Ad Management mod

Started by Team, January 30, 2006, 08:41:19 PM

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Ok what was the question and I will see what I can do if your around tonight. I should be around tomorrow as well cause I have no work or nothing. I am here to help and sorry if it sounded as though I was mad or anything. Just trying to keep up with it all is a bit to much sometimes. We'll get ya looked after. ;)



What templates are in your custom theme. ???



Just posting my request if this is possible, Can you add a feature that will make this mod work like the AD REVENUE SHARING mod? There's a mod but it's currently compatible for SMF 1.1.9 and the author is not updating the mod. Is it possible for this feature to be integrated with AD MANAGEMENT MOD?
DOWNGRADE your SMF 2.0 Forum to SMF 1.1.x!


Quote from: Bigguy on August 22, 2009, 12:06:13 PM
What templates are in your custom theme. ???

Only index.template, nothing more. It uses the rest from default theme.


Quote from: isl30fvi3w on August 22, 2009, 03:09:23 PM

Just posting my request if this is possible, Can you add a feature that will make this mod work like the AD REVENUE SHARING mod? There's a mod but it's currently compatible for SMF 1.1.9 and the author is not updating the mod. Is it possible for this feature to be integrated with AD MANAGEMENT MOD?

not really nessesary, using the HTML tags you could just add you adsense code to a post easily


you could even use that in a signature, providing you let them use enough characters in the signature

SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers


Okay... i cant not read all posts... Ad works fine, but it can be seen withot default theme.. what can i do??


Hi, I have a problem with a gray bar showing up in my header area every time I try and install this mod. I have tried to edit it I don't know how many times. I have a feeling I have narrowed it down to two different areas that I am not sure about.

In the index.template there is a edit for echo '

In My custom theme it shows the code like this






I have been trying to put it after the first </div>. Would this make the graybar show accross the top in the header area. Pic. included
Thank you,

If at first you don't succeed. post and post again.


Firstly when i inserted my two banners at the botton of the site, the first banner was next to the second banner ( in the same line).
Then I inserted other four banners.
Now second banner is under the first .the third banner is under the second. the fourth banner is under the third.
Take a look at my site
How to make my banners to be in the same line?
BTW I tried to lawer the width of the banners but the result is the same (They dont show in one line)


Quote from: fff on August 24, 2009, 04:37:34 AM
Firstly when i inserted my two banners at the botton of the site, the first banner was next to the second banner ( in the same line).
Then I inserted other four banners.
Now second banner is under the first .the third banner is under the second. the fourth banner is under the third.
Take a look at my site
How to make my banners to be in the same line?
BTW I tried to lawer the width of the banners but the result is the same (They dont show in one line)

adding a linespace ( <br /> ) between that should make them go one below the other

if you want them all in one line, add them all to the same ad box without adding any spaces between either one

also consider centering the ads, add <center> to top and </center> to bottom of the ad box

SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers


@ isl30fvi3w: I am not the mod author you will have to PM or email him.

@ Immortalq: Ok I will try again here but you might have to go to the mod author for these edits if I can't get it.

@ Aslancito: Not sure what you mean...and why can't you see all the posts. ???

@ ScottDB: No it shouldn't. See if the ad mod does any .css edits.

@ fff: I think it looks good like that....or did you get this solved. ???

@ johncccccc: Thanks for the help. Any and all is appreciated. ;)


IS there any way to add Adbrite code,before and after every post.


Installed the mod on 2 rc1.2 with custom theme - got a few errors which I did the manual edits for on the default display.template.php. Couldn't do the edits on the index.template for my customs theme as there wasn't even anything close to what was recommended - simply didn't exist. Seems to be working fine other than when I use "Display ads after the last post" it put the ad before all the posts and snaps off the following errors:

8: Undefined variable: message
File: //Themes/default/Display.template.php
Line: 379  ==>379:    <div class="post" id="msg_', $message['id'], '"', '>

8: Undefined variable: reply_button
File: //Themes/default/Display.template.php
Line: 374  ==>374:    <li>', $reply_button, '</li>';

8: Undefined variable: message
File: //Themes/default/Display.template.php
Line: 359  ==>359:    <div id="msg_', $message['id'], '_quick_mod">&nbsp;</div>

8: Undefined variable: adcounter
File: //Themes/default/Display.template.php
Line: 341  ==>341:    if(($adpost = show_lastpostAds()) && !show_posts($adcounter))

Attached is my display.template.php if that will help.

