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Advanced Contact Form

Started by Deprecated, September 26, 2008, 06:15:53 PM

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In what category do i upload the downloaded file ?

Burke ♞ Knight

Use the Package Manager in the Admin section to install mods.

Package Manager

Don Pepito

How can i add more fields...??


There is one error with RC1
The email field  does not work when i enter any vaild email it tell "the email invaild" !!!

Also the Page does not open fast  but when you click on others like "help or search or cleander" they opens fast  :)

There is no need to think or choose . just smf


This is a really useful Mod, I'm not exactly sure but I think this forum
uses this mod as well, is that normal once the form is sent everything remains
populated in the form text boxes? along with the "message has been sent of course"

Is there a way to clear that info out after submitting, without using a refresh, I never
seen a form keep data like that?

after reading around a bit I see SMF lost a very talented individual in this guy

PS I know I am a dying breed with that classic theme, but a reminder, anyone using
advanced forum with that and have edited the button code area in subs.php,

you will get a big looking error upon install, and will need to edit subs.php manually
its only a tiny section no big deal, your basically just putting the contact button in.


PS after reading that above post I went and enabled MX check on advanced form,
and your right no email entered is ever valid, good thing I read that here.

anyone know what site or how that email address is verified in the first place? by
either the forum software itself or the advanced form Mod?


I ported this mod and CAPTCHA function is working with 1.1.x versions too.
Here is working version in my forum:
I may provide the codes after testing a while.
My Mods - IP View Permission - Recycle Bin Cleaner - Ip to Country - microcontrollers
- Houston, we have a problem.


SONSiVRi, I for one would be interested!


Quote from: SONSiVRi on April 10, 2009, 02:49:40 PM
I ported this mod and CAPTCHA function is working with 1.1.x versions too.
Here is working version in my forum:
I may provide the codes after testing a while.

That is nice, hope not to difficult when ready, I'm way past package manger


Former Lead Support Specialist

Tarvitsetko apua SMF foorumisi kanssa? Otan työtehtäviä vastaan, lue:


Quote from: Owdy on May 02, 2009, 10:24:30 AM
Updates for RC1?

<install for="2.0 - 2.99.99">
      <readme parsebbc="true">readme.txt</readme>

i try well done.. =)


