'
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['v_menu_custom1'] = 'Ozellestirilmis';
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['v_menu_custom2'] = '[Degistir]';
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['v_menu_custom3'] = '<div class="smalltext">Ozel cubuk. Gerekli kodlar ChessCustom.template.php. 

icindedir<br/>Bu php dosyasini temaniza ozel cubugu olusturmak icin kullanin</div>'
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['t_boardcolour'] = '<b>Satranc masasinin renkleri:</b><div class="smalltext">Renkleri seciniz</div>';
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['v_boardcolor_l'] = 'Acik Renk Kareler:';
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['v_boardcolor_d'] = 'Koyu Renk Kareler:';
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['v_boardcolor_b'] = 'Cerceve:';
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['v_boardcolor_t'] = 'Cerceve Yazisi:';
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['v_boardcolor_h'] = 'Ust Boya:';
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['t_boardpiece'] = '<b>Satranc taslari:</b><div class="smalltext">Oynamak istediginiz satranc taslari 

$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['t_boardsize'] = '<b>Satranc Masasi Boyutu:</b><div class="smalltext">Masanin boyutunu 

belirleyin.<br/>Gorme engelliler icin</div>'

$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['t_boardeffects'] = '<b>Satranc masasi efekleri:</b><div class="smalltext">Satranc taslari 

degistigindeki efeklerin ayarlari.</div>'
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['v_boardeffects_0'] = 'Hicbirsey';
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['v_boardeffects_1'] = 'Ust Boyasi';
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['v_boardeffects_2'] = 'Calkala';
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['v_boardeffects_3'] = 'Titret';

$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['t_c_settings'] = 'Satranc Chat Ayarlari';
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['t_c_enable'] = '<b>Satranctaki Chat Aktif:</b><div class="smalltext">Aktive etmek icin 

$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['t_c_interval'] = '<b>Chat yenileme araligi:</b><div class="smalltext">Belli saniyede bir yenileme 

araligi<br/>(default: 10seconds)</div>'
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['t_c_timeout'] = '<b>Yenileme bitimi:</b><div class="smalltext">Bu kadar dakikadan sonra yenileme 

bitecektir.<br/>(default: 30 minutes)</div>'
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['t_c_cansee'] = '<b>Chat i kimlerin gorebilecegi:</b><div class="smalltext">Adminler her zaman 

$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['v_c_cansee1'] = 'Herkes';
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['v_c_cansee2'] = 'Ziyaretciler haric herkes';
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['v_c_cansee3'] = 'Sadece oyuncular';
$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['t_c_canchat'] = '<b>Kimler Chat Yapabilir?:</b><div class="smalltext">Adminler her zaman chat 

$txt['SMFChess_a_s']['t_c_movelog'] = '<b>Kayitlarin yerini degistir:</b><div class="smalltext">Chatlerin gorunebilmesi icin 

forum varsayilanini degistir.</div>'

//Admin Maintenance
$txt['SMFChess_a_m']['t_maintenance'] = 'Satranc Bakim';
$txt['SMFChess_a_m']['t_repair'] = '<b>Hatalari bul ve duzelt:</b><div class="smalltext">Hatalari bulur ve tamir 

$txt['SMFChess_a_m']['t_recount'] = '<b>Satranc sonuclarinin tekrar sayimi:</b><div class="smalltext">Tekrar sayim +/0/- ve 

$txt['SMFChess_a_m']['v_recount'] = 'Satranc Sonuclarinin Tekrar Sayimi';
$txt['SMFChess_a_m']['t_clean'] = '<b>Temizlenmis Satranc</b><div class="smalltext">Bu kadar gundur hamle yapilmamis olan 

oyunlari sil.<br/>(varsayilan: 30/90 gun)</div>'
$txt['SMFChess_a_m']['v_clean_stagnant1'] = 'Durmus olan oyunlari sil.';
$txt['SMFChess_a_m']['v_clean_stagnant2'] = 'Son hamlenin yapilmis oldugu oyunlari sil.';
$txt['SMFChess_a_m']['v_clean_finished1'] = 'Bitmis oyunlari sil.';
$txt['SMFChess_a_m']['v_clean_finished2'] = 'Sona ermis olan oyunlari sil.';
$txt['SMFChess_a_m']['v_clean_confirm'] = 'Satranci silmek istediginizden eminmisiniz?\n\nBu degisiklik geri dondurulemez!';
$txt['SMFChess_a_m']['t_i_import'] = 'Satranc import';
$txt['SMFChess_a_m']['t_i_search'] = '<b>Uye Ara</b><div class="smalltext">Search for members, Beyaz yada siyah olacagini 