Thx much


I'm trying to get the Ad Manager mod running on my site with a custom theme (Kani). I have tested it on the default theme and it is working so must be installed okay.

I've searched through the forum and can't find a definitive answer that will help me get it into my theme. Previous posts suggest to follow the manual install as described here -

But, when looked through the template file index.template.php and search on the 'find' items the file does not match and many can not be found (though the other template files mention appear to be editable as per the instructions) - which leaves me wondering now where I must place the additional code to get it working?

Thank you in advance for anyone who can offer me help in sorting this out...

// Version: 1.1; index

/* This template is, perhaps, the most important template in the theme. It
contains the main template layer that displays the header and footer of
the forum, namely with main_above and main_below. It also contains the
menu sub template, which appropriately displays the menu; the init sub
template, which is there to set the theme up; (init can be missing.) and
the linktree sub template, which sorts out the link tree.

The init sub template should load any data and set any hardcoded options.

The main_above sub template is what is shown above the main content, and
should contain anything that should be shown up there.

The main_below sub template, conversely, is shown after the main content.
It should probably contain the copyright statement and some other things.

The linktree sub template should display the link tree, using the data
in the $context['linktree'] variable.

The menu sub template should display all the relevant buttons the user
wants and or needs.

For more information on the templating system, please see the site at:

// Initialize the template... mainly little settings.
function template_init()
global $context$settings$options$txt;

/* Use images from default theme when using templates from the default theme?
if this is 'always', images from the default theme will be used.
if this is 'defaults', images from the default theme will only be used with default templates.
if this is 'never' or isn't set at all, images from the default theme will not be used. */
$settings['use_default_images'] = 'never';

/* What document type definition is being used? (for font size and other issues.)
'xhtml' for an XHTML 1.0 document type definition.
'html' for an HTML 4.01 document type definition. */
$settings['doctype'] = 'xhtml';

/* The version this template/theme is for.
This should probably be the version of SMF it was created for. */
$settings['theme_version'] = '1.1.4';

/* Set a setting that tells the theme that it can render the tabs. */
$settings['use_tabs'] = true;

/* Use plain buttons - as oppossed to text buttons? */
$settings['use_buttons'] = true;

/* Show sticky and lock status seperate from topic icons? */
$settings['seperate_sticky_lock'] = true;

// The main sub template above the content.
function template_main_above()
global $context$settings$options$scripturl$txt$modSettings;

// Show right to left and the character set for ease of translating.
echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""'
$context['right_to_left'] ? ' dir="rtl"' '''><head>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset='
$context['character_set'], '" />
<meta name="description" content="'
$context['page_title'], '" />', empty($context['robot_no_index']) ? '' '
<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />'
<meta name="keywords" content="PHP, MySQL, bulletin, board, free, open, source, smf, simple, machines, forum" />
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="'
$settings['default_theme_url'], '/script.js?fin11"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
var smf_theme_url = "'
$settings['theme_url'], '";
var smf_images_url = "'
$settings['images_url'], '";
var smf_scripturl = "'
var smf_iso_case_folding = '
$context['server']['iso_case_folding'] ? 'true' 'false'';
var smf_charset = "'
$context['character_set'], '";
// ]]></script>
$context['page_title'], '</title>';

// The ?fin11 part of this link is just here to make sure browsers don't cache it wrongly.
echo '
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'
$settings['theme_url'], '/style.css?fin11" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'
$settings['default_theme_url'], '/print.css?fin11" media="print" />';

