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SMF 1.1.x Support / error message
March 11, 2013, 05:19:42 PM by RC Storick
......  do I fix this?  The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; ............  check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay  ............  1.1.18, while your database is at version 1.1.1. The above error might possibly go away if you execute  ......
SMF 2.0.x Support / Database Error
October 30, 2012, 09:30:34 PM by flipper79
......  attachments older than 365 days old!   Code Select Expand The SELECT would examine more than  ............  rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ............  SMF Media Gallery (check for orphan files)  Code Select Expand The SELECT would examine more than  ............  rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ............ -Admin.php Line: 1788  Any help or pointers would be greatly received  TIA flip        ......
SMF 2.0.x Support / MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows database error
October 16, 2012, 08:47:25 AM by koop
......  helpful when searching. In general I understand the cause, but I'm not sure how to fix it. I'm  ............  it's just a value change in a line of code for the file listed. Unfortunately I do not know where  ............  find that file. Any help would be very appreciated. The error is below.   Code  ............  Expand The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; ............  check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ............  File: /hermes/waloraweb082/b2083/moo.thebigtenhangoutcom/forum/Sources/geoIP.php Line:  ......
......  to 2.0.2... I finally did so but had to reset the attachments directory. I also lost the  ............  as well. I went to the admin / Attachments and Avatars / File  ............  after about 4% completion I get this error...  The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; ............  check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ............ .php Line: 1009  Can someone point me in the right direction? I know it's working, I did get  ............  attachments, and some of the photos... I just need to get the rest.  Thanks,  - ......
SMF 1.1.x Support / Attack of the 503 errors
December 09, 2011, 05:13:37 AM by Foster Grant
...... 've been getting lots of these stupid errors for our forum, which is running  ............  due to budget constraints) ... sent a letter to the registered owner of our forum as follows:  Quote  ............  at SitegroundDear ***,  With this notification we would like to inform you that your account {site  ............ } consumes a very high percentage of the server resources and thus affects the performance  ............  the whole shared server.  In order to maintain the  ............  of the server, we had to temporarily limit the shared  ............  shown on your website.  We are very much aware of the inconvenience this issue may cause you, so we  ............  like to take a moment and explain the reasons for our actions: as you know, your  ............  on a shared hosting server and thus sharing the resources of the server with other customers'  ............  though our shared servers are well optimized, the nature of the shared server is such that no  ............  how powerful or how well optimized the machine is, it is possible that one user and even  ............  application consumes most of the server resources and overloads the machine. Thus  ............  other accounts on the server stop responding and  ............ .  In order to prevent server overload, the source of the high load has to be isolated so  ............  it cannot affect the overall server performance. This is a standard  ............ .  We have conducted a detailed investigation of the reasons for the high resource consumption and it  ............  towards its database, which eventually hogs the server. The server tries to execute your slow  ............  while putting other processes in the queue until some memory is  ............ . While they are waiting however, they stack up and cause  ............  again as soon as possible.  As mentioned before, the problem is caused by slow queries executed  ............  your application's database. There can be many reasons for slow database queries,  ............  the following 3 are the most common ones:  1. Large  ............  3. Large number of internal links that query the database directly.  Here are some of the database  ............  slow and consume a lot of server resources:  Code Select Expand  Executed 4 min ago for 2 sec on  ............  --> thespor3_smf1.  ............    SELECT ID_MSG, ID_MEMBER FROM smf_messages WHERE  ............  Executed 1 min ago for 4 sec on Database --> thespor3_smf1.  ............  Executed 1 min ago for 3 sec on Database --> thespor3_smf1.  ............  Executed 1 min ago for 2 sec on Database --> thespor3_smf1.  ............    SELECT ID_MSG, ID_MEMBER FROM smf_messages WHERE  ............  Executed 1 min ago for 2 sec on Database --> thespor3_smf1.  ............    SELECT ID_MSG, ID_MEMBER FROM smf_messages WHERE  ............  found:  *******_smf1 196Mb.  From the queries above we can conclude that your issue is  ............  by not well written scripts. In order to have the limitations removed, you should optimize your  ............  that is not working properly, or it may be in the application itself.  If the reason is in an  ............ /module, the easiest solution would be to disable/remove it.  ............  can usually be done from the application's admin area.  Please disable the  ............  that is using the queries above to resolve the issue.  If the  ............  is in the application itself, solving it may take much more  ............  advanced programming skills. In such cases it would be best to contact the application's developers  ............  ask for further assistance. They should be able to examine the  ............  and offer a suitable solution for it.  There are some general things you can do to optimize  ............ /index.htm [nonactive]).  If optimizing the application is not a suitable option for you, we  ............ .htm [nonactive]) as an alternative. There all of the system's resources will be dedicated  ............  set up fees -Free website content transfer from the shared server to the dedicated machine -No  ............  downtime during the upgrade  The upgrade process is simple and  ............ -> Upgrade to Dedicated Solution option.  If the problem with your application is not resolved in  ............  days, we will be forced to take further actions in order to ensure the stability of the  ............ .com/login_page.htm [nonactive]) and comment the ticket that has been automatically open on your  ............  traffic levels, I'm not sure why we're causing them such problems. Of course, I could be a complete  ............  load. We're not running any extra services beyond the HTTP services and the SMF install.  I guess what  ............  really want to know is this: Is there something wrong with the PHP commands "Dimitar"  ............  Is this something where an upgrade to 2.0.x fixes the problem? Am I underestimating how much of a hit  ............ 're putting on the server?  Or is it what we are kind of leaning  ......
