D. NightHawk Flash & NoneFlash MC

Started by TosTos, July 29, 2007, 09:31:35 PM

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Link to the theme

DEMO: http://www.etkiweb.com/deneme/index.php?theme=48
If you want NoneFlash



This theme is based on a Vbskinworks theme. Actually, there is big difference. All images and flash works were obtained using necessary programs. Although I changed all original images and original design, someone can still claim that it is a rip.
That is why, I got the permission from vbskinworks.com admin John. You can see the difference between www.etkiweb.com/deneme/index.php?theme=46 and http://vbskinworks.com/forum/index.php?styleid=256 in case you wonder.
However, I really appreciate his giving permission to submit the theme. I just wanted you to get very nice theme, and thanks to him you will be able to use it.
You can see permission from an added image.
Two Theme in One package!
Here are main features.
You can install both themes. One of them has flash design, the other one is only image.
You can add buton or link using the admin section.
You can let your users choose their desired colors.
You can choose drop down menu or color bar for the color change.
Theme supports both English and Turkish.
You can chose 3 tipes of logo such as flash logo, gif image logo or just the title.
You can write HTML codes under the theme copyright or first new message in all topics using the admin section. This will let you give advertisements on the best places in the forum.
Theme has 6 different colors and all flash works change respect to the color change. Theme has Vbuletın feature (Drop down menus).
Theme has autoavatar feature on index and messages for guest and members if they don't have an avatar.
Because I wrote the mods for the previous theme, I gave the theme files with the same name. By this way, you will be able to use the mods below after they are approved.

I give the support from www.etkiweb.com or www.smfdestek.org. Here is the demo site: www.etkiweb.com/deneme/index.php
You can use the user name deneme and password 999999.
To setup the logo, don't forget to look at the current theme section. You will need to create your logo as gif image file or flash file. (if not, use your forum name section) To create gif image logo, I have a recomandation for you. Use http://www.glittermaker.com write your forum name and later use http://www.gifworks.com to edit the file. After using glittermaker, you get an image with glittermaker banner on the bottom. Using gifworks, you will be able to erase the banner and you will be able to get transparent background. To erase, just crop from top left and bottom right upper the banner. Later hit transparent and hit white background. Then you get your morvelous banner without using any licenced program. Note that, I will not answer nonsense questions, or comments. Don't be jealous. If you tell me bad words, I will report you to the moderators, and I will not answer.
By the way, thank you very much IchBin for your telling the errors.
Bu Tema Vbuletin kod icermez! Vbskinworks e ait bir temadan bazi resimleri degistirerek kullandigi icin ve resimler lisansli oldugu icin gerekli izin, anlasma yapilarak alinmistir. Tamamen SMF kodlariyla olusturulmustur.
Temel özelllikler
Tema Turkce ve İngilizce desteklemektedir.
Iki ayri tema yukleyebilirsiniz. Birisi flashli birisi resimlidir.
Temada 6 farklı renk bulunmmaktadır. Flash parcaların renkleride uyumlu olarak renk değişiminde bulunmaktadır. Temanın renk ozelliğini kaydırma çubuğu veya renk kutucukları seçimiyle kullanabilir, isterseniz üylerinize renk çubuğunu kullanabişlmeleri için imkan verebilirsiniz. Burda anlattıklarımın hepsi ve aşağıdakiler de dahil olmak üzere admin bölümünden yapılabilmektedir. Temada Buton ekleme çok prtaik olacaktır. Admin bölümünden buton veya link ekleyebileceksiniz ve eklediğiniz html kodu veya buton veya link Ek Seçenekler menüsünde görünecektir. Tema copyright ının altına veya her konunun ilk mesajına isterseniz HTML kodları yazabileceksiniz. Bu size forumun en iyi bölgelerine kod yazabilme ve oralarda reklam yapabilme imkanı kazandıracak. Tema Desteğini Etkiweb.com ve smfdestek.org adreslerinden vermeye çalışırım.
Temanin adi daha once hazirladigim ve SMF den kaldirilan (nedeni: mavi rengi bir vbuletin rip temaya ait ) tema ile ayni. Bunun nedeni hazirlamis oldugum modlari kullanabilmeniz. Bu adresten bazi modlari edinebilirsiniz. http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/index.php?mod=862
Temada index ve konularda ziyaretci ve avatarsiz uyelere otomatik avatar cikar.

