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How to ....

Started by kubMCC, November 15, 2016, 06:25:32 PM

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install those single files easiest way .... (?)

SMF 2V1 with automatic sequence ?
SMF 2V0: Button just not found ?


Download newest package and search ?

Open for ..... whatever  ;D

- Man hat niemals zu viele backups
- Vertraue KEINEM Wiederherstellungspunkt ..
- Der Kopf ist rund damit das Denken die Richtung ändern kann! (Francis Picabia)
- Kein Backup; kein Mitleid!


ummm..... what?

there is no automatic way to install 2.1 at this time, since it is in beta.
you have to download the the install archive and run install.php
(if you grabbed it from github, you have to move install.php and the .mysql files into the root from the other directory.)

I have no idea what you mean by "button just not found" or "open for ... whatever"
those phrases have no apparent context or meaning.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


yes we are aware that some files did not get their version updated in SMF 2.0.12, this will be fixed. if that is your only issue for the time being just ignore it.


Quote from: Kindred on November 15, 2016, 06:41:54 PM
ummm..... what?

there is no automatic way to install 2.1 at this time, since it is in beta.
you have to download the the install archive and run install.php
(if you grabbed it from github, you have to move install.php and the .mysql files into the root from the other directory.)

I have no idea what you mean by "button just not found" or "open for ... whatever"
those phrases have no apparent context or meaning.

SORRY!!! It's 2V0.12 NOT 2V1.xx
- Man hat niemals zu viele backups
- Vertraue KEINEM Wiederherstellungspunkt ..
- Der Kopf ist rund damit das Denken die Richtung ändern kann! (Francis Picabia)
- Kein Backup; kein Mitleid!


Dear KINDRED, I know already that You always find the one and only way to missunderstand me. OK, I can live with that.  ;D ;D
please read again:
Quote from: kubMCC on November 15, 2016, 06:25:32 PM
install those single files easiest way .... (?)

SMF 2V1 with automatic sequence ?
SMF 2V0: Button just not found ?


Download newest package and search ?

Open for ..... whatever  ;D

I THOUGHT there MIGHT be a Button in Version 2V0.12 for automaticly download and install the newest file version and I am just too stupid to find it
- Man hat niemals zu viele backups
- Vertraue KEINEM Wiederherstellungspunkt ..
- Der Kopf ist rund damit das Denken die Richtung ändern kann! (Francis Picabia)
- Kein Backup; kein Mitleid!


Ah...   well, next time, to avoid confusion, please explain in full thoughts, not fragments... you can't assume that other people will follow your train of thought... we don't communicate through osmosis.

No, your not stupid..  there is no such button.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: Illori on November 15, 2016, 06:49:02 PM
yes we are aware that some files did not get their version updated in SMF 2.0.12, this will be fixed. if that is your only issue for the time being just ignore it.

OK, Thanks!
- Man hat niemals zu viele backups
- Vertraue KEINEM Wiederherstellungspunkt ..
- Der Kopf ist rund damit das Denken die Richtung ändern kann! (Francis Picabia)
- Kein Backup; kein Mitleid!


Quote from: Illori on November 15, 2016, 06:49:02 PM
yes we are aware that some files did not get their version updated in SMF 2.0.12, this will be fixed. if that is your only issue for the time being just ignore it.

in my not high enough English level: I downloaded the last ZIP-File TODAY and extracted all Files to a TEMP-Directory on my HDD = Hard Disk Drive (Festplatte)
I searched AND FOUND the files marked as an old version in my Forum (red, as above) (oben im Bild rot markiert).
- Subsc...Paypal.php // ManagePosts.php // Display.php // Calendar.php

I used Filezilla for downloading the 4 "newest" files to my sever (Install-Package from TODAY, filenames above). Even seeing that they have the same File-Date than the old ones on my server. OK, YOU are the specialists, YOU are always right and untouchable (as I had to learn the hard way)  ;D ;D

Imagine my surprise: no change, still the same version .....  :'( Still the same old "red" files ....

I don't care about PayPal or Calendar, But "Dispaly" and "ManagePosts" ?????

Best regards from Germany, Merry Christmas and a happy new Year.

kubMCC, hoping my english was good enough for the TEAM to understand. If not: ich schreibe euich das auch gerne nochmal in Deutsch ou en français!  ::)
- Man hat niemals zu viele backups
- Vertraue KEINEM Wiederherstellungspunkt ..
- Der Kopf ist rund damit das Denken die Richtung ändern kann! (Francis Picabia)
- Kein Backup; kein Mitleid!


well, your COMPREHENSION of English is obviously still lacking..

we told you that WE KNOW that the  file version numbers were not incremented.
We also to you the the files are all correct, with the exception of the version number.... all updates were applied, but the version number didn't get bumped. There is no actual issue except that the file REPORTS an incorrect version.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: Kindred on December 03, 2016, 07:06:31 PM
well, your COMPREHENSION of English is obviously still lacking..

we told you that WE KNOW that the  file version numbers were not incremented.
We also to you the the files are all correct, with the exception of the version number.... all updates were applied, but the version number didn't get bumped. There is no actual issue except that the file REPORTS an incorrect version.

