
SMF 2.1.4 has been released! Take it for a spin! Read more.

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Auto Email Inactive Ordinary Users

Started by rsw686, May 12, 2008, 12:22:06 AM

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Table 'xxx_xxx.members' doesn't exist
File: /home/xxx/public_html/
Line: 19

Open that file and around 19 line you will see it mentions "members"
Change to smf_mebers

// Upgrade the database if necessary

'name' => 'aeiou_email',
'type' => 'int',
'size' => '10',
'null' => false,
'default' => '0'
), array(), 'ignore');

'name' => 'aeiou_count',
'type' => 'smallint',
'size' => 1,
'null' => false,
'default' => '0'
), array(), 'ignore');


Actually it should be {db_prefix}members, not smf_members.

Doug Varrieur

Is your Mod working in the 1.1.18 version?


anyone got this to work on 2.0.4? if yes, please PM me. would appreciate your help a lot. thx guys :)



I Would like this for 2.0.4 as well.

l: simple p: machines

Galaxy Computers

Has anyone got this to work on the latest version yet?
Wade Morris
Amarillo, Texas

Morris Technologies Computer Support Forum


seems quite likely none of us will get an update that works with smf 2.xx :(

Very handy package for those still running v1.x series of smf though.


I worked with:
SMF 2 in German

SID Giessen

Galaxy Computers

Ok,,, when I click install I got this error:

Table 'XXXXXX_mtsupport.members' doesn't exist
File: /home/xxxxxx/public_html/support/Packages/temp/2b3-dbmodify.php
Line: 19
Wade Morris
Amarillo, Texas

Morris Technologies Computer Support Forum

Galaxy Computers

I have just look in my Database there is a smf_members I don't know why it this mod won't install.
Wade Morris
Amarillo, Texas

Morris Technologies Computer Support Forum


Because the code in the database system changed between this mod being written and what is there now. Note the lack of smf_ in the dbmodify.php error ;)


Quote from: mtechama on April 09, 2013, 09:36:53 AM
Has anyone got this to work on the latest version yet?


Quote from: Eclipse16V on April 10, 2013, 03:13:11 AM
Works fine on my 2.0.4


Anybody knows why it sending emails to permanently banned users?
How we can exclude such users from mailing?

Georgia and Ukraine -FOREVER!


I too would love to see this updated to work with 2.0.4


i want to mail the final email again and again and again..

my idea is to change
aeiou_count = aeiou_count+1
to:aeiou_count = 1

is this the solution?

btw.. possible german translation:
<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.german_informal.php" error="skip">
<search position="end" />
$txt['scheduled_task_email_inactive'] = 'Automatische Email an inaktive Benutzer (AEIOU)';
$txt['scheduled_task_desc_email_inactive'] = 'Sendet eine Erinnerung an Benutzer die bereits min. 21 Tage inaktiv sind. <a href="' . $scripturl. '?action=admin;area=modsettings;sa=aeiou">Optionen.</a>';
$txt['aeiou'] = 'Email inaktive Benutzer';
$txt['aeiou_title'] = 'Automatische Email an inaktive Benutzer (AEIOU)';
$txt['aeiou_status'] = 'AEIOU ist {STATUS}. Einstellungen auf der {PAGE} Seite.';
$txt['aeiou_mail_status'] = 'Die E-Mail Warteschlange ist {STATUS}.<br />Dies kann zu Performanzproblemen führen.<br />Aktiviere sie auf der {PAGE} Seite.';
$txt['aeiou_enabled'] = 'aktiviert';
$txt['aeiou_disabled'] = 'deaktiviert';
$txt['aeiou_settings'] = 'Einstellungen';
$txt['aeiou_initial_subject'] = 'Überschrift der Initial-Email';
$txt['aeiou_initial_message'] = 'Text der Initial-Email';
$txt['aeiou_final_subject'] = 'Überschrift der Final-Email';
$txt['aeiou_final_message'] = 'Text der Final-Email';
$txt['aeiou_email_desc1'] = 'Nur-Text (Kein html, kein bbcode)';
$txt['aeiou_email_desc2'] = 'Erlaubte Variablen sind:';
$txt['aeiou_email_desc3'] = '$username, $displayname, $forum, $link, $lostpassword';
$txt['aeiou_last_emailed'] = 'Die letzten 10 angeschriebenen inaktiven Benutzer';
$txt['aeiou_never'] = 'Nie';
$txt['aeiou_initial'] = 'Initial Email';
$txt['aeiou_final'] = 'Final Email';
$txt['aeiou_default_subject'] = 'Hey $displayname';
$txt['aeiou_default_message'] = 'Hey $displayname, wir vermissen dich im $forum.
Da du schon lange nichtmehr bei uns warst, wollen wir dich hiermit einladen, mal wieder vorbeizuschauen.


Dein Benutzername ist $username.
Solltest du dein Passwort vergessen haben, kannst du es hier erneut anfordern $lostpassword

Beste Grüße
$forum Staff';]]></add>

and a sumup of bug fixes posted in this thread (and found another one):
in 2b3-dbmodify.php line 12 and 21

in 2b3-remove-db-settings.php line 12 and 13
change$smcFunc['db_remove_column']('members', 'aeiou_email');
$smcFunc['db_remove_column']('members', 'aeiou_count');

to$smcFunc['db_remove_column']('{db_prefix}members', 'aeiou_email');
$smcFunc['db_remove_column']('{db_prefix}members', 'aeiou_count');

in 2b3-install.xml line 170
change '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=maintain;sa=tasks">' . $txt['maintain_tasks'] . '</a>'),
to '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=scheduledtasks">' . $txt['maintain_tasks'] . '</a>'),

Rain Forest


The last author has not returned in almost 3 years so how can I ask permission?  I can and have implemented those adjustments into the package installer and confirmed that it installs and works on 2.0.5 .  I made no other modifications then what has been posted here to fix it.  All original credits are still in place.  Now, would I violate any rules here if that is all I did and I attached it?
