Tagging System For Topics

Started by SMFHacks.com Team, December 19, 2006, 10:59:20 AM

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There seems to be a problem with guest permissions in the latest release 2.2.1. I have removed the "Add Tags to Own Topics" permission from the guest group, but guest still can add tags to new created topics.


And another problem. I get this error in my forumlogs:

8: Undefined index: smftags_popular
File: /forum/Sources/Tags2.php
Line: 93

I think thats because i'm using german-utf8 as my default language and the Tags2.php loads only the english languagefile:


Any hints how i can fix this so the Tags2.php loads the english or the german-utf8 file? Thanks in advance for a reply.


Quote from: Bruno36 on April 12, 2010, 11:03:34 AM
I have an error message when I click on the tag in the top menu

QuoteUtilisation invalide de la clause GROUP
Fichier: /home/www/sospc/www/smf/Sources/Tags2.php
Ligne: 101


Has there been a fix for this? I'm getting the same thing with MySQL 4.1.22:

QuoteInvalid use of group function
File: /home/hillrunr/public_html/forums_test/Sources/Tags2.php
Line: 101



Playing around with the SQL that appears at that line a bit. The issue is with the count in the order by clause, which apparently isn't allowed in MySQL 4.1.22. Looking at the code, initially, I'm not sure of a workaround. Any thoughts?

Here's what I currently have for the code I'm running through phpMyAdmin. If I take the count out of the order by, it works. If I don't, it produces the error in question.

SELECT t.tag AS tag
     , l.id_tag
     , COUNT(l.id_tag) AS quantity
FROM smf_tags as t
   , smf_tags_log as l
WHERE t.id_tag = l.id_tag
GROUP BY t.tag
    , l.id_tag
       , RAND()



Replace with:
ORDER BY quantity


Try changing
ORDER BY COUNT(l.id_tag)
ORDER BY quantity
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I see I didn't get my update there in time. I found that to work and was trying to update my post before anyone spent too much time trying to figure it out.



is there anyway we cam make this tagging system work with pretty urls, or any other sef url
i want to achieve this thing

Current url structure is these


i want tag url to be like these


is there any way to do this?


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mybb simple tag plugin has these feature ,i dont think it is impossible ,on the other side mybb simple tag plugin is inspire by these mod


I don't think it's possible for me todo maybe hire a coder?
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maybe looking at mybb simple tag plugin source code help you a bit , ;D


It's not *impossible* on its own. Just not possible with this mod, and not possible without slowing your forum down where tags are applicable.


I have it done few things code wise are impossible but easier to respond that way otherwise they will ask for it  since it is not built in.
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hello :)

thanks for this very nice mod vb

here is the french translation

for the modification file :
//Begin Tagging System Text Strings
$txt['smftags_menu'] = 'Tags';
$txt['smftags_admin'] = 'Configuration des Tags';
$txt['smftags_settings'] = 'Paramètres';

$txt['smftags_addtag'] = '[Ajouter un Tag]';
$txt['smftags_addtag2'] = 'Ajouter un Tag';
$txt['smftags_seperate'] = 'Séparer les tags par une virgule';

$txt['smftags_topic'] = 'Tags: ';
$txt['permissiongroup_smftags'] = 'SMF Tags';
$txt['permissiongroup_simple_smftags'] = 'SMF Tags';
$txt['permissionname_smftags_suggest'] = 'Proposer des Tags';
$txt['permissionhelp_smftags_suggest'] = 'Les utilisateurs peuvent proposer des tags.';
$txt['cannot_smftags_suggest'] = 'Vous n\'êtes pas autorisé &agrave proposer des tags.';

$txt['permissionname_smftags_add'] = 'Ajouter des tags &agrave ses propres sujets';
$txt['permissionhelp_smftags_add'] = 'Les utilisateurs peuvent ajouter des tags';
$txt['cannot_smftags_add'] = 'Vous n\'êtes pas autorisé &agrave rajouter des tags.';

$txt['permissionname_smftags_del'] = 'Supprimer les tags de ses propres sujets';
$txt['permissionhelp_smftags_del'] = 'Les utilisateurs peuvent supprimer les tags de leurs propres sujets';
$txt['cannot_smftags_del'] = 'Vous n\'êtes pas autorisé &agrave supprimer ces tags';

