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[Theme] CurveSMF for SMF 1.0.4

Started by A.M.A, September 19, 2004, 08:57:33 AM

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J. Williams

This theme was made for 1.0 x

1.1 x will not work with 1.0 x themes.
Joshua Jon Williams
Back in Action.


Heh, so I had gathered, but actually, so far that I've seen, the Avatar Selection/Upload area is the only part of the theme that wouldn't work - everything else looks fine.  Ah well, I suppose I'll just have to hope for an update and find something else to use in the mean time.  It's just a test forum, after all.
Lord Nakitomimaru


Is there a french version of the butons?
thank you


The theme is great, simply smooth. However, when we install it on our smf at [nonactive], the USER INFO when expanding or hiding will create an "image not found" type of error although we are quite sure that blank.gif have been uploaded.

Can anyone please advise as to why is this so?

You can try hiding and then opening the USER INFO to see what I meant.

Thanking all in advance. [nonactive]
* Free, Paid & Reseller Accounts From US$1.00 Onwards *


Thats the niceeeeeeeeeeyyyyyy one!!!

getting my hands on that thingggg....


Hashim Taylor
Heaven is a place on earth! [nonactive]


Quote from: Nakitomimaru on November 06, 2005, 08:13:56 PM
Heh, so I had gathered, but actually, so far that I've seen, the Avatar Selection/Upload area is the only part of the theme that wouldn't work - everything else looks fine.  Ah well, I suppose I'll just have to hope for an update and find something else to use in the mean time.  It's just a test forum, after all.

Hi there,

I installed this theme on a 1.1RC1 too... But with avatars. Try this if you like:

1) Save .../Themes/Curve/profile.template.php (Backup this file!)

2) In profile.template.php find:
// This is the avatar selection table that is only displayed if avatars are enabled!
if (!empty($modSettings['avatar_allow_server_stored']) || !empty($modSettings['avatar_allow_external_url']) || !empty($modSettings['avatar_allow_upload']))
// If users are allowed to choose avatars stored on the server show selection box's to choice them from.
if (!empty($modSettings['avatar_allow_server_stored']))
echo '
<td width="40%" valign="top" style="padding: 0 2px;">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="height: 25ex;"><tr>
<td valign="top" width="20" class="windowbg"><input type="radio" name="avatar_choice" value="server_stored"', ($context['member']['avatar']['choice'] == 'server_stored' ? ' checked="checked"' : ''), ' class="check" /></td>
<td valign="top" style="padding-left: 1ex;">
<b', (isset($context['modify_error']['bad_avatar']) ? ' style="color: #FF0000;"' : ''), '>', $txt[229], ':</b>
<div style="margin: 2ex;"><img name="avatar" id="avatar" src="', $modSettings['avatar_url'], '/blank.gif" alt="Do Nothing" /></div>
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr>
<td style="width: 20ex;">
<select name="cat" id="cat" size="10" onchange="changeSel(\'\');" onfocus="selectRadioByName(document.creator.avatar_choice, \'server_stored\');">';
// This lists all the file catergories.
foreach ($context['avatars'] as $avatar)
echo '
<option value="', $avatar['filename'] . ($avatar['is_dir'] ? '/' : ''), '"', ($avatar['checked'] ? ' selected="selected"' : ''), '>', $avatar['name'], '</option>';
echo '
<select name="file" id="file" size="10" style="display: none;" onchange="showAvatar()" onfocus="selectRadioByName(document.creator.avatar_choice, \'server_stored\');" disabled="disabled"><option></option></select>

// If the user can link to an off server avatar, show them a box to input the address.
if (!empty($context['member']['avatar']['allow_external']))
echo '
<td valign="top" style="padding: 0 2px;">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr>
<td valign="top" width="20" class="windowbg"><input type="radio" name="avatar_choice" value="external"', ($context['member']['avatar']['choice'] == 'external' ? ' checked="checked"' : ''), ' class="check" /></td>
<td valign="top" style="padding-left: 1ex;"><b>', $txt[475], ':</b><div class="smalltext">', $txt[474], '</div></td>
<td valign="top">
<input type="text" name="userpicpersonal" size="36" value="', $context['member']['avatar']['external'], '" onfocus="selectRadioByName(document.creator.avatar_choice, \'external\');" />

// If the user is able to upload avatars to the server show them an upload box.
if (!empty($modSettings['avatar_allow_upload']))
echo '
<td valign="top" style="padding: 0 2px;">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr>
<td valign="top" width="20" class="windowbg"><input type="radio" name="avatar_choice" value="upload"', ($context['member']['avatar']['choice'] == 'upload' ? 'checked="checked"' : ''), ' class="check" /></td>
<td valign="top" style="padding-left: 1ex;"><b>', $txt['avatar_will_upload'], ':</b></td>
<td valign="top">
', ($context['member']['avatar']['ID_ATTACH'] > 0 ? '<img src="' . $scripturl . '?action=dlattach;id=' . $context['member']['avatar']['ID_ATTACH'] . ';type=avatar" /><input type="hidden" name="ID_ATTACH" value="' . $context['member']['avatar']['ID_ATTACH'] . '" /><br /><br />' : ''), '
<input type="file" size="48" name="attachment" value="" onfocus="selectRadioByName(document.creator.avatar_choice, \'upload\');" />

