SMF 2.1: Remove inline tags for deleted attachments from message

Started by GL700Wing, June 16, 2022, 02:57:33 AM

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In response to the Deleting attachments from a post topic (and because it was also annoying me) I have come up with the following solution ...

In ./Sources/Post.php

// An array to hold all the attachments for this topic.
$context['current_attachments'] = array();

Add After:

// Tip/Trick: Remove inline tags for deleted attachments from message ...
$_SESSION['attach_del'] = array();

// Coming from the quickReply?
Add Before:
// Tip/Trick: Remove inline tags for deleted attachments from message ...
if (!empty($_SESSION['attach_del']))
$pattern = '#\[attach (id=\d+)(.+?)\]([^\[]*)(\[/attach])?#i' . ($context['utf8'] ? 'u' : '');
preg_match_all($pattern, $_POST['message'], $inlineTags, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
foreach ($_SESSION['attach_del'] as $attachID)
$key = array_search('id=' . $attachID, $inlineTags[1]);
if ($key !== false)
$_POST['message'] = str_replace($inlineTags[0][$key], '', $_POST['message']);

In ./Sources/ManageAttachments.php

$attach[] = $row['id_attach'];
Add After:

// Tip/Trick: Remove inline tags for deleted attachments from message ...
$_SESSION['attach_del'][] = (int) $row['id_attach'];
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