/* Internet Explorer 4/5 and Opera 6 just don't do font sizes properly. (they are big...)
Thus, in Internet Explorer 4, 5, and Opera 6 this will show fonts one size smaller than usual.
Note that this is affected by whether IE 6 is in standards compliance mode.. if not, it will also be big.
Standards compliance mode happens when you use xhtml... */
if ($context['browser']['needs_size_fix'])
echo '
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'
$settings['default_theme_url'], '/fonts-compat.css" />';

// Show all the relative links, such as help, search, contents, and the like.
echo '
<link rel="help" href="'
$scripturl'?action=help" target="_blank" />
<link rel="search" href="' 
$scripturl '?action=search" />
<link rel="contents" href="'
$scripturl'" />';

// If RSS feeds are enabled, advertise the presence of one.
if (!empty($modSettings['xmlnews_enable']))
echo '
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="'
$context['forum_name'], ' - RSS" href="'$scripturl'?type=rss;action=.xml" />';

// If we're viewing a topic, these should be the previous and next topics, respectively.
if (!empty($context['current_topic']))
echo '
<link rel="prev" href="'
$scripturl'?topic='$context['current_topic'], '.0;prev_next=prev" />
<link rel="next" href="'
$scripturl'?topic='$context['current_topic'], '.0;prev_next=next" />';

// If we're in a board, or a topic for that matter, the index will be the board's index.
if (!empty($context['current_board']))
echo '
<link rel="index" href="' 
$scripturl '?board=' $context['current_board'] . '.0" />';

// We'll have to use the cookie to remember the header...
if ($context['user']['is_guest'])
$options['collapse_header'] = !empty($_COOKIE['upshrink']);

// Output any remaining HTML headers. (from mods, maybe?)
echo $context['html_headers'], '
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
var current_header = '
, empty($options['collapse_header']) ? 'false' 'true'';

function shrinkHeader(mode)

// Guests don't have theme options!!
if ($context['user']['is_guest'])
echo '
document.cookie = "upshrink=" + (mode ? 1 : 0);'
echo '
smf_setThemeOption("collapse_header", mode ? 1 : 0, null, "'
$context['session_id'], '");';

echo '
document.getElementById("upshrink").src = smf_images_url + (mode ? "/upshrink2.gif" : "/upshrink.gif");

document.getElementById("upshrinkHeader").style.display = mode ? "none" : "";
document.getElementById("upshrinkHeader2").style.display = mode ? "none" : "";

current_header = mode;
// ]]></script>'

// the routine for the info center upshrink
echo '
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
var current_header_ic = '
, empty($options['collapse_header_ic']) ? 'false' 'true'';

function shrinkHeaderIC(mode)

if ($context['user']['is_guest'])
echo '
document.cookie = "upshrinkIC=" + (mode ? 1 : 0);'
echo '
smf_setThemeOption("collapse_header_ic", mode ? 1 : 0, null, "'
$context['session_id'], '");';

echo '
document.getElementById("upshrink_ic").src = smf_images_url + (mode ? "/expand.gif" : "/collapse.gif");

document.getElementById("upshrinkHeaderIC").style.display = mode ? "none" : "";

current_header_ic = mode;
// ]]></script>
                  <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="'
$settings['theme_url'], '/mootools.js"></script>
                  <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="'
$settings['theme_url'], '/menu.js"></script>
                  <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="'
$settings['theme_url'], '/main.js"></script>';
  <div id="wrapper"/>
     <div id="head-l">
 <div id="head-r">
  <div id="header">
  <div id="userarea">'
if ($context['user']['is_logged'])
echo '<b>'$txt['hello_member_ndt'], ' '$context['user']['name'], '</b><br />';

// Only tell them about their messages if they can read their messages!
if ($context['allow_pm'])
echo $txt[152], ' <a href="'$scripturl'?action=pm">'$context['user']['messages'], ' '$context['user']['messages'] != $txt[153] : $txt[471], '</a>'$txt['newmessages4'], ' '$context['user']['unread_messages'], ' '$context['user']['unread_messages'] == $txt['newmessages0'] : $txt['newmessages1'] , '.<br />';

echo '<a href="'$scripturl'?action=unread">'$txt['unread_since_visit'], '</a><br /><a href="'$scripturl'?action=unreadreplies">'$txt['show_unread_replies'], '</a><br />';