belirleyecek import uyesini ara</div>'
$txt['SMFChess_a_m']['t_i_white'] = '<b>Beyazin ismi</b><div class="smalltext">Import edilmis oyunu beyaza ver</div>';
$txt['SMFChess_a_m']['t_i_black'] = '<b>Siyahin ismi</b><div class="smalltext">Import edilmis oyunu siyaha ver</div>';
$txt['SMFChess_a_m']['t_i_pgn'] = '<b>PGN Notation</b><div class="smalltext">PGN Notation data to import</div>';
$txt['SMFChess_a_m']['v_i_pgn'] = 'Import';
$txt['SMFChess_a_m']['t_i_createnew'] = 'Yeni olustur';
$txt['SMFChess_a_m']['t_i_findingusers'] = 'Uyeler araniyor...';

//Admin Maintenance Results
$txt['SMFChess_maint_result_title'] = 'Sonuclar';
$txt['SMFChess_maint_result_fixcurrent'] = 'Devam edenler duzeltildi.';
$txt['SMFChess_maint_result_fixfininished'] = 'Bitmisler duzeltildi.';
$txt['SMFChess_maint_result_fixdraw'] = 'Berabere olanlar duzeltildi.';
$txt['SMFChess_maint_result_fixnull'] = 'Yanitsizlar silindi';
$txt['SMFChess_maint_recount'] = 'Oyunlar tekrar sayildi';
$txt['SMFChess_maint_result_cleanprogress'] = 'Durmuslar silindi';
$txt['SMFChess_maint_result_cleannotstarted'] = 'Baslamamislar silindi';
$txt['SMFChess_maint_result_cleanfinished'] = 'Bitmisler silindi';
$txt['SMFChess_maint_import'] = 'Basariyla import edildi.';
$txt['SMFChess_maint_importfailed'] = 'Import basarisiz.';
$txt['SMFChess_maint_importfailed2'] = '2 uye bulunamadi';

//Main Areas
$txt['SMFChess_labels'] = array(
'board' => 'Masa',
'challenge' => '/Oyun Teklifi/',
'mypage' => '  /Benim Bolumum/',
'current' => '  /Suren Karsilasmalar/',
'finished' => 'Bitti',
'leaderboard' => '  /Siralama/',
'settings' => '  /Ayarlar/',
'game' => 'Rakipler',
'status' => 'Durum',
'move' => 'Hamle Sayisi',
'moves' => 'Hamleler',
'turn' => 'Sira',
'created' => 'Baslangic',
'updated' => 'Son Guncellenme',
'winner' => 'Kazanan',
'finished' => ' /Bitmis Karsilasmalar/',
'setdefault' => 'Set Default',
'preview' => 'On Izleme',
'rank' => 'Siralama #',
'name' => 'Isim',
'elo' => 'Puanlama',
'wins' => 'Kazanilanlar',
'draws' => 'Berabere',
'losses' => 'Kaybedilmisler',
'opponent' => 'Rakip',
'moveclock' => 'Saat Hareketi',
'result' => 'Sonuc',
'wdl' => '+/0/-',
'w' => '+',
'd' => '0',
'l' => '-',
'delete' => 'Masayi Sil',
'won' => 'Kazandi',
'vs' => 'ile',
'credits' => 'Yapanlar',
'yours' => 'Senin',
'cUser' => '<span class="smalltext">[Davet Et]</span>'

$txt['SMFChess_javascript'] = array(
'delete' => 'Silmek istediginizden eminmisiniz?',

$txt['SMFChess_Settings'] = array(
'is_not_guest' => 'Yanlizca Uyelere Ozeldir',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',

$txt['SMFChess_errors'] = array(
'noranked' => 'Hickimsenin puani yok.',
'is_not_guest' => 'Yanlizca Uyelere Ozeldir.',
'nofinished' => 'Bitmis olan hicbir oyun yok.',
'nocurrent' => 'Hicbir oyun yok.',
'reminder' => 'Hatirlatma Gonderildi.',
'nousers' => 'Kullanici bulunamadi',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',

