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Started by Jade Elizabeth, December 17, 2007, 06:27:23 PM

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Jade Elizabeth

since no one can make this for me, can someone make a whole new page thats linked on the index that works as this websites recent posts does?

basically i want a separate page that views TOPICS, in order of posting, and then if a new post comes along ajax highlights it and moves it up to the top of the list. i want it to have the following info: board, topic, last poster. just like in the picture.

i dont want it to behave like the recent posts allready on the forum. i want it to be fixed, and not change in relation to the users last visit, or if they have read the post or not.
i dont want it to show topics multiple times because there was 6 posts in that topic.

can someone please make this for me?
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.

Jade Elizabeth

Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.



Right, I could have a crack at this.

So you just want a page that lists alll the topics in your forum (I would suggest the top 50 or something!, all could be drastic!)....

Then the info is listed and depending on the latest post in that topic they are ranked, and it doesn't matter if you have viewed it or not, or if you have logged out..

Is that right?

If that is, then it shouldn't be that hard...
Have I helped you? Then please join AdminFuel - The forum for forum administrators.

If you need help managing your forum, or maybe launching it, then visit us and view the quality articles, downloads and posts.

Jade Elizabeth

yes thats right!!
ordered from most recent, to least recent please!!

if you can do the ajax thing too, that would be awesome (with a new post the topic is BUMPED up to the top, and highlighted)
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.


I may not be able to do this quickly or straight away as I am quite busy at the moment :)
Have I helped you? Then please join AdminFuel - The forum for forum administrators.

If you need help managing your forum, or maybe launching it, then visit us and view the quality articles, downloads and posts.

Jade Elizabeth

:D if theres anything i can do lemme know (and ill try to help lol)
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.


 global $context$settings$scripturl$txt$db_prefix$ID_MEMBER$user_info$modSettings;

if (empty(
$number_recent_posts 15;
$number_recent_posts $settings['number_recent_posts'];

        if( isset(
$_GET['type']) )
$list_type $_GET['type'];
$list_type 'last';

        if( isset(
$_GET['count']) )
$list_count $_GET['count'];
$list_count $number_recent_posts;
if (
$list_type == 'hours')
$list_count 24;

if (
$list_type == 'hours')
$list_from strtotime($list_count.' hours ago');
$where_clause 'ml.posterTime >= ' $list_from;
$limit_clause ' ';

elseif (
$list_type == 'unreplied')
$where_clause 't.numReplies = 0';
if (
$list_count == 0)
$limit_clause ' ';

$limit_clause 'LIMIT ' $list_count;

$where_clause 't.ID_LAST_MSG >= ' . ($modSettings['maxMsgID'] - 90 min($list_count5));
$limit_clause 'LIMIT ' $list_count;


$stable_icons = array('xx''thumbup''thumbdown''exclamation''question''lamp''smiley''angry''cheesy''grin''sad''wink''moved''recycled''wireless');
$icon_sources = array();
foreach (
$stable_icons as $icon)
$icon_sources[$icon] = 'images_url';

$request db_query("
ms.subject AS firstSubject, ms.posterTime AS firstPosterTime, ms.ID_TOPIC, t.ID_BOARD, AS bname,
ml.posterTime AS lastPosterTime, IFNULL(mems.realName, ms.posterName) AS firstPosterName,
IFNULL(meml.realName, ml.posterName) AS lastPosterName, ml.subject AS lastSubject,
ml.icon AS lastIcon, ms.icon AS firstIcon, t.ID_POLL, t.isSticky, t.locked, ml.modifiedTime AS lastModifiedTime,
LEFT(ml.body, 384) AS lastBody, LEFT(ms.body, 384) AS firstBody,
ml.smileysEnabled AS lastSmileys, ms.smileysEnabled AS firstSmileys, t.ID_FIRST_MSG, t.ID_LAST_MSG,"
. (
$user_info['is_guest'] ? '1 AS isRead, 0 AS new_from' '
IFNULL(lt.ID_MSG, IFNULL(lmr.ID_MSG, -1)) + 1 AS new_from'
) . "
{$db_prefix}messages AS ms, {$db_prefix}messages AS ml, {$db_prefix}topics AS t, {$db_prefix}boards AS b)
{$db_prefix}members AS mems ON (mems.ID_MEMBER = ms.ID_MEMBER)
{$db_prefix}members AS meml ON (meml.ID_MEMBER = ml.ID_MEMBER)
{$db_prefix}log_topics AS lt ON (lt.ID_TOPIC = t.ID_TOPIC AND lt.ID_MEMBER = $ID_MEMBER)
{$db_prefix}log_mark_read AS lmr ON (lmr.ID_BOARD = t.ID_BOARD AND lmr.ID_MEMBER = $ID_MEMBER)
    WHERE " 
$where_clause "