// Otherwise they're a guest - this time ask them to either register or login - lazy bums...
echo '
$txt['welcome_guest'], '
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="'
$settings['default_theme_url'], '/sha1.js"></script>
  <form action="'
$scripturl'?action=login2" method="post" accept-charset="'$context['character_set'], '" class="middletext" style="float:right;margin: 3px 1ex 1px 0;"', empty($context['disable_login_hashing']) ? ' onsubmit="hashLoginPassword(this, \'' $context['session_id'] . '\');"' '''>
     <span class="quick" style="float:right;display: block;">
       <span class="yoo-login">
          <span class="login">
            <span style="float:right;" class="login-button-icon">
         <button value="'
$txt[34], '" name="Submit" type="submit" title="'$txt[34], '"></button>
            <span style="float:right;" class="password">
         <input type="password" name="passwrd" size="10" value="Password" onfocus="if(this.value==\'Password\')value=\'\';" onblur="if(this.value==\'\')value=\'Password\';" />
            <span style="float:right;" class="username">
         <input type="text" name="user" size="18" alt="' 
$txt[35] , '" value="' $txt[35] , '" onfocus="if(this.value==\'' $txt[35] , '\')value=\'\';" onblur="if(this.value==\'\')value=\'' $txt[35] , '\';" />
            <br />
                <input type="hidden" name="hash_passwrd" value="" />
        </form><br /> '
$context['current_time'],'<br />';
echo '

<a href="'
.$scripturl.'?action=forum" title=""><span id="logo"> </span></a>';
echo '
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<div id="headim-l">
 <div id="headim-r">
      <div id="fancymenu">'
  <div id="mainarea">
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<div id="altsag">
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    <div id="ustsol">'

global $context$settings$options$scripturl$txt;

// Show the "Powered by" and "Valid" logos, as well as the copyright. Remember, the copyright must be somewhere!
echo '
<div id="footerarea">
<span class="smalltext">'
theme_copyright(), '| Theme Kani by <a href="" target="_blank">Fussilet</a> | Hosted on <a href="" target="_blank">Hostmonster</a> | Site provided by <a href="" target="_blank">Scorched Earth</a></span>';

// Show the load time?
if ($context['show_load_time'])
echo '
<p align="center"><span class="smalltext">'
$txt['smf301'], $context['load_time'], $txt['smf302'], $context['load_queries'], $txt['smf302b'], '</span></p>';

// This is an interesting bug in Internet Explorer AND Safari. Rather annoying, it makes overflows just not tall enough.
if (($context['browser']['is_ie'] && !$context['browser']['is_ie4']) || $context['browser']['is_mac_ie'] || $context['browser']['is_safari'] || $context['browser']['is_firefox'])
// The purpose of this code is to fix the height of overflow: auto div blocks, because IE can't figure it out for itself.
echo '
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA['

// Unfortunately, Safari does not have a "getComputedStyle" implementation yet, so we have to just do it to code...
if ($context['browser']['is_safari'])
echo '
window.addEventListener("load", smf_codeFix, false);

function smf_codeFix()
var codeFix = document.getElementsByTagName ? document.getElementsByTagName("div") : document.all.tags("div");

for (var i = 0; i < codeFix.length; i++)
if ((codeFix[i].className == "code" || codeFix[i].className == "post" || codeFix[i].className == "signature") && codeFix[i].offsetHeight < 20)
codeFix[i].style.height = (codeFix[i].offsetHeight + 20) + "px";
elseif ($context['browser']['is_firefox'])
echo '
window.addEventListener("load", smf_codeFix, false);
function smf_codeFix()
var codeFix = document.getElementsByTagName ? document.getElementsByTagName("div") : document.all.tags("div");

for (var i = 0; i < codeFix.length; i++)
if (codeFix[i].className == "code" && (codeFix[i].scrollWidth > codeFix[i].clientWidth || codeFix[i].clientWidth == 0))
codeFix[i].style.overflow = "scroll";
echo '
var window_oldOnload = window.onload;
window.onload = smf_codeFix;