thank you when update dont forget portuguese

Quote<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.portuguese_pt.php" error="skip">
         <search position="end" />
$txt['contact'] = 'contacto';
$txt['contact_form_default_dns_check'] = 'dom&iacute;nio deve ter um v&aacute;lido ou registro MX';
$txt['contact_form_default_email_sender'] = 'Enviar email se nao tiver nenhuma dado fornecido:';
$txt['contact_form_default_guest_access'] = 'nenhum visitante com acesso';
$txt['contact_form_default_member_access'] = 'nenhum membro com acesso';
$txt['contact_form_default_name'] = 'Enviar se nenhum nome fornecido:';
$txt['contact_form_default_name_default'] = 'An&oacute;nimos';
$txt['contact_form_default_require_email'] = 'uso o e-mail e as defini&ccedil;&otilde;es abaixo';
$txt['contact_form_default_require_name'] = 'Nome do remetente utilizar defini&ccedil;&otilde;es abaixo';
$txt['contact_form_default_require_subject'] = 'utiliza&ccedil;&atilde;o assunto defini&ccedil;&otilde;es abaixo';
$txt['contact_form_default_subject'] = 'Se nenhuma linha Assunto desde:';
$txt['contact_form_default_subject_default'] = '(sem assunto)';
$txt['contact_form_default_tab_label'] = 'CONTACTO';
$txt['contact_form_dest_email_addr'] = 'Enviar formul&aacute;rio de contacto respostas para este endere&ccedil;o de e-mail:';
$txt['contact_form_display_title'] = 'Formul&aacute;rio de contato p&aacute;gina t&iacute;tulo:';
$txt['contact_form_enable_guest_access'] = 'Permitir o acesso ao visitante:';
$txt['contact_form_enable_member_access'] = 'Permitir o acesso ao membro:';
$txt['contact_form_error_invalid_email'] = 'Endere&ccedil;o de e-mail inv&aacute;lido.';
$txt['contact_form_error_no_email'] = 'N&atilde;o tem aqui endere&ccedil;o de e-mail.';
$txt['contact_form_error_no_message'] = 'N&atilde;o entrou mensagem.';
$txt['contact_form_error_no_name'] = 'N&atilde;o inscrito.';
$txt['contact_form_error_no_subject'] = 'N&atilde;o assuntos inscritos.';
$txt['contact_form_error_unable_to_send'] = 'Enviar e-mail falhou. N&atilde;o foi poss&iacute;vel enviar sua mensagem';
$txt['contact_form_field_optional'] = '(opcional)';
$txt['contact_form_field_optional_email'] = '(se você quiser uma resposta)';
$txt['contact_form_field_required'] = '(obrigat&oacute;rio)';
$txt['contact_form_label_default'] = 'default: ';
$txt['contact_form_label_edit'] = '[editar]';
$txt['contact_form_label_email'] = 'Email ';
$txt['contact_form_label_ip'] = "\r\n\r\n-- \r\nIP: ";
$txt['contact_form_label_message'] = 'Messagem ';
$txt['contact_form_label_name'] = 'Nome ';
$txt['contact_form_label_rdns'] = "\r\nrDNS: ";
$txt['contact_form_label_sender'] = "\r\nRemetente: ";
$txt['contact_form_label_status_email'] = 'Email: ';
$txt['contact_form_label_status_name'] = 'Nome: ';
$txt['contact_form_label_status_separator'] = "------\r\n\r\n";
$txt['contact_form_label_status_subject'] = 'Assunto: ';
$txt['contact_form_label_subject'] = 'Assunto ';
$txt['contact_form_label_submit_button'] = 'Enviar mensagem';
$txt['contact_form_label_unchecked'] = 'desmarcado: ';
$txt['contact_form_label_verification'] = 'Verifica&ccedil;&atilde;o ';
$txt['contact_form_message_sent'] = 'Mensagem enviada. Obrigado por seus coment&aacute;rios.';
$txt['contact_form_mods_cat'] = 'Formul&aacute;rio de Contacto';
$txt['contact_form_require_email'] = 'necessita de e-mail:';
$txt['contact_form_require_name'] = 'necessita nome do remetente :';
$txt['contact_form_require_subject'] = 'necessita do assunto:';
$txt['contact_form_result_error'] = 'Erro';
$txt['contact_form_result_message_sent'] = 'Mensagem Enviada';
$txt['contact_form_result_send_mail_failed'] = 'E-mail Enviado Falhou';
$txt['contact_form_sender_email_dont_use_form'] = 'N&atilde;o utilizar formul&aacute;rio de contacto de e-mail para enviar e-mail:';
$txt['contact_form_sender_email_dont_use_form_default'] = 'use email address from form if provided';
$txt['contact_form_sender_is_guest'] = 'visitante';
$txt['contact_form_sender_name_dont_use_form'] = 'N&atilde;o utilizar formul&aacute;rio de contacto como nome do remetente nome:';
$txt['contact_form_sender_name_dont_use_form_default'] = 'usar nome de formul&aacute;rio se provided';
$txt['contact_form_sender_subject_dont_use_form'] = 'Não use linha de assunto como forma de contacto de remetente do assunto:';
$txt['contact_form_sender_subject_dont_use_form_default'] = 'utilizar linha de assunto de forma se provided';
$txt['contact_form_skip_dns_check'] = 'Cancelar o envio do enderenco de e-mail do dom&iacute;nio verificar o registro:';
$txt['contact_form_subject_prefix'] = 'Assunto prefixo linha opcional:';
$txt['contact_form_subject_prefix_default'] = 'no prefixo';
$txt['contact_form_tab_label'] = 'Formul&aacute;rio de contacto r&oacute;tulo:';
$txt['contact_form_title']='Formul&aacute;rio de Contacto';