$txt['SMFChess_control'] = array(
'moveexpired' => '<b>Rakip taninan zamanda hamlesini yapmadi. <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="if(confirm(\'Are 

you Sure?\')){chessCommand(\'clock_accept_win\');}"><u>Buraya tiklarsaniz</u></a> oyunu kazanirsiniz</b>'
'undo1' => '%s son hamlesini geri almak istiyor.<a href="javascript:void(0)" 

onclick="chessCommand(\'undo\');"><b><u>Kabul</u></b></a> yada <a href="javascript:void(0)" 

'undo2' => '%s teklifinize daha cevap vermedi.',
'notstarted1' => 'Lutfen oyunun baslamasi icin ilk hamleyi yapiniz',
'notstarted2' => 'Oyun daha baslamadi',
'draw1' => '%s oyunu berabere bitirmeyi teklif ediyor <a href="javascript:void(0)" 

onclick="chessCommand(\'draw\');"><b><u>Kabul</u></b></a> yada <a href="javascript:void(0)" 

'draw2' => '%s teklifinize daha cevap vermedi.',
'resign1' => '%s oyunu size armagan etmek istiyor. <a href="javascript:void(0)" 

onclick="chessCommand(\'resign\');"><b><u>Kabul</u></b></a> yada <a href="javascript:void(0)" 

'resign2' => '%s teklifinize daha cevap vermedi',
'unk' => 'Bilinmiyor.',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',

$txt['SMFChess_status'] = array(
=> 'Baslamadi',
=> 'Islemde',
=> 'Sah',
=> 'Sah-Mat',
=> 'Pat',
=> '*Sah-Mat*',
'UNK' => 'Bilinmiyor'


wow. Tha was pain.
can somebody make it for german?
i know there is one already but we need a bigger, better version of this language file in german.


Quote from: PLAYBOY on January 24, 2008, 02:28:26 PMi made a newer version of Turkish Language file... please replace it with the current one

wow. Tha was pain. can somebody make it for german? i know there is one already but we need a bigger, better version of this language file in german.
Thank you for doing this. Im going to make it my priority over the next couple of days to finish moving the text over. All thats left really is the User settings, board and challenge pages.

There really isnt a problem with what you translating the above, I actually would like to thank you, but I just want to let you know, that later tonight Ill be splitting the Language file into 3 separate files. one for admin area, xml/chat and chess.

Quote from: Paracelsus on January 24, 2008, 01:55:17 PMT
The Scriptaculous effect turned out very well ;) And how did you do to put even the animated gif avatars resized in both length and width AND working as animated in the user search function? Because that's not even possible with the default SMF. Great job!
Oh ok...its just using a <img> tag, so Im pretty sure animated gifs shouldnt stop working. Thank you for your kind words.
I pretty much am using their example autocompleter straight from their site.

Quote from: JaGuR123 on January 24, 2008, 05:48:41 AMLove the New Challenge Bling
But one problem with it ..... if you click the dropdown menu of the person you want to challenge it clicks on the Create Quick Match, you may have to drop the "Create QuickMatch" down a little bit more.

Scratch that , maybe it didn't ... will further investigate
Lol, thats lucky, cause I couldn't replicate the issue. I was wondering what browser you were using at the time?
Also I could just solve the issue straight out, by moving the quickmatch button, above the search user box?


Quote from: Feeble on January 24, 2008, 03:50:20 PM
Quote from: JaGuR123 on January 24, 2008, 05:48:41 AMLove the New Challenge Bling
But one problem with it ..... if you click the dropdown menu of the person you want to challenge it clicks on the Create Quick Match, you may have to drop the "Create QuickMatch" down a little bit more.

Scratch that , maybe it didn't ... will further investigate
Lol, thats lucky, cause I couldn't replicate the issue. I was wondering what browser you were using at the time?
Also I could just solve the issue straight out, by moving the quickmatch button, above the search user box?

Not sure what happened , but what i did was challenged somebody, and after looking to see if the challenge had worked and not being able to find a reference to the game any where i noticed there was a quickmatch opponent under the quickmatch and just assumed i clicked the quick match instead of challenging somebody, but as it turned out the challenge did work so now i have two games going ;)

Is it possible to have somewhere a "awaiting challenge" or something maybe.

Also  this part of the PM sent to the challenged formating seems skewed, needs a space in front of the url

The message they sent you was:

vrnrnFollow link to accept my Challengern;id=11

