White Screen of death

Started by THE BRA1N, November 26, 2008, 06:36:58 PM

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I moved my board to another host, fixed the settings with repair_settings.php and got most of my board running again except for the dastardly white screen which shows up in package manager. I cannot uninstall or install any mods right now. When I try to upload and install, it does upload the file and unzip it to the temp folder but from there nothing else seems to happen other than the white screen. When I try to uninstall, i immediately get the WS.

Im thinking maybe it's because I have the wrong ftp pw or something but when I click file permissions I also get the white screen. Same result when I change themes. My gallery isnt working either which was why i wanted to re-install it but that's besides the point right now.

What am I missing here? Something must be misconfigured because I have no problem with the exact same setup at my original host.


A possible clue from my error log:

[error] ALERT - function within blacklist called: set_time_limit() (attacker '72.144.xx.xxx', file '/home/thebra1n/public_html/Sources/Packages.php', line 1501), referer: http://xxxx

[error] ALERT - script tried to increase memory_limit to 134217728 bytes which is above the allowed value (attacker '72.144.xx.xxx', file '/home/thebra1n/public_html/Sources/Packages.php', line 1500), referer: http://xxx

Can anyone make sense of this with the problem I am having?


some php functions included in the SMF sourcecode are blocked by your new host.

you can remove them and try it. maybe the package manager works then!?
in Sources/Packages.php find:

// This is a memory eat.
@ini_set('memory_limit', '128M');

replace with:

// This is a memory eat.
//@ini_set('memory_limit', '128M');
