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community builder SMF registrations synchusers()

Started by tjay, January 26, 2005, 09:17:52 PM

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Well, i am in the midst of doing this now, changing smf registration form... 2 issues.

1. can't take all of the current in the CB profiles and apply that to new fields that will be created.  Or can they?

2.  I am having an issue adding new fields with the smf bridge, they are not showing up in the registration form that comes with the Mos_mod_login, but is being changed in the forum "register" section.  Why is this?  And how come they are different?  How can i make the new fields appear in the smf_login?


1) of course they can be moved over...

anything that is stored in the SQL database can be moved around and manipulated... you just have to know how to do it.

2) because you're not editting the right file. \
com_smf_registration is the file you want to play with...  not register.template.php.
however, you will also want to make changes to profile.template.php

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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


can it be done like this:?

1.  export into excel smf profiles once all is customized, then export into excel CB fields - Merge the CB fields into the smf excel sheet then up that over the existing info?  Did that even make sense? lol

2.  What is the purpose of editing the profile.template.php... is it just to sync the changes made to the com_smf_registration so that they match up with the profiles?


Excel? ummm.... essentially, I think you are saying the correct thing.
Extract the CB data from the SQL database.
add new fields in the SMF user profile table
make certain you have blank record lines for each user who has NOT entered data
make certain that the extracted information is in the proper order for the SMF user-order.

add the extracted data into the new fields of the SMF user profile table

profile.template.php in SMF...

although you might only be ahving this data entered during the registration process, the SMF profile should handle all of your profile needs...

so anything that you enter in the registration should also be available in the profile for update or viewing the information of other users.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


are you not exporting this information (CB) into excel so that you can reorder them for the newly created smf fields?  Is there another, easier way of doing what i was somewhat describing? lol


one more thing... am i altering smf_registration.php, or smf_registration.html.php, or both?

Its a bit more difficult finding the right place to inpu infomation with ths smf_registration as the other tutorials are having you search for totally different fields.


yes, I guess excel works.  I tend to keep my text in text format. :)

From what I can see with a quick glance, you'll have to edit com_smf_registration.html.php to get the form fields in there...  and com_smf_registration.php to set those fields into the database...

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Thanks... i will try the text file instead of excel....

next, i was afraid that i would have to alter both files... i might just take the lazy way out and have the register link point to the one in the forum and just alter that one, its easier... lol..

i know that the users won't show up in the mambo admin, but what does that really cost you, not much... i can still see the users with my mamml newsletter which is good, and i can;t think of any other reasons why i would need to see them with mambo, can you?


nope..   that's the main point I had when questioning why people felt the need for CB...

quite honestly, everything to do with users can easily be handled through SMF...

Orstio is working on a profile manager for the bridge...

and I'm working on adding some of the other SMF functions into a mambo format (like the calendar display, so we can dump the events component and use the SMF calendar feature, which is directly tied into the user permissions...)

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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I agree, smf can do whatever mambo can as far as users are concerned...

That would be sweet if there was a mod to show the calendar from smf in mambo..... how close to completion are you?



Well, I already have an "events list" module, which will show the upcoming holidays, birthdays and events.

I'm working on revising that to make the choice of what to display a parameter.

I am also taking the displayed calendar from White Rabbit's original design and seeing if I can get that working with the bridge. I just started looking at that yesteray. :)

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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


It just doesn't make any sense, how can I you the CB register system, while the user database is in sync with SMF. I did read this topic, but I just don't understand, isn't there a step by step description how to solve this puzzle?


Quotequite honestly, everything to do with users can easily be handled through SMF...

After having fiddled around with CB, it seemed a lot easier to add custom fields to the user's profile than it has been for SMF, because I can just click and type and add--I don't have to go in and change the SMF files. This is appealing, because I'm paranoid about breaking stuff. Unless there's a package I don't know about for SMF. ;)
One Ping Only


currently, CB does NOT merge well with the bridged SMF.

There are a number of problems, the main one being that CB does not sync properly with the SMF users.

Ping: No, there is not currently a package for SMF. However, one could be written fairly easily... and I know Orstio is working on a Profile manager module/component for the bridge.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I have not tried the synchuser function solution with the newer versions of mambo /SMF
because the latest ones dont allow SEF to work.
But if the user is in the Mambo user table as they should be with the bridge working correctly, then calling the function should align community builder with SMF
If I can ever get past the SEF problem I will test it with the new versions and let you know.


Still my question remains, is there a step by step procedure how to sync users with CB and SMF? For example the site [nonactive].?


I believe the answer is "no".

no one has seen CB as such a huge need that they were willing to make a step-by-step guide.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Well actually I do see the advantage for using the three together. The SMF and Mambo Profiles are not as easily customized as they are with community builder.
I will write a step by step as soon as I figure out the SEF thing,


I think that I've found the solutiuon to the problem. There's an integration compenent on this website [nonactive]
which I've installed. When you register via the CB login module the user will also be registered with the smf forum! I keeps both user database is sync! what do you all think of this component?


Are you talking about that Mambo-SMF component?  That works with CB, and not just regular Mambo?  I haven't tried that component at all, but could be cool.