......  and solve this problem? Thanks in advance!  Code Select Expand The SELECT would examine more than  ............  rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ......
SMF 2.1.x Support / Re: Forum alerts stopped working?
December 26, 2022, 10:19:19 PM by Rhindeer
...... The only thing that changed was I suddenly started  ............  of this error, which didn't start up until the 24th.  Code Select Expand  Guest http://www. ............   Type of error: Database Error message Select Database Error: The SELECT would examine more  ............  rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay I  ............ 't know what triggered the sudden influx of this error, as again I haven't  ............  with any settings since the 21st. :\ ......
Español (Spanish) / Problema al mover temas
June 15, 2011, 08:17:47 PM by daplon
......  a la vez de un foro a otro, salta este error:   The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; ............  check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ............ .php y aparece esta funcion:   // Move over the mark_read data. (because it may be read and now  ............ );  $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '  SELECT lmr.id_member, lmr.id_msg, t.id_topic  FROM { ......
......  my games in my arcade; this error is generated:  "The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; ............  check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ............  1.1.13, while your database is at version 1.1.4. The above error might possibly go away if you execute  ......
......  a board, change *anything*, I'm getting: --- The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; ............  check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ............  1.1.13, while your database is at version 1.1.2. The above error might possibly go away if you execute  ......
......  numerous "cannot connect to database errors" and the forum is generating hundreds of errors in the  ............  log.  I tried to run the kb_scan and received the following message:   ............  Error: The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; ............  check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ............ / Line: 176  Would it be possible to have someone look at my forum  ............  check for the problem.  Our link is: ............   you can use the login: sultry_n_sexy pw: lubi123  If you need  ......
Hilfe zu SMF (German) / Mitgliedergruppen editieren
October 01, 2006, 03:57:01 PM by Proppower
......  der ich nichts anfangen kann. Habe das 1.1RC3.  The SELECT would examine more rows than MAX_JOIN_SIZE. ............  Check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is ok  ......
SMF 1.1.x Support / Problem with banning users
February 14, 2011, 02:04:04 PM by IdeaMan1
...... .1.12; tried upgrading to 1.1.13 and still having the same problem. Banning a user has started  ............  the error:  -- (message begins) -- The SELECT would  ............  rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ............  1.1.13, while your database is at version 1.1.2. The above error might possibly go away if you execute  ............  that I don't know PHP, nor do I know where in the SMF to look for a way to upgrade the database, I' ......
SMF 2.0.x Support / sql error
March 19, 2008, 10:29:34 PM by tjl
......  is the error:  Code Select Expand The SELECT would  ............  rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ............  And here is the offending query:  Code Select Expand SELECT b. ............  != 3) AND (FIND_IN_SET(-1, b.member_groups)) Is there any way I can fix this? Perhaps reducing the  ............  of rows queried? If so, would this require refactoring of the query? And if  ............  is true, what would be the correct way to refactor it?  Thanks for  ......
...... ,   For the past month I have been trying to convert my YaBB  ............  success.   This is what I have tried so far:  -The first thing I tried was using a Windows XP  ............ ) and installed apache, php, and mysql on it, then loaded a blank smf forum and my yabb forum's  ............  onto it, then ran the converter. In all attempts, even with  ............  something differently every time, the converter would jump directly to a long page  ............  about 70 different errors, and at the bottom of the page it would say that the  ............  is complete; Additionally, the blank smf forum's database would become so  ............  that even the mysql command line could not recognize it. Plus  ............  blank smf forum would no longer load & would complain about the  ............  This happened on every single attempt.  -Thinking the problem might be Windows, I tried a (Linux) Slax  ............  Edition Virtual machine. This time, the converter went through all stages correctly ( ............  a few tries), except that at the 2nd stage of converting topics it would run  ............  (15,000 topics, 1800+ members). And when checking the blank smf forum, it would contain users, PMs,  ............ ... but no topics. During the 9 hours it was running, the CPU was being  ............  as if there was lots of work being done.  -In a last  ............  set up, and this time, it also converted the users, the PMs, and the categories, but no topics  ............ . AND, this time the converter DID return an error (seen below). I  ............  to run the conversion again several times, always  ............  the blank smf forum on every attempt, but on all  ............  that are filled with zeros in every one of their fields (as I saw in phpmyadmin).  Code Select  ............ , ID_MEMBER),  DROP COLUMN tempID;  Caused the error:   Duplicate entry '0-0' for key 1    ............ /smfconv.png [nofollow]  I have logs of most of the other errors if you need them.  Thanks for any  ............ ************************  I found a workaround for the key problem. I merely replaced the zeros in one  ............  with numbers 1-12, beginning with the second record (leaving the first field set to  ............ ).  I used this:  Code Select Expand UPDATE smf_log_topics set ID_TOPIC=1 where  ............ =12 where tempID=1181976558; After this, I ran the converter again, and it picked up right away, and  ............ ), spending practically all of it converting the posts at stage 2. (is that too long for a yabb 2. ............  