function smf_codeFix()
var codeFix = document.getElementsByTagName ? document.getElementsByTagName("div") : document.all.tags("div");

for (var i = codeFix.length - 1; i > 0; i--)
if (codeFix[i].currentStyle.overflow == "auto" && (codeFix[i].currentStyle.height == "" || codeFix[i].currentStyle.height == "auto") && (codeFix[i].scrollWidth > codeFix[i].clientWidth || codeFix[i].clientWidth == 0) && (codeFix[i].offsetHeight != 0 || codeFix[i].className == "code"))
codeFix[i].style.height = (codeFix[i].offsetHeight + 36) + "px";

if (window_oldOnload)
window_oldOnload = null;

echo '
// ]]></script>'

echo '

  echo '
             </div><br />'

// The following will be used to let the user know that some AJAX process is running
echo '
<div id="ajax_in_progress" style="display: none;'
$context['browser']['is_ie'] && !$context['browser']['is_ie7'] ? 'position: absolute;' '''">'$txt['ajax_in_progress'], '</div>';

// Show a linktree. This is that thing that shows "My Community | General Category | General Discussion"..
function theme_linktree()
global $context$settings$options;

echo '<div class="nav" style="font-size: smaller; margin-bottom: 2ex; margin-top: 0ex; padding-bottom: 0ex; padding-left: 2ex;">';

// Each tree item has a URL and name. Some may have extra_before and extra_after.
foreach ($context['linktree'] as $link_num => $tree)
// Show something before the link?
if (isset($tree['extra_before']))
echo $tree['extra_before'];

// Show the link, including a URL if it should have one.
echo '<b>'$settings['linktree_link'] && isset($tree['url']) ? '<a href="' $tree['url'] . '" class="nav">' $tree['name'] . '</a>' $tree['name'], '</b>';

// Show something after the link...?
if (isset($tree['extra_after']))
echo $tree['extra_after'];

// Don't show a separator for the last one.
if ($link_num != count($context['linktree']) - 1)
echo '&nbsp;|&nbsp;';

echo '</div>';

// Show the menu up top. Something like [home] [help] [profile] [logout]...
function template_menu()
global $context$settings$options$scripturl$txt;

// Work out where we currently are.
$current_action 'home';
if (in_array($context['current_action'], array('admin''ban''boardrecount''cleanperms''detailedversion''dumpdb''featuresettings''featuresettings2''findmember''maintain''manageattachments''manageboards''managecalendar''managesearch''membergroups''modlog''news''optimizetables''packageget''packages''permissions''pgdownload''postsettings''regcenter''repairboards''reports''serversettings''serversettings2''smileys''viewErrorLog''viewmembers')))
$current_action 'admin';
if (in_array($context['current_action'], array('search''admin''calendar''profile''mlist''register''login''logout''help''pm')))
$current_action $context['current_action'];
if ($context['current_action'] == 'search2')
$current_action 'search';

// Are we using right-to-left orientation?
if ($context['right_to_left'])
$first 'last';
$last 'first';
$first 'first';
$last 'last';

// Start of the tab section.
echo '

// Show the default [home] button.
echo ($current_action=='home' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '' '' '
<li class="' 
$current_action == 'home' 'current' '' '"><a href="'$scripturl'">' $txt[103] , '</a></li>';

// Show the [help] button.
echo ($current_action=='help' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '' '' '
<li class="' 
$current_action == 'help' 'current' '' '"><a href="'$scripturl'?action=help">' $txt[119] , '</a></li>';

// How about the [search] button?
if ($context['allow_search'])
echo ($current_action=='search' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '' '' '
<li class="' 
$current_action == 'search' 'current' '' '"><a href="'$scripturl'?action=search">' $txt[182] , '</a></li>';

// Is the user allowed to administrate at all? ([admin])
if ($context['allow_admin'])
echo ($current_action=='admin' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '' '' '
<li class="' 
$current_action == 'admin' 'current' '' '"><a href="'$scripturl'?action=admin">' $txt[2] , '</a></li>';