$txt['permissionname_smftags_manage'] = 'Gestion des tags';
$txt['permissionhelp_smftags_manage'] = 'Les utilisateurs peuvent modifier les parametres des tags et ajouter ou supprimer n\'importe quel tag. Attention! Cette permission est normalament attribuée aux administrateurs uniquement!';
$txt['cannot_smftags_manage'] = 'Vous n\'êtes pas autorisé &agrave gérer les tags.';
//END  Tagging System Strings

for the tags file

Tagging System
Version 1.0
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//Tags text strings
$txt['smftags_tags'] = 'Tags';
$txt['smftags_tagtosuggest'] = 'Tag To Suggest:';
$txt['smftags_popular'] = 'Tags populaires';
$txt['smftags_latest'] = 'Derniers tags post&eacute;s';
$txt['smftags_resultsfor'] = 'R&eacute;sultats pour ';

$txt['smftags_suggest'] = 'Proposer un Tag';

$txt['smftags_addtag'] = '[Ajouter un Tag]';
$txt['smftags_deletetag'] = '[Supprimer le Tag]';

$txt['smftags_addtag2'] = 'Ajouter un Tag';
$txt['smftags_tagtoadd'] = 'Tag &agrave ajouter';

//Tags Admin Settings
$txt['smftags_set_mintaglength'] = 'Longueur minimum du Tag';
$txt['smftags_set_maxtaglength'] = 'Longueur maximale du Tag';
$txt['smftags_set_maxtags'] = 'Nombre maximum de tags par sujet';

$txt['smftags_tagcloud_settings'] = 'Param&egrave;tres du nuage de Tags';
$txt['smftags_set_cloud_tags_to_show'] = 'Nombre de Tags &agrave montrer dans le nuage de Tags';
$txt['smftags_set_cloud_tags_per_row'] = 'Nombre de Tags &agrave montrer par ligne';
$txt['smftags_set_cloud_max_font_size_precent'] = 'Taille de caract&egrave;res maximum en pourcentage';
$txt['smftags_set_cloud_min_font_size_precent'] = 'Taille de caract&egrave;res minimum en pourcentage';

$txt['smftags_err_deletetag'] = 'Vous n\'avez pas la permission de supprimer ce tag.';
$txt['smftags_err_notopic'] = 'Aucun sujet selectionn&eacute;.';
$txt['smftags_err_notag'] = 'Vous devez inscrire un tag.';

$txt['smftags_err_mintag'] = 'Le tag est plus petit que la longueur minimum de ';
$txt['smftags_err_maxtag'] = 'Le tag est plus grand que la longueur maximum de ';
$txt['smftags_err_toomaxtag'] = 'Nombre maximum de Tag par sujet d&eacute;pass&eacute;.';
$txt['smftags_err_permaddtags'] = 'Vous n\'&ecirc;tes pas autoris&eacute; &agrave ajouter des tags sur ce sujet.';
$txt['smftags_err_alreadyexists'] = 'Ce Tag existe d&eacute;j&agrave pour ce sujet.';

$txt['smftags_settings'] = 'Param&egrave;tres des tags';
$txt['smftags_pages'] = 'Pages: ';

$txt['smftags_savesettings'] = 'Sauvegarder les param&egrave;tres';

///Results Display
$txt['smftags_subject'] = 'Sujet';
$txt['smftags_startedby'] = 'Auteur';
$txt['smftags_replies'] = 'R&eacute;ponses';
$txt['smftags_views'] = 'Vues';
$txt['smftags_guest'] = 'Invit&eacute;';

I have a question if anyone could help me with this.
As I'm a total beginner in php, the only thing I can offer is translations in french.
But I'd like to make them neat and nice.
So far I'm directly translating in modifications.english
But I guess the best thing would be to make changes in modifications.french

How and where do I tell the mod to look for my translation ?


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Just making a a modifications.french file will make SMF automatically check for that file.
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on May 13, 2010, 07:51:15 AM
Just making a a modifications.french file will make SMF automatically check for that file.

great !! It's magic   8)
thanks a lot
SMF 2.0 RC3
my mods [nofollow]


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Is there a way to have smf's search function only search through the list of tags?

Additionally, is it possible to add tags to boards?  I have a forum in which a board has a specific topic, and the threads inside are relevant to that topic, and I won't be able to use the plugin if I can't add tags to the containing board. 

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Not built into the search function. Tags are only part of topics
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The World

Help me!!!
Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '='
File: /home/vol4/byethost12.com/b12_5242114/forum.worldvn.net/htdocs/Sources/Tags2.php
Line: 313