   <file name="$languagedir/Modifications.portuguese_brazilian.php" error="skip">
         <search position="end" />
$txt['contact'] = 'contacto';
$txt['contact_form_default_dns_check'] = 'dom&iacute;nio deve ter um v&aacute;lido ou registro MX';
$txt['contact_form_default_email_sender'] = 'Enviar email se nao tiver nenhuma dado fornecido:';
$txt['contact_form_default_guest_access'] = 'nenhum visitante com acesso';
$txt['contact_form_default_member_access'] = 'nenhum membro com acesso';
$txt['contact_form_default_name'] = 'Enviar se nenhum nome fornecido:';
$txt['contact_form_default_name_default'] = 'An&oacute;nimos';
$txt['contact_form_default_require_email'] = 'uso o e-mail e as defini&ccedil;&otilde;es abaixo';
$txt['contact_form_default_require_name'] = 'Nome do remetente utilizar defini&ccedil;&otilde;es abaixo';
$txt['contact_form_default_require_subject'] = 'utiliza&ccedil;&atilde;o assunto defini&ccedil;&otilde;es abaixo';
$txt['contact_form_default_subject'] = 'Se nenhuma linha Assunto desde:';
$txt['contact_form_default_subject_default'] = '(sem assunto)';
$txt['contact_form_default_tab_label'] = 'CONTACTO';
$txt['contact_form_dest_email_addr'] = 'Enviar formul&aacute;rio de contacto respostas para este endere&ccedil;o de e-mail:';
$txt['contact_form_display_title'] = 'Formul&aacute;rio de contato p&aacute;gina t&iacute;tulo:';
$txt['contact_form_enable_guest_access'] = 'Permitir o acesso ao visitante:';
$txt['contact_form_enable_member_access'] = 'Permitir o acesso ao membro:';
$txt['contact_form_error_invalid_email'] = 'Endere&ccedil;o de e-mail inv&aacute;lido.';
$txt['contact_form_error_no_email'] = 'N&atilde;o tem aqui endere&ccedil;o de e-mail.';
$txt['contact_form_error_no_message'] = 'N&atilde;o entrou mensagem.';
$txt['contact_form_error_no_name'] = 'N&atilde;o inscrito.';
$txt['contact_form_error_no_subject'] = 'N&atilde;o assuntos inscritos.';
$txt['contact_form_error_unable_to_send'] = 'Enviar e-mail falhou. N&atilde;o foi poss&iacute;vel enviar sua mensagem';
$txt['contact_form_field_optional'] = '(opcional)';
$txt['contact_form_field_optional_email'] = '(se você quiser uma resposta)';
$txt['contact_form_field_required'] = '(obrigat&oacute;rio)';
$txt['contact_form_label_default'] = 'default: ';
$txt['contact_form_label_edit'] = '[editar]';
$txt['contact_form_label_email'] = 'Email ';
$txt['contact_form_label_ip'] = "\r\n\r\n-- \r\nIP: ";
$txt['contact_form_label_message'] = 'Messagem ';
$txt['contact_form_label_name'] = 'Nome ';
$txt['contact_form_label_rdns'] = "\r\nrDNS: ";
$txt['contact_form_label_sender'] = "\r\nRemetente: ";
$txt['contact_form_label_status_email'] = 'Email: ';
$txt['contact_form_label_status_name'] = 'Nome: ';
$txt['contact_form_label_status_separator'] = "------\r\n\r\n";
$txt['contact_form_label_status_subject'] = 'Assunto: ';
$txt['contact_form_label_subject'] = 'Assunto ';
$txt['contact_form_label_submit_button'] = 'Enviar mensagem';
$txt['contact_form_label_unchecked'] = 'desmarcado: ';
$txt['contact_form_label_verification'] = 'Verifica&ccedil;&atilde;o ';
$txt['contact_form_message_sent'] = 'Mensagem enviada. Obrigado por seus coment&aacute;rios.';
$txt['contact_form_mods_cat'] = 'Formul&aacute;rio de Contacto';
$txt['contact_form_require_email'] = 'necessita de e-mail:';
$txt['contact_form_require_name'] = 'necessita nome do remetente :';
$txt['contact_form_require_subject'] = 'necessita do assunto:';
$txt['contact_form_result_error'] = 'Erro';
$txt['contact_form_result_message_sent'] = 'Mensagem Enviada';
$txt['contact_form_result_send_mail_failed'] = 'E-mail Enviado Falhou';
$txt['contact_form_sender_email_dont_use_form'] = 'N&atilde;o utilizar formul&aacute;rio de contacto de e-mail para enviar e-mail:';
$txt['contact_form_sender_email_dont_use_form_default'] = 'use email address from form if provided';
$txt['contact_form_sender_is_guest'] = 'visitante';
$txt['contact_form_sender_name_dont_use_form'] = 'N&atilde;o utilizar formul&aacute;rio de contacto como nome do remetente nome:';
$txt['contact_form_sender_name_dont_use_form_default'] = 'usar nome de formul&aacute;rio se provided';
$txt['contact_form_sender_subject_dont_use_form'] = 'Não use linha de assunto como forma de contacto de remetente do assunto:';
$txt['contact_form_sender_subject_dont_use_form_default'] = 'utilizar linha de assunto de forma se provided';
$txt['contact_form_skip_dns_check'] = 'Cancelar o envio do enderenco de e-mail do dom&iacute;nio verificar o registro:';
$txt['contact_form_subject_prefix'] = 'Assunto prefixo linha opcional:';
$txt['contact_form_subject_prefix_default'] = 'no prefixo';
$txt['contact_form_tab_label'] = 'Formul&aacute;rio de contacto r&oacute;tulo:';
$txt['contact_form_title']='Formul&aacute;rio de Contacto';