$topics = array();
$topic_ids = array();
while (
$row mysql_fetch_assoc($request))
if (
$row['ID_POLL'] > && $modSettings['pollMode'] == '0')

$topic_ids[] = $row['ID_TOPIC'];

// Clip the strings first because censoring is slow :/. (for some reason?)
$row['firstBody'] = strip_tags(strtr(parse_bbc($row['firstBody'], $row['firstSmileys'], $row['ID_FIRST_MSG']), array('<br />' => '
if (
strlen($row['firstBody']) > 128)
$row['firstBody'] = substr($row['firstBody'], 0128) . '...';
$row['lastBody'] = strip_tags(strtr(parse_bbc($row['lastBody'], $row['lastSmileys'], $row['ID_LAST_MSG']), array('<br />' => '
if (
strlen($row['lastBody']) > 128)
$row['lastBody'] = substr($row['lastBody'], 0128) . '...';

$row['lastSubject'] = $row['firstSubject'];
$row['lastBody'] = $row['firstBody'];

// Decide how many pages the topic should have.
$topic_length $row['numReplies'] + 1;
if (
$topic_length $modSettings['defaultMaxMessages'])
$tmppages = array();
$tmpa 1;
for (
$tmpb 0$tmpb $topic_length$tmpb += $modSettings['defaultMaxMessages'])
$tmppages[] = '<a href="' $scripturl '?topic=' $row['ID_TOPIC'] . '.' $tmpb ';topicseen">' $tmpa '</a>';
// Show links to all the pages?
if (
count($tmppages) <= 5)
$pages ', « ' implode(' '$tmppages);
// Or skip a few?
$pages ', « ' $tmppages[0] . ' ' $tmppages[1] . ' ... ' $tmppages[count($tmppages) - 2] . ' ' $tmppages[count($tmppages) - 1];

if (!empty(
$modSettings['enableAllMessages']) && $topic_length $modSettings['enableAllMessages'])
$pages .= '  <a href="' $scripturl '?topic=' $row['ID_TOPIC'] . '.0;all">' $txt[190] . '</a>';
$pages .= ' , »';
$pages '';

// We need to check the topic icons exist... you can never be too sure!
if (empty(
// First icon first... as you'd expect.
if (!isset(
$icon_sources[$row['firstIcon']] = file_exists($settings['theme_dir'] . '/images/post/' $row['firstIcon'] . '.gif') ? 'images_url' 'default_images_url';
// Last icon... last... duh.
if (!isset(
$icon_sources[$row['lastIcon']] = file_exists($settings['theme_dir'] . '/images/post/' $row['lastIcon'] . '.gif') ? 'images_url' 'default_images_url';

