Error on changing host

Started by Vivek24, August 04, 2015, 12:33:52 PM

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I have just changed the host, when I put the forum & the database backup, then I am getting the following error


Warning:  file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/a7905787/public_html/Sources/Facebook/FacebookHooks.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/u917039333:/tmp:/var/tmp:/opt/php-5.5/pear) in /home/u917039333/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 290

Warning:  file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/u739003890/public_html/Sources/Facebook/FacebookHooks.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/u917039333:/tmp:/var/tmp:/opt/php-5.5/pear) in /home/u917039333/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 290

Here, in settings.php file, I have changed every location to the new location i.e. u917039333, but why I am getting this error which is also showing old location i.e. u739003890 & /a7905787 ?



did you run repair_settings.php?

Changing the settings.php file directly only accounts for PART of the things that need to be updated...

Additionally, even after running repair_settings.php, you are going to have to MANUALLY change the configuration of any mods - since repair_settings.php does not know what mods are installed and can not/does not edit the mod settings for paths and urls.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."

Jade Elizabeth

Link for repair settings here: What is repair_settings.php?

You should run it and make sure all the paths are correct in the files and database, and then it should work for you :)
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.


I already ran repair_settings.php & also uninstalled all the mods, but now didnt understand of where this old path is showing ? Is there something to change in the database ?

I put a new SMF 2.0,10 files but only the old database of the same version.

Is there any other solution ?


load repair_settings.php on your server again. on the bottom of the file will be a button/link to remove hooks. click that button, remove the file and your forum should work again.


Quote from: Illori on August 05, 2015, 11:28:46 AM
load repair_settings.php on your server again. on the bottom of the file will be a button/link to remove hooks. click that button, remove the file and your forum should work again.

Worked this one.....

I have manually removed the mods by uninstalling through package manager. Didnt tried this one!!!!!

Thanks for help


do you know which facebook mod you were using so we can check it make sure this does not happen to others?


thanks, i will have to team review it.
