Blocking Baidu

Started by movierchives, May 14, 2012, 04:33:44 PM

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I've tried blocking Baidu but its but its being the bot from hell.  I need it blocking because its constantly got between 11 and 20 bots on my site at once, they never leave.

I've tried blocking its IP range

Deny from

I've added the robot text

User-agent: Baiduspider
Disallow: /

Hell I've got China blocked on Cloudflare but does that stop these ruddy bots, hell no  :-\


I don't think this is the right syntax:
Deny from

Deny from 188.143.
if you don't mind blocking 1-127 in the third octet. There might be a way to block a range of octets (perhaps
Deny from 188.143.128-255.
) might work. I'm sure you can google some resources on how to use .htaccess to deny IP ranges.


Thanks, the varous websites I've seen say that's the way to block a range

I have tried  blocking ranges by doing 37.*.*.* but this hasn't worked either, Russian spammers


in .htaccess try - 
Deny from 188.143
Deny from 37

no dot at the end of the ip range


I've just done it directly in the cpanel ip blocker and their still there  :-\


Lets get tough.......  try:

Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Baiduspider [NC,OR]
RewriteRule ^.* - [F,L]

Add that to the END of your .htaccess file.

Note: If you get 500 Server error then remove the first line (Options +FollowSymlinks)


That keeps 403ing whether Options +FollowSymlink is added or not :(


Do you have any mods such as pretty urls or any other SEO type mod installed?


If you search through the support boards, this has been covered a number of times.;search=baidu

Not really much point in going over them all, again, eh? ;)