no chance for captcha in 1.1.x version??


Quote from: .HuNTeR. on May 28, 2009, 12:05:45 PM
no chance for captcha in 1.1.x version??
In fact I am using it on my 1.1.x forum. It yet completed test drive, so I will now release captcha addition. Gimme couple of days.
My Mods - IP View Permission - Recycle Bin Cleaner - Ip to Country - microcontrollers
- Houston, we have a problem.


thanks alot SONSiVRi
i will wait


Quote from: SONSiVRi on May 30, 2009, 05:14:54 AM
Quote from: .HuNTeR. on May 28, 2009, 12:05:45 PM
no chance for captcha in 1.1.x version??
In fact I am using it on my 1.1.x forum. It yet completed test drive, so I will now release captcha addition. Gimme couple of days.
I attend impatiently :)
If u want i can test in local and webserver :)
I've test to add captcha but without great result :(


Hi, I uploaded your contact form but it wasnt anywhere to be seen on my site?  I'm not very good when it comes to upgrades etc but usually when I upload a new mod they work straightaway.  It said yours had uploaded successfully, but when I went back to my homepage there was no link to the contact form, no contact form in sight.  I logged out to see if it was viewable as a guest and it wasnt in sight there either.  I've unloaded it from the site now, and was going to try again but wondered if you could tell me if I'm doing something wrong. :D


Quote from: bassetmad on May 31, 2009, 10:48:01 AM
Hi, I uploaded your contact form but it wasnt anywhere to be seen on my site?  I'm not very good when it comes to upgrades etc but usually when I upload a new mod they work straightaway.  It said yours had uploaded successfully, but when I went back to my homepage there was no link to the contact form, no contact form in sight.  I logged out to see if it was viewable as a guest and it wasnt in sight there either.  I've unloaded it from the site now, and was going to try again but wondered if you could tell me if I'm doing something wrong. :D
Probably you are using custom theme, and you didn't edit your index.template.php file manually.
My Mods - IP View Permission - Recycle Bin Cleaner - Ip to Country - microcontrollers
- Houston, we have a problem.


Quote from: Dark-Wolf on May 30, 2009, 10:57:36 PM
Quote from: SONSiVRi on May 30, 2009, 05:14:54 AM
Quote from: .HuNTeR. on May 28, 2009, 12:05:45 PM
no chance for captcha in 1.1.x version??
In fact I am using it on my 1.1.x forum. It yet completed test drive, so I will now release captcha addition. Gimme couple of days.
I attend impatiently :)
If u want i can test in local and webserver :)
I've test to add captcha but without great result :(
I'll let you know via PM when I prepared the addition.
My Mods - IP View Permission - Recycle Bin Cleaner - Ip to Country - microcontrollers
- Houston, we have a problem.


Quote from: SONSiVRi on May 31, 2009, 12:12:09 PM
I'll let you know via PM when I prepared the addition.
Thanks again :)


Here is Captcha support for 1.1.x forums. I've packed it in a mod file, so use it like installing regular modifications.

  • This file is only for 1.1.x forums.
  • You need to install original mod first, make your mod works.
  • Later then, install this additional mod. And your Contact Form will have Captcha option.
  • If you decide to uninstall your mod, uninstall this additional mod first. It will revert to original mod, then you can uninstall original mod too.
  • If update has been released for original mod, probably you won't be able to upgrade it. If you decide to upgrade your mod, then you need to uninstall this additional mod, and upgrade your original mod. But I tell you not to install this mod again, because it will incompatible with new version. So it's your choice to upgrade or leave it like this.

With contributions of Dark-Wolf
My Mods - IP View Permission - Recycle Bin Cleaner - Ip to Country - microcontrollers
- Houston, we have a problem.