Dann antworte doch bitte in DEUTSCH = meiner Muttersprache. DANN werden wir sehen wer hier der "lacking" Typ ist. Großkotz, sorry!

- How do we call a person, speaking 2 languages? >> BI-Lingual
- How do we call a person, speaking more than 2 languages? >> MULTI-Lingual
- How do we call a person, speaking only ONE language? >>

Ich bin hier jetzt raus und werde ausschliesslich noch im Deutschen Forum posten und zügige Antworten aufgrund meiner Charter Member Bezahlung erwarten. Ich unterhalte mich nicht (mehr) mit Leuten, die sich 5 Stufen über mich stellen wollen auf einer Leiter die ich nicht sehen kann.

Zu den File-Versionen: es wurde geschrieben: lade das neueste Paket herunter .... DENN >> wenn die Software eine NEUERE Version erkennt, dann sollte die auch zur Verfügung stehen. Ansonsten: überarbeitet eure "suche nach aktuelleren Versionen" Funktion.

YOUR SMF-Software tells me >> there is A NEWER Version of installed files. And now YOU are telling me, it's my fault to ask for those new files. Finde den Fehler!!  :o
- Man hat niemals zu viele backups
- Vertraue KEINEM Wiederherstellungspunkt ..
- Der Kopf ist rund damit das Denken die Richtung ändern kann! (Francis Picabia)
- Kein Backup; kein Mitleid!


Ummm...   what does unilingual, bilingual or multilingual have to do with anything?

Whatever languages you claim to understand, your comprehension is lacking.

You are beating a dead horse, because we have already bloody well told you what the report means and that you can ignore it...  but you still keep ignoring our statements instead and insisting that you are right, even though we have told you the answer.

the version is incorrect in the file header.
We have told you...
It doesn't matter. The file contents are correct, regardless of the version error.

Now would you just accept that we know what we are talking about and there is not actual issue, regardless of what the system is saying... and that it will be corrected in the 2.0.13 release. Until then, just ignore it.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: Kindred on December 05, 2016, 09:16:00 PM
Ummm...   what does unilingual, bilingual or multilingual have to do with anything?

Whatever languages you claim to understand, your comprehension is lacking.

You are beating a dead horse, because we have already bloody well told you what the report means and that you can ignore it...  but you still keep ignoring our statements instead and insisting that you are right, even though we have told you the answer.

the version is incorrect in the file header.
We have told you...
It doesn't matter. The file contents are correct, regardless of the version error.

Now would you just accept that we know what we are talking about and there is not actual issue, regardless of what the system is saying... and that it will be corrected in the 2.0.13 release. Until then, just ignore it.

Warum hat es sooo lange gedauert, diese einfache und präzise Antwort zu geben?? Wenn eine 2.0.13 kommen wird ist doch alles in Ordnung. Bisher war keine Rede davon. Dann "instruiert" die Version 2.0.12 einfach dazu, 2V0.10 Dateien, von denen angeblich 2V0.12 Dateien existieren, diese NICHT an zu zeigen. Dann kommen Idioten wie ich nicht auf die Idee sie installieren zu wollen. So einfach funktioniert die Welt.  O:)

zweiundfünfzigtausend posts machen noch lange nicht allwissend, nur ein wenig verbohrt und arrogant.  ;)
- Man hat niemals zu viele backups
- Vertraue KEINEM Wiederherstellungspunkt ..
- Der Kopf ist rund damit das Denken die Richtung ändern kann! (Francis Picabia)
- Kein Backup; kein Mitleid!


Sorry, but now you are being disingenuous. That is the same answer we have given to you, at least 4 times now. So, claiming that it "took this long" to get to the answer is just plain untrue.

And my post count as well as my longevity here certainly does indicate a certain level of knowledge...  and you are the one showing the most arrogance of anyone...

And please post in English. If you want to post in another language, use the langauge specific boards. This support board is for English posts.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


"If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody is not thinking." - Gen. George S. Patton Jr.



@ Kindred: mea culpa, es war mir nicht bewusst, dass ich mit dem President and Treasurer rede, also DER Person hinter SMF, dem CEO. Ist zwar schon 6 Jahre her, aber interessant! >>

Frohes Fest & Guten Rutsch nach 2017.