// And build the array.
$topics[$row['ID_TOPIC']] = array(
'id' => $row['ID_TOPIC'],
'first_post' => array(
'id' => $row['ID_FIRST_MSG'],
'member' => array(
'name' => $row['firstPosterName'],
'id' => $row['ID_FIRST_MEMBER'],
'href' => $scripturl '?action=profile;u=' $row['ID_FIRST_MEMBER'],
'link' => !empty($row['ID_FIRST_MEMBER']) ? '<a href="' $scripturl '?action=profile;u=' $row['ID_FIRST_MEMBER'] . '" title="' $txt[92] . ' ' $row['firstPosterName'] . '">' $row['firstPosterName'] . '</a>' $row['firstPosterName']
'time' => timeformat($row['firstPosterTime']),
'timestamp' => forum_time(true$row['firstPosterTime']),
'subject' => $row['firstSubject'],
'preview' => $row['firstBody'],
'icon' => $row['firstIcon'],
'icon_url' => $settings[$icon_sources[$row['firstIcon']]] . '/post/' $row['firstIcon'] . '.gif',
'href' => $scripturl '?topic=' $row['ID_TOPIC'] . '.0;topicseen',
'link' => '<a href="' $scripturl '?topic=' $row['ID_TOPIC'] . '.0;topicseen">' $row['firstSubject'] . '</a>'
'last_post' => array(
'id' => $row['ID_LAST_MSG'],
'member' => array(
'name' => $row['lastPosterName'],
'id' => $row['ID_LAST_MEMBER'],
'href' => $scripturl '?action=profile;u=' $row['ID_LAST_MEMBER'],
'link' => !empty($row['ID_LAST_MEMBER']) ? '<a href="' $scripturl '?action=profile;u=' $row['ID_LAST_MEMBER'] . '">' $row['lastPosterName'] . '</a>' $row['lastPosterName']
'time' => timeformat($row['lastPosterTime']),
'timestamp' => forum_time(true$row['lastPosterTime']),
'subject' => $row['lastSubject'],
'preview' => $row['lastBody'],
'icon' => $row['lastIcon'],
'icon_url' => $settings[$icon_sources[$row['lastIcon']]] . '/post/' $row['lastIcon'] . '.gif',
'href' => $scripturl '?topic=' $row['ID_TOPIC'] . ($row['numReplies'] == '.0' '.msg' $row['ID_LAST_MSG']) . ';topicseen#msg' $row['ID_LAST_MSG'],
'link' => '<a href="' $scripturl '?topic=' $row['ID_TOPIC'] . ($row['numReplies'] == '.0' '.msg' $row['ID_LAST_MSG']) . ';topicseen#msg' $row['ID_LAST_MSG'] . '">' $row['lastSubject'] . '</a>'
'new' => $row['isRead'],
'new_from' => $row['new_from'],
'new_href' => $scripturl '?topic=' $row['ID_TOPIC'] . '.msg' $row['new_from'] . ';topicseen#new',
'href' => $scripturl '?topic=' $row['ID_TOPIC'] . ($row['numReplies'] == '.0' '.msg' $row['new_from']) . ';topicseen' . ($row['numReplies'] == '' 'new'),
'link' => '<a href="' $scripturl '?topic=' $row['ID_TOPIC'] . ($row['numReplies'] == '.0' '.msg' $row['new_from']) . ';topicseen#msg' $row['new_from'] . '">' $row['firstSubject'] . '</a>',
'is_sticky' => !empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']) && !empty($row['isSticky']),
'is_locked' => !empty($row['locked']),
'is_poll' => $modSettings['pollMode'] == '1' && $row['ID_POLL'] > 0,
'is_hot' => $row['numReplies'] >= $modSettings['hotTopicPosts'],
'is_very_hot' => $row['numReplies'] >= $modSettings['hotTopicVeryPosts'],
'is_posted_in' => false,
'icon' => $row['firstIcon'],
'icon_url' => $settings[$icon_sources[$row['firstIcon']]] . '/post/' $row['firstIcon'] . '.gif',
'subject' => $row['firstSubject'],
'pages' => $pages,
'replies' => $row['numReplies'],
'views' => $row['numViews'],
'board' => array(
'id' => $row['ID_BOARD'],
'name' => $row['bname'],
'href' => $scripturl '?board=' $row['ID_BOARD'] . '.0',
'link' => '<a href="' $scripturl '?board=' $row['ID_BOARD'] . '.0">' $row['bname'] . '</a>'


if (!empty(
$modSettings['enableParticipation']) && !empty($topic_ids))
$result db_query("
implode(', '$topic_ids) . ")
while (
$row mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
if (empty(
$topics[$row['ID_TOPIC']]['is_posted_in'] = true;
$topics[$row['ID_TOPIC']]['class'] = 'my_' $topics[$row['ID_TOPIC']]['class'];

if (!empty(
        <div class="tborder" '
$context['browser']['needs_size_fix'] && !$context['browser']['is_ie6'] ? 'style="width: 100%;"' '''>
            <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" class="bordercolor">
<tr class="titlebg">
<td width="5%"> </td>
$txt[70], '
</td><td width="14%">'
$txt[109], '
</td><td width="4%" align="center">'
$txt[110], '
</td><td width="4%" align="center">'
$txt[301], '
</td><td width="24%">'
$txt[111], '

foreach (
$topics as $topic)
// Do we want to seperate the sticky and lock status out?
if (!empty(
$settings['seperate_sticky_lock']) && strpos($topic['class'], 'sticky') !== false)
$topic['class'] = substr($topic['class'], 0strrpos($topic['class'], '_sticky'));
if (!empty(
$settings['seperate_sticky_lock']) && strpos($topic['class'], 'locked') !== false)
$topic['class'] = substr($topic['class'], 0strrpos($topic['class'], '_locked'));

<td class="windowbg2" align="center" width="5%">
<img src="' 
$topic['last_post']['icon_url'] . '" alt="" align="middle" />
</td><td class="windowbg' 
$topic['is_sticky'] && !empty($settings['seperate_sticky_lock']) ? '3' '' '" width="48%" valign="middle">' $topic['is_locked'] && !empty($settings['seperate_sticky_lock']) ? '
<img src="' 
$settings['images_url'] . '/icons/quick_lock.gif" align="right" alt="" style="margin: 0;" />' '' $topic['is_sticky'] && !empty($settings['seperate_sticky_lock']) ? '
<img src="' 
$settings['images_url'] . '/icons/show_sticky.gif" align="right" alt="" style="margin: 0;" />' '';
if (
$topic['new'] == 0)
'<b>',  $topic['first_post']['link'], '</b>';
'<a href="'$topic['new_href'], '"> <img src="'$settings['images_url'], '/'$context['user']['language'], '/new.gif" alt="'$txt[302], '" /></a>';
<span class="smalltext">'
$topic['pages'], ' '$txt['smf88'], ' '$topic['board']['link'], '</span></td>

