AjaxChat Integration (latest version 3.2.1)

Started by .HuNTeR., August 27, 2008, 12:59:06 AM

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Chit-Chat ChatterBox Boss

Can someone make a /ban command. So it perm bans until you /unban them? with /kick it just bans until the time that is set runs out (which is fine) but we need a perm ban way.
Chit-Chat ChatterBox

Our site is open to everyone. It is a resource for anyone and everyone to talk about anything and everything you could possibly think of. It's a great place to come and talk, ask questions, or just simply hang out. We offer many great features. All we ask is that you follow by the site rules. Hope to see you around!
Remember in the "Referral" box to put "Caleb" while registering.


quick question plz.....using 1.1.9. I have it installed-changed my permissions and in default everything works beautiful. So I have the ability to add a link and a menu tab named chat in my custom theme until I figure out the edits to integrate it.

Now my question is- I have run it through the parser and got the changes needed  to alter the theme directory. I went to my file manager- pulled up the proper file and for the absolute life of me I cannot find the required code that would need to be changed. I have read and reread looking for the code needed to be changed..

Any ideas-Not an exact noob at reading the code to find it but does it have to be exactly what I am looking for something close or or...

TIA for an awesome chat


@ everwake

Make sure that this code is before the </body> in the index.template.php file for your custom theme

if ($modSettings['enableChatBelowPM']){
$count = count(chatOnlineUsers());
if ($count == 0 )
echo '<br />' . $txt['chat_no_user'];
elseif ($count == 1 )
  echo '<br />  1' . $txt['chat_aUser']. '.<br />';
  echo '<br /> ' . $count. $txt['chat_users']. '<br />';
$num = ($modSettings['enableChatButtonNo']) ? $count : 0;
$context['menu_buttons']['chat']['title'] .= ($num > 0) ?  ('('.$num.')') : '';
if ($modSettings['chatPopUp']){
$context['menu_buttons']['chat']['href'] .= '" onclick="openWindow(this.href);this.blur();return false;';
echo '
<script type="text/javascript">
          function openWindow(url,width,height,options,name) {
          width = width ? width : 800;
            height = height ? height : 600;
              options = options ? options : \'resizable=yes\';
              name = name ? name : \'openWindow\';


@ cponygo

For you're custom theme the code will not be exaclty like it is in the default theme which is what the code will be searching for.

One way to trouble shoot is to open the default theme file along side your custom theme file and find the proximity of where to code goes and just play around with it.

If you have troubles, post the theme you are using and the files that need editing.


help me plz decause i cant fix this alone  :-\

my current theme is the Mystic Jade from Dziner Studio!

take the index.template.php from the 2 themes!


Can I add more history for surrent session? I need to keep more because i would like to read conversation but only a few lines is there at that session.


Quote from: everwake on May 26, 2009, 02:44:17 PM
help me plz decause i cant fix this alone  :-\
my current theme is the Mystic Jade from Dziner Studio!
take the index.template.php from the 2 themes!

Try this one, of course make a backup of your working one. I just tested and it opens in new window.

Attatched is the one for your custom theme.


Quote from: wiki on May 26, 2009, 04:03:38 PM

Can I add more history for surrent session? I need to keep more because i would like to read conversation but only a few lines is there at that session.

You can view the logs http://yoursite.com/chat/?view=logs




with the new template.php i can't see the group colors (admin , mod etc) inside the forum! :S


will try that - thanks-

just have this thing to try and get it myself...lol



index.template.php theme

Okay I did the side by side but this one gave me some probs if you can help me out-cool..many thanks Andy


sorry for the above-if you could help w/these- I believe the top one should be default and then Invasion114


Not sure if there's an "official" spot to put requests for new features... BUT.. I'm a nneonneo's ajax shoutbox convertor. One thing they had that I like that this doesn't is a history button for normal users. :)


It's already in the works with a setting to display X number of shouts (I, too, was a big nneonneo SB fan   :P ). In fact, I am working on several little tweaks for the AjaxChat and will post them here as they are finished. So far, I have managed to port over the Post Notification tweak. Enjoy this mod, it's great!
« Next Edit: Tomorrow at 08:34:45 PM by SunKing »   <---- « someone stole my sig... :o »


Quote from: everwake on May 26, 2009, 06:17:53 PM

with the new template.php i can't see the group colors (admin , mod etc) inside the forum! :S

Are you talkin about showing the Group Colors in the bottom of the board? If so be sure and go to Admin/Themes and Layout/Themes Settings/ [Select Theme] and check check "Show group key on board index"


Quote from: SunKing on May 26, 2009, 10:30:44 PM
It's already in the works with a setting to display X number of shouts (I, too, was a big nneonneo SB fan   :P ). In fact, I am working on several little tweaks for the AjaxChat and will post them here as they are finished. So far, I have managed to port over the Post Notification tweak. Enjoy this mod, it's great!

Yeah, I've been using nneonneo's for quite some time, but ran into some issues w/ it where no one was able to help me. getting some weird mysql errors. nothing showing up in my server logs even.... was a head scratcher, this layout is a bit more "user friendly" keep up the great work guys!!!!


I am getting an Error when installing.  It is for my file:


Attached is my file.

Can someone please take a quick peek and tell me what is wrong with it?

I am really looking for a good chat feature with the option to enable sound when a new chat happens.

Is there something like MSN where a window pops up?


Chit-Chat ChatterBox Boss

What theme and other mods do you have installed?
Chit-Chat ChatterBox

Our site is open to everyone. It is a resource for anyone and everyone to talk about anything and everything you could possibly think of. It's a great place to come and talk, ask questions, or just simply hang out. We offer many great features. All we ask is that you follow by the site rules. Hope to see you around!
Remember in the "Referral" box to put "Caleb" while registering.