Temanın demo görünümü www.etkiweb.com/deneme/index.php adresinden izlenebilir ve deneme kullanıcı adı ile 999999 şifresi kullanılmalıdır. Tabiki isteyen üyede olabilir. 
Temaya logo ayarlamak icin kullanilan tema bolumune girmeyi unutmayiniz. Logoyu flash, gif resim veya kendi yaziniz olarak secebileceksiniz. Gif resim logo icin size guzel bir tavsiyem bulunacak. Yapmaniz gereken glittermaker.com adresine gidip istediginiz banneri hazirlamak. Sonra kendi bannerinizin altinda glittermaker in adi cikacaktir. Orayi silmek ve arka plani transparan yapmak icin gifworks.com adresini kullanacagiz. Free ile basliyan kisma tiklayinca karsimiza garip mavi bir ekran cikar. Dosyayi yuklersiniz crop ile dosyayi kesersiniz. keserken sol ust koseyi sonra sag alt koseyi seciniz. Glittermaker bannerinin ustunden seciniz. En son tuslardan transparent i secip beyaz arka plana tiklayiniz.Logonuz hazir olacaktir.
Kiskancliktan dolayi yazan, satasan, tartisan herkesi moderatore bildirir, hicbir cevap vermem. Sacma sapan sorular veya yorumlar yazmayin. Son olarak, IchBin e temadaki bazi hatalari gormeme yardim ettigi icin tesekkurler. Hic bir hatasi yoktur, gonul rahatligi ile kullanin.


tşkler tostos güzel bi tema yapmışsın ellerine sağlık

thanks. You did beautifull something. Hand health.


Quote from: hamade_ima on July 30, 2007, 11:32:16 AM
tşkler tostos güzel bi tema yapmışsın ellerine sağlık

thanks. You did beautifull something. Hand health.
Ben tesekkur ederim yorumunuz icin,
Gule gule kullan  :D
Thank you, too



Awsome Theme man. It looks like a Professional theme. No one can beat this theme. Great work tostos. You Rock. I am Your Big Fan Now.  :D :D :D :D :D :D


Quote from: Cool999 on July 30, 2007, 12:41:17 PM
Awsome Theme man. It looks like a Professional theme. No one can beat this theme. Great work tostos. You Rock. I am Your Big Fan Now.  :D :D :D :D :D :D
Thank you very very much for this major comment.
I appreciated you too.


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Quote from: L.G.S on July 30, 2007, 01:06:31 PM
Please don't PM me next time..
I am very sorry for that. That was a mistake. I thought you were in my list to inform. I just tried to inform my friends.


I´m Portuguese Yeah



Thank you very much Tostos! I think it's useful.


Nice job.  Love the theme.  But 2 things.

1.  It doesn't auto install.  I have to unzip it and uplaod the folder to my site then install it.

2.  How do I remove the line on the top with the butttons to select the colors.  So in other words have only 1 color.  Remove the option to select other colors. al

And also the english and turkish buttons on the top.



Quote from: galdalf1923 on July 30, 2007, 06:15:23 PM
Thank you very much Tostos! I think it's useful.
Thank you to Bro,
Quote from: ivnj on July 30, 2007, 10:09:02 PM
Nice job.  Love the theme.  But 2 things.

1.  It doesn't auto install.  I have to unzip it and uplaod the folder to my site then install it.

2.  How do I remove the line on the top with the butttons to select the colors.  So in other words have only 1 color.  Remove the option to select other colors. al

And also the english and turkish buttons on the top.

