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Ultimate Shoutbox

Started by Grudge, March 28, 2004, 09:11:20 AM

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Unstable Fears


I'm completely lost on installing this. It's quite different installing mods in this sofware then phpBB, vBulletin, or IPB (which i'm used to).

I installed the package, but don't see anything on the main board. A couple posts above it says add  '. smfshout() .'  or ', smfshout(), ' but i'm getting a parse error....0_o.

Some instructions on how to install this would be nice for newbies like myself who are not accustomed to the SMF coding....


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Does anyone have a 'demo' of this on their forums I can take a look at?

Thanks  :)
Check out my new site:

Jerry . . . . I have the mod running on my forums ;)

- Jerry
Find me on:

"If all you look for is the negative in things, you will never see the positive."


Unstable Fears,

You add that code to one of your templates like index.template.php, whereever you want it to appear. If you get a parse error use:


I'm only a half geek really...

Unstable Fears

nvm problem fixed :)

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Quote from: Grudge on December 23, 2004, 04:42:10 AM
I was wondering - as this gets asked all the time is there anyone who would mind posting the code that they changed on their install in the end, along with maybe a screenshot? I'd love to start a thread with maybe 5 example imlpementations of the shoutbox in different places with the corresponding code to help people. The problem is I can't make adding it part of the package as it just won't work in like 50% of cases because people use different themes and/or at the very least aren't using the "default" directory one. So if anyone has some code snippets and a screenshot if you could post them here (OR email me) I'll open a "Showcase" type thread somewhere and link to it from my mod install screen.
Here is how I added mine to the left of my forums:

Open /Themes/default/BoardIndex.template.php
- /Themes/yourtheme/ if your theme has its own BoardIndex.template.php

/* Each category in categories is made up of:
id, href, link, name, is_collapsed (is it collapsed?), can_collapse (is it okay if it is?),
new (is it new?), collapse_href (href to collapse/expand), collapse_image (up/down iamge),
and boards. (see below.) */

Add After:
               echo '<div><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5">';
               echo '<tr><td width="180" valign="top">';
// Shout Box is right here!
echo '<div class="tborder"style="width: 180px;"><table border="0" width="180" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" style="table-layout: fixed;">
<td class="catbg" width="100%">ShoutBox</td>
<td class="windowbg2" width="100%" valign="middle" align="center" colspan="2"><div style="overflow: auto; width: 100%;">',smfshout(),'</div></td>
        </table></div><br />';
               echo '</td>
                    <td width="100%" valign="top">';

<td valign="middle" align="left">
<input type="submit" value="', $txt[34], '" />

echo '

Replace with:
<td valign="middle" align="left">
<input type="submit" value="', $txt[34], '" />

echo '
echo '
<br />';

Was used in a default theme "look alike"

- Jerry
Find me on:

"If all you look for is the negative in things, you will never see the positive."


Well ive installed the MOD seems to be there fine and the table is there in the Sql but it wont show up on the board anywhere... im new to SMF but have used ipb etc for years but this line in the help file threw me.

"Anywhere in your template call the function smfshout() to show the shoutbox"

wat does this i just being thick ?

help please :)

Sy :-X


Basically, you need to add it to the template so it actually appears. Different people want it to appear in different places, so I can't really say where's best to put it (Hence I don't try as part of the mod). If you read through this thread (I know it's long!), there will be some good examples of where people have added it in the past. It's a simple case to actually get it to appear - but you'll want to put some HTML around it so it looks pretty. There is an example above your post, but loads others throughout the topic. If you get really stuck just add smfshout() to your index template (As per the instructions), and move it around until it looks nice :)
I'm only a half geek really...


isnt there an option to restrict shouts to members/admins im sure ive seen it before but i cant find it under edit features and options



check Admin -> Edit Permissons -> (usergoup) -> search for shout

- Jerry
Find me on:

"If all you look for is the negative in things, you will never see the positive."


one little question grudge i upgraded to your 1.21 shoutbox version and before i saw this little pic to in main index but now i see it only in shoutbox page where there is the list of all messages

this is normal in new version ?
CrazyZone - My SMF Forum

From the difficult the hardening of the man you can see


Trying to install the shoutbox package. Tells me some files are not writeable.

I first try the ftp option, entering the correct ftp information and it didn't do anything except return back to the install actions screen with no message whether it worked or not (I'm assuming not since it still shows 1 thru 4 without the word success.

So then I go change all the files to 777 in the terminal using chmod, as well as move the relevant files to the proper places based on the image below. Come back and hit proceed and still tells me some files need to be made writeable.

Any ideas?

here's what I have after I hit proceed (ftp info removed intentionally):

Photoshop Tutorials and More!


You're probably using the wrong FTP information.  Make sure you're using the correct:
  - server: almost always localhost.
  - port: very very likely 21.
  - username/password: these you've probably got right ;).
  - path: the path you see *IN YOUR FTP CLIENT*.  Often, /public_html/forum/.

Remember, on most servers, the path looks like this:

*However*, when you log into FTP, you just see:

So that's the only part you put here.



Grudge,(or anyone else who can answer) I am trying to install the shoutbox on some forums, I worked around this one time but cannot seem to find how I did it.

I am trying to do this (without the class info for less typing. .)
but when you view the page it comes up as
(shows the shoutbox)<td><div></div></td>

anyone know how to fix that? I read the thread and couldn't find anything. ..

- Jerry
Find me on:

"If all you look for is the negative in things, you will never see the positive."


It will do that if you don't have <tr>s around it properly.



well its like this. .
<td> shoutbox</td>
<td>another one. . .</td>
<td>another. . </td>

I was just giving you the line that the box was in ..

- Jerry
Find me on:

"If all you look for is the negative in things, you will never see the positive."


Oh.  You also want to use commas instead of dots (so it's output at the right time.)



Hey im haveing problems with this shoutbox like if I put the code for it on the page it wont reconize it and if I went to index.php?actions=shout_archive it will be there but you cant post help me out here is there an URL just for the shout box thats accesable


Thank you [Unknown] for helping me with that :), on fresh installs of the shoutbox mod on SMF1.0 I get this error when viewing the error log:
Undefined index: canDelete
File: /****/Themes/default/shout.template.php (eval?)
Line: 86

- Jerry
Find me on:

"If all you look for is the negative in things, you will never see the positive."


Like Jerry said above.  In my site of SMF 1.0 final, and Ultimate Shoutbox version 1.21, when I take a look at the error log, I see multiple thousounds of lines saying:

8: Undefined index: canDelete
File: /home/mysite/public_html/forum/Themes/default/shout.template.php (eval?)
Line: 86

Anyone has any idea how to fix this, please help  :)

