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Regarding Responsive Design (Extremely important)

Started by Jade Elizabeth, January 02, 2015, 08:40:15 AM

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No seriously, I can't integrate myself inside SMF 2.1, it cannot predict your mods and change responsive.css based on that... Hear yourself,

Quote2.1 with a portal installed
if you install something like that, you can't expect thing work 100% good. Our core css (responsive.css) does not designed for mods. Mod authors must do those changes to fit the screen. Yet you suggest things needs to change in 3.0 or 2.1... No sense at all...

I'm not trying to be rude here but hear yourself and make valid requests to core.


Well the problem is that I work testing every thing I can find out there, and I am on the portal team that has made a portal to work with your forum SMF 2.1 Beta 1, with mobile detect, that in fact works a very well as with SMF 2.0.9 and lower. I test things to their limits, and I see, learn and pass these things on to others and try here at SMF, if it does make sense it maybe because you are not doing what I'm doing! So if it does not make sense  to you then, it only means you do not know everything... but I can see that I'm not wanted here so, I guess I'll just have go where people can understand each other , and communicate without insult... Now listen to yourself and your suppose to be in marketing, doing it with out diplomacy.

I know my English is not the best, and I don't use fancy words to make others feel bad or look down upon. Even in the Military those under my rank were always treated with total respect, and with this, I got respect this how it works in the real world!

The same in manufacturing and making the micro mini circuit boards and placing, the components in them that you use everyday. You see I'm a working man not much for talking, but I sure somebody out there understands my points and every site I work on, does the same, so if I'm not by the book on English and gamer. sorry it's not my field.
I got kidnapped at young age and sent to war!

I know "what's you point!"



I can say one thing clearly, you don't know code... SMF 2.1 (curve2) is already more flexible compared to Curve. You are asking me to fix things, suppose to be fixed by your portal team.

I already provided code for 3 column style portal, +how to make it responsive. Rest is up to your team not ours.


Depends on what code you are speaking and I don't think your even read what I say, I never asked you once to fix anything period and that's exactly my point, this stuff, as stated in my post should be done by the portal makers, not SMF.

I feel if you read more and talk less, you may learn something in this world, this my big issue with this site, you all don't even understand each other it seems, let alone a nobody like me!

I don't mean this to be an insult just friendly advice, many here are afraid to speak out for fear of being insulted and or talked down to, Coders are Not Gods, and I  have no God to start with, you are only people like the rest, only good at what you do, and that's it. You are not a Politician ether, or are you? Most everyone is good at some or things, but now days, it seems not many are good at reading the written word for what  it is, not what you want to be.

The user can not win here on any level, and if they speak the truth, and or if you do not read and or understand, you lock thread that's the end of it!

If I'm asked to fix something and it's not clear, I don't talk down to the person, I just go to their site and fix it, or try talking them through, no hazel even in foreign languages if I can. Even if it's somethmg that seems stupid at the time =, they get respect, if miss read by me, I'll be the first to say it and continue on with the job on my own time, never any funds exchanges or expected just to keep SMF users happy and content with what they did with little push in the right direction, this is what we do out side bubble self righteousness.




You are writing something to write something. I'm out here, totally cannot waste my time on you.



Quote from: Antes on January 11, 2015, 09:50:33 PM
You are writing something to write something. I'm out here, totally cannot waste my time on you.

Who asked you to waste your time or to even reply period? I just posted my opinion of what I felt and stated as such!

And you replied with:
Quotewha? U make no sense at all no?
That was totally out of line!


Quote from: Antes on January 11, 2015, 08:35:20 PM
I can say one thing clearly, you don't know code... SMF 2.1 (curve2) is already more flexible compared to Curve. You are asking me to fix things, suppose to be fixed by your portal team.

No, he is saying don't bother trying to fix it for portals. Just do your core coding and let the portal teams worry about the portal stuff. Not your problem, and will just keep you away from core dev.

QuoteI already provided code for 3 column style portal, +how to make it responsive. Rest is up to your team not ours.

Yes, I understand it was fun to play with, and a bit of a change is good sometimes. What Maxx is saying is that you don't have to provide any damned thing for portals, and shouldn't let people suck you into trying to do stuff for portals. Not your problem.


OH thanks you, I wish it was so easy for me to say. YOU guys are moving right along, and many are trying to ask for change to late in the game, that's slows down you progress.. out here we test and say if we like not and if there is a but this not place to put either. and BTW, I have 2 Customize core2 themes, almost completed, so I'm working also and sorry for the misunderstanding here!

again thanks,


There is a misunderstanding from my side about fixing the stuff I'm sorry about that. But my main point was against the user about "after 2.1 and for simpler forum structure. lighter", SMF is already simple & light forum software, also not even mentioning the "and toward the now internet trends", I can clearly say SMF is not "today's teenager, its not going to shape its features based on trending things but on demand & usability. I'm well aware trends generally also have high demand in user-side.


On the topic of, not interfering with the progress of the SMF 2.1 moving forward: and things that we can do to help!

among other things I'm working on a custom responsive menu, and things that can be done by us, and not to burden the Devs with more stuff! :)

Screen attracted,
it needs allot of work, but toying with in the themes and mods to be done outside the SMF hard work, they already have ahead! :)

This only the menu, the rest of theme need to be fixed to go with it!

EDIT: this dark one is a bit better responses with the theme!



Quote from: Antes on January 12, 2015, 07:29:29 AM
There is a misunderstanding from my side about fixing the stuff I'm sorry about that. But my main point was against the user about "after 2.1 and for simpler forum structure. lighter", SMF is already simple & light forum software, also not even mentioning the "and toward the now internet trends", I can clearly say SMF is not "today's teenager, its not going to shape its features based on trending things but on demand & usability. I'm well aware trends generally also have high demand in user-side.

Just for the record in respect to heavy and lighter, I was not directing this to the Devs, but those who keep asking more changes :)
I really do like what's going on with the 2.1 Beta, that's why I keep working with on my test site :)