You can remove the color bar from admin/current theme. You see the bar even if you don't allow your members to select since you are admin.
If you want to remove everything including language, search for
<div class="catbg" style="padding: 4px;">
<a href="?language=turkish"><img align="middle" src="', $settings['images_url'], '/turkish.gif" width="21" height="13" alt="Turkish" title="Turkish" /></a>  
<a href="?language=english"><img align="middle" src="', $settings['images_url'], '/english.gif" width="21" height="13" alt="English" title="English" /></a>';

if(isset($settings['allow_color_change']) && $settings['allow_color_change'] == 'box')
echo ' <form action="', $scripturl, '" method="post" class="smalltext">
<select name="options[theme_color]">
<option value="black" ' ,$settings['theme_main_color'] == 'black' ? 'selected="selected"': '', '>black</option>
<option value="blue" ' ,$settings['theme_main_color'] == 'blue' ? 'selected="selected"': '', '>blue</option>
<option value="lilac" ' ,$settings['theme_main_color'] == 'lilac' ? 'selected="selected"': '', '>lilac</option>

<option value="hazel" ' ,$settings['theme_main_color'] == 'hazel' ? 'selected="selected"': '', '>hazel</option>
<option value="pink" ' ,$settings['theme_main_color'] == 'pink' ? 'selected="selected"': '', '>pink</option>
<option value="yellow" ' ,$settings['theme_main_color'] == 'yellow' ? 'selected="selected"': '', '>yellow</option>
<option value="olive" ' ,$settings['theme_main_color'] == 'olive' ? 'selected="selected"': '', '>olive</option> </select> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Change" style="width: 11ex;" />

// colorbars if(isset($settings['allow_color_change']) && $settings['allow_color_change'] == 'bars')
echo '

<form action="', $scripturl, '" method="post" class="smalltext">
<input style="border: solid 2px white; background-color: black; color: black; width: 40px; font-size: 2px;" type="submit" value="black" name="options[theme_color]"/>
<input style="border: solid 2px #4DB45D; background-color: #c0ff3e; color: #c0ff3e; width: 40px; font-size: 2px;" type="submit" value="hazel" name="options[theme_color]"/>
<input style="border: solid 2px #ffe7ba; background-color: #ffff00; color: #ffff00; width: 40px; font-size: 2px;" type="submit" value="yellow" name="options[theme_color]"/>
<input style="border: solid 2px #A185D6; background-color: #9933FF; color: #9933FF; width: 40px; font-size: 2px;" type="submit" value="lilac" name="options[theme_color]"/>
<input style="border: solid 2px blue; background-color: #000066; color: #000066; width: 40px; font-size: 2px;" type="submit" value="blue" name="options[theme_color]"/>
<input style="border: solid 2px #4DB45D; background-color: #00CC66; color: #00CC66; width: 40px; font-size: 2px;" type="submit" value="olive" name="options[theme_color]"/>
<input style="border: solid 2px #D47BC5; background-color: #990066; color: #990066; width: 40px; font-size: 2px;" type="submit" value="pink" name="options[theme_color]"/></form>

in index.template and erase them all. If you get an error, erase } before // Show a linktree (vB Clone).  This is that thing that shows "My Community | General Category | General Discussion"..
About auto installation, you need to arrange permissions. Chmods should be 777 for theme directory. I have installed the theme lots of time, and it has been tested lots of time by customization team.
Thank you for your comment,
Dear friends, If I can be available, I work on important mods to support my theme. Actually, I was able to modify mods for the theme, and they worked. However, I did them manually. I need to write them so that you can use the packet manager. I would like to help you so that you can use the theme efficiently. However, I have comprehensive exams. After I take my comprehensive exams, I will be here to help you all. I hope you understand my position. Untill then, you try to get used to the theme, and enjoy.
Thanks for all comments.


cool thanks, no errors.  I'll show the final sites when they're done.



Quote from: ivnj on July 31, 2007, 04:01:12 AM
cool thanks, no errors.  I'll show the final sites when they're done.

Thank you for your comment, too.

To get better navbar design for one of the colors, I just changed three images.That is why it has been editted one time.
Navbar siyah renkte daha iyi gorunsun diye, sadece 3 resim degistirdim.



fantastic....thanks for this....i had some mods installed on the default skin i.e. shoutbox and arcade....how do i get them working with this skin
never seen anything like this thank you again


Will Ad management MOd will Work with this?
