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Du lädst ein Bild hoch, wenn du einen Beitrag schreibst, und gehst dann
zu der Stelle wo es eingefügt werden soll und drückst einfügen. Das ist alles.
SMF 2.1.x Support / Re: How to upload image to edi...
Last post by casper32 - Today at 01:06:33 AM
SMF 2.1.x Support / Re: How to upload image to edi...
Last post by GL700Wing - Today at 12:32:41 AM
The SMF 2.1 Simple Insert Image mod changes the default 'Insert' action so that an image is automatically inserted inline in a message with a single click (ie, the user is not given the option to specify the image width/height) and images are inserted using the forum's maximum width/height values as configured in 'Attachment Settings'.

Note: User's can choose to be given the option to specify the image width/height by enabling the 'Insert images posted inline using custom width/height values' setting in the 'Inline Images' area of the 'Look and Layout' section of their profile.
Hilfe zu SMF (German) / Bilder in den Beitragtext einf...
Last post by pulsar_de - Yesterday at 07:49:36 PM
Hallo zusammen,

da mir die Suche nichts passendes dazu findet erstelle ich nun einen neuen Topic dazu. Es geht um das einfügen "lokaler" Bilder in Beiträgen.

Es gab vor 4 Jahren einen Thread der diese Frage aufgriff: Link.
Damals ging es um die Version "2.0.17" und es wird ein "Umweg/Trick" beschrieben um über den Dateianhang und dessen "Hotlink-Protection-Link" ein Bild über das nachträgliche bearbeiten des Beitrags einzufügen.

Keine Methode die ich meinen Forenmitgliedern zumuten kann. Es wird des Weiteren erwähnt, dass es ab der Version "2.1" einfacher werden wird.

Die Frage ist nun: Wurde es einfacher? Hab ich evtl. was übersehn? Gibt es eine einfache Möglichkeit in einem Beitrag ein lokales Bild einzufügen? (Upload auf Forumserver)

Fall es nicht möglich ist, gibt es evtl. eine MOD die man nutzen könnte?

Ich bedanke mich schon mal für eure Hilfe.
Modifications and Packages / Re: Watermark
Last post by digger - Yesterday at 06:10:40 PM
Quote from: greddy on Yesterday at 06:06:42 PMwould be nice if it would also work with SMF 2.1.4, hope the owner make an update 
I'll try to update mod later.
Modifications and Packages / Re: Watermark
Last post by greddy - Yesterday at 06:06:42 PM
Quote from: clubkadettspain on May 27, 2024, 06:16:24 AMHi, thanks for this mod, unfortunately it doesn't work on 2.1.4, it shows errors before installing.
do you have something like this for 2.1.4 version?

would be nice if it would also work with SMF 2.1.4, hope the owner make an update  O:)
SMF 2.1.x Support / Re: How to upload image to edi...
Last post by Antechinus - Yesterday at 05:36:21 PM
You don't need to enter height and width. You can just click twice and the image will be inserted anyway. In that case the height and width are automatically handled by the theme's CSS.

But, this is another thing a lot of people may not realise, so they may be constantly thinking that entering height and width is just another hassle they don't want.

Anyway, as I pointed out in another thread, the current setup is bad for a11y, and SMF has traditionally prided itself on not being bad for a11y. I might tweak it up, just for the hell of it (I don't currently run a live 2.1 site).
SMF 2.1.x Support / Re: How to upload image to edi...
Last post by sudoku - Yesterday at 02:42:02 PM
Quote from: casper32 on Yesterday at 02:00:28 PMA lot of people don't know that's what the little blue arrow is for
You can then do on your forum, as I have done on mine.
I made a posting there, with instructions on how to use it:

1. place caret where you want the image to be inserted.
2. attach an image (*.png, *.gif, or other allowed formats).
3. click on the blue arrow next to the red "X".
4. enter height and width.
5. press insert.
SMF 2.1.x Support / Re: How much do I pay to remov...
Last post by Kindred - Yesterday at 02:04:22 PM

Tired or having to put the copyright back in place every time you want to ask for help?

Unfortunately for you, there is very little help available for your fotum. By allowing thousands of spammers to register and post, you gave exceeded most of the maximums allowed by smf design
SMF 2.1.x Support / Re: How to upload image to edi...
Last post by casper32 - Yesterday at 02:00:28 PM
The editor seems very simple and inadequate. A lot of people don't know that's what the little blue arrow is for