SMF bleibt trotz Allem meine Nummer eins!  8)

- Man hat niemals zu viele backups
- Vertraue KEINEM Wiederherstellungspunkt ..
- Der Kopf ist rund damit das Denken die Richtung ändern kann! (Francis Picabia)
- Kein Backup; kein Mitleid!


Quote from: Kindred on December 05, 2016, 10:01:48 PM
And please post in English. If you want to post in another language, use the langauge specific boards. This support board is for English posts.


Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: Kindred on December 07, 2016, 10:06:21 PM
Quote from: Kindred on December 05, 2016, 10:01:48 PM
And please post in English. If you want to post in another language, use the langauge specific boards. This support board is for English posts.
As I was told by YOUR team, trying to help in translating 2V1: my english is not good enough. So: let's see how good YOUR german is, Mr. President and Treasurer ...

Im Deutschen Forum zu posten hat ja keinen Sinn, wenn Sie, Kindred, es mangels Sprachkenntnis sowieso nicht lesen können.
- Man hat niemals zu viele backups
- Vertraue KEINEM Wiederherstellungspunkt ..
- Der Kopf ist rund damit das Denken die Richtung ändern kann! (Francis Picabia)
- Kein Backup; kein Mitleid!


Quote from: Colin on December 06, 2016, 02:23:19 PM

Nice try! (Netter Versuch!)

WHY is someone telling me, being a German, MY english writing is not good enough and on the other side, the same guy is NOT EVEN ABLE to give me an answer in German. All I get, again and again, is: "MY english is not good enough" No word about HIS German knowledge!

Please explain to me, where to find the fault? (Finde den Fehler!)

Wie nennt man eine Person die 2 Sprachen spricht? Bi-lingual.
Wie nennt man eine Person die mehr als 2 Sprachen spricht? Multi-lingual.
Wie nennt man eine Person die nur eine Sprache spricht? ...... American!

Please translate it for me, my COMPREHENSION of English is obviously still lacking ....  8)
- Man hat niemals zu viele backups
- Vertraue KEINEM Wiederherstellungspunkt ..
- Der Kopf ist rund damit das Denken die Richtung ändern kann! (Francis Picabia)
- Kein Backup; kein Mitleid!


Ok, that's enough. His German knowledge doesn't matter at all, completely irrelevant.
Evidently, you do have problems understanding English. How many times do we have to tell you to speak English in this board? What part of "please post in English" did you not understand?
Seeing how much trouble you have with understanding something so simple, it looks like the team was right. Not to mention the attitude!

You know... Your attitude is what really got your permanently rejected. :(
After you got rejected I made a case for you, arguing that they should reconsider giving you a chance despite some of the problems. But when you started showing this very childish behaviour and you constantly ignored team instructions: I changed my mind, instantly stopped trying to convince anyone to give you a chance (it was already a slim chance to begin with, btw.); and agreed that it would be a bad idea to let you in. Basically: you ruined it for yourself... You only have yourself to blame. So don't attack us for it, work on your own issues first. :)

Last but not least: your English translation of "finde den Fehler" was not exactly on par... In fact, it doesn't make much sense this way. But to answer your question... Where to find the fault? Well, I suggest you start looking at yourself and your attitude. Behave yourself better, and stop making such a big deal out of this. :) Maybe apologise to Kindred, that would be a good idea.

So please stop this childish behaviour, stop annoying people, stop posting about how you were rejected (including the German board! I've seen your posts there.), and start listening to the team. Come on, act like an adult - get over it. If you change your attitude, then maybe you can be reconsidered for translations in the future. :)
Perfect English is absolutely not a requirement (look at me :P), but translators do have to meet certain standards and criteria. Including a good attitude. ;)

Incidentally, Kindred is not the CEO of Simple Machines. That'd be me. ;)
Moreover, Simple Machines and Simple Machines Forum (SMF) are two different things...
That topic you're linking to is an announcement. So a press release. A press release is usually in the context of the day it was written on. It doesn't mean that whatever is written in it, is still true or exactly the same today. Understanding context is very important when you want to translate something, and I'm afraid you're having some trouble in that area.
I don't want to be rude or mean to you, but you've got to understand: you're really making it look like the team made the right choice indeed.

So please: behave! Be nice. Work on your attitude issues. Work on your English. Then try applying again in the future. :)
We thank you again for your interests and willingness to help, we really do appreciate it - that you got rejected doesn't mean we don't appreciate your offer to help! :) ... But at the same time: at this moment we simply can't accept your application for multiple reasons. Please respect that decision, and be cool!
Thanks in advance.

This topic is now closed.
((U + C + I)x(10 − S)) / 20xAx1 / (1 − sin(F / 10))
President/CEO of Simple Machines - Server Manager
Please do not PM for support - anything else is usually OK.