// Edit Profile... [profile]
if ($context['allow_edit_profile'])
echo ($current_action=='profile' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '' '' '
<li class="' 
$current_action == 'profile' 'current' '' '"><a href="'$scripturl'?action=profile">' $txt[79] , '</a></li>';

// Go to PM center... [pm]
if ($context['user']['is_logged'] && $context['allow_pm'])
echo ($current_action=='pm' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '' '' '
<li class="' 
$current_action == 'pm' 'current' '' '"><a href="'$scripturl'?action=pm">' $txt['pm_short'] , ' '$context['user']['unread_messages'] > '[<strong>'$context['user']['unread_messages'] . '</strong>]' '' '</a></li>';

// The [calendar]!
if ($context['allow_calendar'])
echo ($current_action=='calendar' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '' '' '
<li class="' 
$current_action == 'calendar' 'current' '' '"><a href="'$scripturl'?action=calendar">' $txt['calendar24'] , '</a></li>';

// the [member] list button
if ($context['allow_memberlist'])
echo ($current_action=='mlist' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '' '' '
<li class="' 
$current_action == 'mlist' 'current' '' '"><a href="'$scripturl'?action=mlist">' $txt[331] , '</a></li>';

// The [login]!
if ($context['user']['is_guest'])
echo ($current_action=='login' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '' '' '
<li class="' 
$current_action == 'login' 'current' '' '"><a href="'$scripturl'?action=login">' $txt[34] , '</a></li>';

// the [register] list button
if ($context['user']['is_guest'])
echo ($current_action=='register' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '' '' '
<li class="' 
$current_action == 'register' 'current' '' '"><a href="'$scripturl'?action=register">' $txt[97] , '</a></li>';

// the [register] list button
if ($context['user']['is_logged'])
echo ($current_action=='logout' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '' '' '
<li class="' 
$current_action == 'logout' 'current' '' '"><a href="'$scripturl'?action=logout;sesc='$context['session_id'], '">' $txt[108] , '</a></li>';

echo '</ul>';

// Generate a strip of buttons.
function template_button_strip($button_strip$direction 'top'$force_reset false$custom_td ''$newstrip false)
global $settings$buttons$context$txt$scripturl;

echo '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>';

// Create the buttons...
foreach ($button_strip as $key => $value)
if (isset($value['test']) && empty($context[$value['test']]))
elseif (!isset($buttons[$key]) || $force_reset)
$buttons[$key] = '<a href="' $value['url'] . '" ' .( isset($value['custom']) ? $value['custom'] : '') . '>' $txt[$value['text']] . '</a>';

$button_strip[$key] = $buttons[$key];

if (empty($button_strip))
return '<td>&nbsp;</td>';

echo '
<td class="maintab_back">'
implode('</td><td class="maintab_back">'$button_strip) , '</td>';

echo '</tr></table>';



in my forum the add doesn't show up....neither in default...

i've just unninstall but is the same

someone knows what happens???




J'ai placé le fichier renommé ou non, puisque l'erreur indique tout le temps Ads.french-utf8, dans les dossiers.....Aucun ne fonctionne

Merci d'avance des aides


Quote from: Bigguy on August 25, 2009, 05:06:53 PM
@ ScottDB: No it shouldn't. See if the ad mod does any .css edits.
I've the same problem, but with the default theme!!
RockCiclopedia (wiki - forum), Tutta la storia del rock, scritta da voi ...
Rimanere aggiornati sul mondo della musica grazie al nuovo feed "RockCiclopedia Music News"!

John Kitchens

Hello Guys,

I have the Ad Management software working on my site.

I changed my template to the "Analysis" template and now my ads aren't showing up.

Can someone please help figure out what I need to do in order to get the ads back going on my forum.

Thank you very much.


Quoteaprès si on utilise des thèmes persos, il faut y mettre les modifs des thèmes faites par le mod...sinon ca ne fonctionne pas pour ce thème

désolée c'est en français, la traduction n'est pas véidente en anglais, mais voilà ce qu'on vient de me répondre sur le forum français

j'en arrive à croire qu'il ne faut utiliser que le thème par défaut...........................................!!!!