replace with:
// This is the avatar selection table that is only displayed if avatars are enabled!
if (!empty($context['member']['avatar']['allow_server_stored']) || !empty($context['member']['avatar']['allow_upload']) || !empty($context['member']['avatar']['allow_external']))
// If users are allowed to choose avatars stored on the server show selection boxes to choice them from.
if (!empty($context['member']['avatar']['allow_server_stored']))
echo '
<td width="40%" valign="top" style="padding: 0 2px;">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="height: 25ex;"><tr>
<td valign="top" width="20" class="windowbg"><input type="radio" name="avatar_choice" id="avatar_choice_server_stored" value="server_stored"', ($context['member']['avatar']['choice'] == 'server_stored' ? ' checked="checked"' : ''), ' class="check" /></td>
<td valign="top" style="padding-left: 1ex;">
<b', (isset($context['modify_error']['bad_avatar']) ? ' style="color: red;"' : ''), '><label for="avatar_choice_server_stored">', $txt[229], ':</label></b>
<div style="margin: 2ex;"><img name="avatar" id="avatar" src="', !empty($context['member']['avatar']['allow_external']) && $context['member']['avatar']['choice'] == 'external' ? $context['member']['avatar']['external'] : $modSettings['avatar_url'] . '/blank.gif', '" alt="Do Nothing" /></div>
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr>
<td style="width: 20ex;">
<select name="cat" id="cat" size="10" onchange="changeSel(\'\');" onfocus="selectRadioByName(document.forms.creator.avatar_choice, \'server_stored\');">';
// This lists all the file catergories.
foreach ($context['avatars'] as $avatar)
echo '
<option value="', $avatar['filename'] . ($avatar['is_dir'] ? '/' : ''), '"', ($avatar['checked'] ? ' selected="selected"' : ''), '>', $avatar['name'], '</option>';
echo '
<select name="file" id="file" size="10" style="display: none;" onchange="showAvatar()" onfocus="selectRadioByName(document.forms.creator.avatar_choice, \'server_stored\');" disabled="disabled"><option></option></select>

// If the user can link to an off server avatar, show them a box to input the address.
if (!empty($context['member']['avatar']['allow_external']))
echo '
<td valign="top" style="padding: 0 2px;">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr>
<td valign="top" width="20" class="windowbg"><input type="radio" name="avatar_choice" id="avatar_choice_external" value="external"', ($context['member']['avatar']['choice'] == 'external' ? ' checked="checked"' : ''), ' class="check" /></td>
<td valign="top" style="padding-left: 1ex;"><b><label for="avatar_choice_external">', $txt[475], ':</label></b><div class="smalltext">', $txt[474], '</div></td>
<td valign="top">
<input type="text" name="userpicpersonal" size="45" value="', $context['member']['avatar']['external'], '" onfocus="selectRadioByName(document.forms.creator.avatar_choice, \'external\');" onchange="if (typeof(previewExternalAvatar) != \'undefined\') previewExternalAvatar(this.value);" />

// If the user is able to upload avatars to the server show them an upload box.
if (!empty($context['member']['avatar']['allow_upload']))
echo '
<td valign="top" style="padding: 0 2px;">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr>
<td valign="top" width="20" class="windowbg"><input type="radio" name="avatar_choice" id="avatar_choice_upload" value="upload"', ($context['member']['avatar']['choice'] == 'upload' ? ' checked="checked"' : ''), ' class="check" /></td>
<td valign="top" style="padding-left: 1ex;"><b><label for="avatar_choice_upload">', $txt['avatar_will_upload'], ':</label></b></td>
<td valign="top">
', ($context['member']['avatar']['ID_ATTACH'] > 0 ? '<img src="' . $context['member']['avatar']['href'] . '" /><input type="hidden" name="ID_ATTACH" value="' . $context['member']['avatar']['ID_ATTACH'] . '" /><br /><br />' : ''), '
<input type="file" size="48" name="attachment" value="" onfocus="selectRadioByName(document.forms.creator.avatar_choice, \'upload\');" />

3) Look in your profile. Avatars are there!  ;D Simply copy the avatar code in this file from the default template. Good luck!


I just installed this theme for my new [nonactive] after switching over from phpBB2...

What a difference between software~

This theme is seriously awesome, I'm using it now~<3

Great job ^_^


This is by far my favorite. Is an upgraded template for SMF 1.1 being made?

Pretty please?


Pleas forgive the newbie question, but I've just searched all 14 pages fo this thread and haven't found the answer. One of my users likes curve a lot, but misses having links underlined like [nonactive]. I went into the css but could see which element I had to change to get the link to show up as underlined, other than on hover.
noho ora mai, ka kite ano
Non sum uni angulo natus; patria nea totus hic est mundus. - Seneca [nonactive]


In the CSS file, under the a: link section, a line like this text-decoration: underline; should do it, I think.
"No matter how long the river, the river will reach the sea".
Eugene Fitch Ware


here you go ive updated best I can

Curve RC2

You may get a few errors as the changes from 1.0.X to 1.1 have not been released and wont be till 1.1 stable.
Former SMF Project Manager
Former SMF Customizer

"For as lang as hunner o us is in life, in nae wey
will we thole the Soothron tae owergang us. In truth it isna for glory, or wealth, or
honours that we fecht, but for freedom alane, that nae honest cheil gies up but wi life


I got many errors like this:

8: Undefined index: memberCount

can somebody help me? Where can i fix this error

using 1.1rc2 and the nice :) theme CurveSMF

i'm sorry, i fixed it:

QuoteReplace $modSettings['memberCount'] with $context['common_stats']['total_members'] in index.template.php


Now with SMF finalised is there any remote chance of a proper upgrade for this amazing theme?

J. Williams

Someone will have to do it as A.M.A is unavailable.
Joshua Jon Williams
Back in Action.