forum with 240,000 posts?) Then, it actually finished, showing the following:    ............ .    Conversion Complete  Congratulations, the conversion has completed successfully. If you  ............  us for support. Please check this box to delete the converter right now for security reasons. (doesn' ............  over, your SMF installation should have all the posts, boards, and members from the Notice:  ............ .  We hope you had a smooth transition! Then, I went to the forum. The topics were not  ............  on the index, nor inside the subsections themselves. I  ............  to the forum maintenance section and ran "Find and  ............  any errors." It returned this error:  Code Select Expand The SELECT would examine more than  ............  rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ............ /smftest/Sources/RepairBoards.php Line: 860  Then, I went into phpMyAdmin and ran SET  ............ , and set SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE to 10GB (10000000000). Then I tried running "Find and repair any errors."  ............ , but I got the exact same error quickly. I also tried with  ............  increments, first to 200MB, then 300MB, 400MB, 500MB, 1GB, and finally 10GB,  ............  the repair script each time, but it would still  ............  the same error quickly, and having no effect on the  ............ .  Then, I tried running "Recount all forum totals and  ............ ." This completed successfully, and after that, the posts began showing on the index; but still not  ............  the subsections themselves (no threads either, just  ............  space). The size of the database is about the same size as  ............  YaBB forum's data, indicating that the data is all there, just not being read out.  I  ............  noticed about 8 corrupted records in the smf_messages table, which I deleted. But still  ............  I do? Please, I need some help from you guys, the pros of SMF... I have been trying hard not to bug  ............ , but it's got to the point where I can't fix this anymore on my own.    ............  I felt this info could really help someone out there.  I found a workaround for another conversion  ............ :  Code Select Expand Converting attachments (if the mod is  ............ )... Unsuccessful! This query:   SELECT ID_MSG, temp_filename  FROM `twoyrnet_smf`. ............  temp_filename != ''  LIMIT 0, 100;  Caused the error:   Unknown column 'temp_filename' in ' ............  list'  I solved it by running the following query in PhpMyAdmin:  Code Select  ............  tinytext NOT NULL default '' In my case, the error soon reappeared, but I simply used the  ............  above one more time and the error went away for good.  I figured that if the  ............  just create it??  I hope that helps someone out there who isn't very familiar with SQL.   ......
Arşiv / Veri Tabanı Hatası
September 11, 2007, 02:32:15 PM by yasmin
......  mesajı içeren hataları göster Veritabanı Hatası: The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; ............  check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ......
......  guys,  I am getting the following error: -   The SELECT would examine  ............  rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ............  1.1.2, while your database is at version 1.1.1. The above error might possibly go away if you execute  ............  latest version of upgrade.php.  The strange thing is that it has only recently  ............  Arcade related? Only happens when I try to access the 4th page of games in Arcade but I thought I'd ask  ......
SMF 1.1.x Support / DB Error
April 30, 2009, 05:28:25 PM by Kimmie
......  have already done a search for the errors I am getting and a few threads came up  ............  or related to my isue so I started a new thread. These errors ONLY happen to my GMOD group (I have  ............  groups that are not admin and it doesnt happen to them)  The Errors:  1. Happens When they try to view  ............  posts from their profile. The posts load but when they try and  ............  on one they see "Database Error. Please Try Again. If you  ............  back to this error screen, please contact the Administrator" and In my error log I get this:   ............ =profile;u=3188;sa=showPosts Database Error: The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; ............  check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ............ /Sources/Security.php Line: 823   2. Happens when they have Quick Reply set to Always On and then they  ............  to QUOTE someones post. What happens for them is they get the Ajax loading but it just hangs  ............  then in my error log I get this:   action=quotefast; ............ =82825;sesc;xml  Database Error: The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; ............  check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ............ /Sources/Security.php Line: 823   I checked all the other threads and based on what I read, the  ............  given were that they needed to contact their host and have them  ............  the size, however I do not think that is my problem  ............  forum so that members had to post 5 posts before they could see the main parts of the site. I also  ............  my gmods to have the ability to delete posts but only from those  ............  that folks see when they first register so what I did was turned on  ............  By Board, set some of the boards to local and then on those boards, gave  ............  the ability to delete and that is when it started  ............  so I think I have just messed something up in there somewhere but I dont know Since this  ............  only affecting my gmod group and none of the other non post count non admin groups, its got to  ............  within that groups settings and I stayed up half the night trying to figure it out but no luck.    ......
Archief / Foutmelding over database
March 26, 2007, 09:41:16 AM by AlbertVanDuin
...... The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; ............  check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ......
......  members, it works fine, but for some it gives the following error in the error log:  QuoteDatabase  ............ : The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; ............  check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is  ............ /Sources/Security.php Line: 851  I haven't changed the code at all.  Thanks for your help. ......