<td class="windowbg" valign="middle" width="12%">
$topic['first_post']['member']['link'], '</td>
<td class="windowbg2" valign="middle" width="4%" align="center">
$topic['replies'], '</td>
<td class="windowbg" valign="middle" width="4%" align="center">
$topic['views'], '</td>
<td class="windowbg2" valign="middle" width="20%">

<div align=right><span class="smalltext">
$topic['last_post']['time'], '<br />
<a href="'
$topic['last_post']['href'], '"><img src="'$settings['images_url'], '/icons/last_post.gif" alt="'$txt[111], '" title="'$txt[111], '" style="float: right;" /></a>
$txt[525], ' '$topic['last_post']['member']['link'], 





~playing poker~

Jade Elizabeth

what do i do with that? LOL
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.


Try installing the custom action mod, then create a new php action. :)  I just did it and it seems to work AWESOME. :)

Now - how would I filter OUT a board or two?


Happily using a heavily modified 1.1.16 version of SMF!

2748011 Posts in 320998 Topics by 50986 Members

SOLD my website - thanks it was a good run - they converted to vbadvanced. (and screwed it up good!)

Jade Elizabeth

Quote from: digit on January 16, 2008, 09:21:41 PM
Try installing the custom action mod, then create a new php action. :)  I just did it and it seems to work AWESOME. :)

Now - how would I filter OUT a board or two?


i dunno how to use that mod...can you tell me what you did?
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.


Quote from: Alundra on January 16, 2008, 09:55:52 PM
i dunno how to use that mod...can you tell me what you did?

1. Install this first...

Once that is installed, go into Features and Options in your admin panel, and click on Custom Actions.

2. Create a New Action. 

3. Name it MyRecent (no spaces)

4. Name the page title whatever you want.

Come back here and copy all that text - NOTE: to avoid funky characters, you will need to click on "Quote" of that post, then copy and paste the text, removing the  quote and php bbc tags!!!

I hope that helps!

Happily using a heavily modified 1.1.16 version of SMF!

2748011 Posts in 320998 Topics by 50986 Members

SOLD my website - thanks it was a good run - they converted to vbadvanced. (and screwed it up good!)

Jade Elizabeth

seems to work well, thankyou :)
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.


Glad I could help!  Thank you for digging for it!  ;)
Happily using a heavily modified 1.1.16 version of SMF!

2748011 Posts in 320998 Topics by 50986 Members

SOLD my website - thanks it was a good run - they converted to vbadvanced. (and screwed it up good!)

Jade Elizabeth

do you know how to make it display more topics?
how long does it collect from?
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.


global $scripturl;

                        <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" class="bordercolor">
                               <tr><td colspan="3" class="titlebg">Recent topics</td></tr> '

        foreach (
$what as $topic)
                                        <td class="windowbg" valign="middle">

// Is this topic new? (assuming they are logged in!)
if (!$topic['new'] && $context['user']['is_logged'])
                                                <a href="'
$scripturl'?topic='$topic['topic'], '.from'$topic['new_from'], '#new"><img src="'$settings['images_url'], '/'$context['user']['language'], '/new.gif" alt="'$txt[302], '" border="0" /></a>';

                                        <td class="windowbg2" valign="middle" width="20%">
$topic['poster']['link'], '
                                        <td class="windowbg2" valign="middle" width="35%">'
                if (
$settings['images_url'] != $settings['theme_url'] . '/images' || file_exists($settings['theme_dir'] . '/images/icons/last_post.gif'))
                                        <a href="'
$topic['href'], '"><img src="'$settings['images_url'], '/icons/last_post.gif" alt="'$txt[111], '" title="'$txt[111], '" border="0" style="float: right;" /></a>';
                                                <span class="smalltext">
$topic['time'], '


- add board ID number like to the function if you want to narrow down the boards recent topics are taken from. change it to ssi_recentTopics('8', array('3','56') , 'array') where the numbers 3 and 56 are examples of board ID's.

this code will look better on a custom page
~playing poker~

Jade Elizabeth

^ it doesnt want to work for me :(
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.


@Alundra, I can take a shot at this. To pull up the top 10 posters, topics, 10 newest members  with Ajax so it refreshes every time a new post is made it bumps up etc. It will be displayed just under the Home, Help, Admin etc buttons. Let me know if you are interested

Jade Elizabeth

Quote from: babjusi on January 21, 2008, 07:15:06 PM
@Alundra, I can take a shot at this. To pull up the top 10 posters, topics, 10 newest members  with Ajax so it refreshes every time a new post is made it bumps up etc. It will be displayed just under the Home, Help, Admin etc buttons. Let me know if you are interested

VERY interested, could you make it about 25 topics though?
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.


I guess I can, but I wouldn''t advice it as it tends to strech and sometime it won''t load properly. With 10 topics it works like a charm
