SA Chat

Started by Diego Andrés, July 21, 2010, 10:36:59 PM

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Get Pumped Saltwater

This is what I have in public_html/resources/Themes/2011/index.template.php

   <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www."></script>
<body><script type="text/javascript" src="http://www."></script>';

yes I tried

But, Then I also tried this just to see what happens...
Got a few errors..

Get Pumped Saltwater

I This is what I have under SA Chat Admin

Is there anything I need to change?

I still cannot click the Gadgets, Links, Theme, CHMOD without the screen to show a massive amount if this text..

'.$txt['2sichat_ord'].' '.$txt['2sichat_title'].' '.$txt['2sichat_vis'].' Type '; foreach ($context['gadgets'] as $row) { echo' '.$row['ord'].' '.$row['title'].'
'.($row['vis'] == 0 ? $txt['2sichat_vis0'] : '').' '.($row['vis'] == 1 ? $txt['2sichat_vis1'] : '').' '.($row['vis'] == 2 ? $txt['2sichat_vis2'] : '').' '.($row['vis'] == 3 ? $txt['2sichat_vis3'] : '').' '.($row['type'] == 0 ? 'PHP' : '').' '.($row['type'] == 1 ? 'HTML' : '').' '.($row['type'] == 2 ? 'BBC' : '').' '; } echo' '; } function template_twosichatchmod(){ global $txt,$scripturl; if(isset($_GET['done'])){echo'
';} echo' '; echo'
'; } function template_twosichatLinks(){ global $context, $txt, $scripturl; echo ' '; foreach ($context['gadgets'] as $row) { echo' '; } echo'
'.$txt['2sichat_ord'].'    '.$txt['2sichat_title'].'    '.$txt['2sichat_vis'].'
'.$row['ord'].'    '.$row['title'].'
   '.($row['vis'] == 0 ? $txt['2sichat_vis0'] : '').' '.($row['vis'] == 1 ? $txt['2sichat_vis1'] : '').' '.($row['vis'] == 2 ? $txt['2sichat_vis2'] : '').' '.($row['vis'] == 3 ? $txt['2sichat_vis3'] : '').'
'; } function template_twosichatLinkAdd(){ global $context, $scripturl, $txt; echo '
'.(isset($context['gadget']['id']) ? '':'').'
'; } function template_twosichatGadAdd(){ global $context, $scripturl, $txt; echo '
'.$txt['2sichat_url'].'    '.(isset($context['gadget']['url']) ? $context['gadget']['url']:'').'
'.(isset($context['gadget']['id']) ? '':'').'
'; } function template_twosichatThemes(){ global $context, $txt, $settings, $modSettings, $scripturl, $dirArray, $indexCount; echo'
'; if(isset($_GET['rdone'])) { echo'
Succesfully removed '.$_GET['rdone'].' theme
'; } if(isset($_GET['done'])) { echo'
'.$txt['2sichat_theme4'].' '.$modSettings['2sichat_theme'].'
'; } if(isset($_GET['udone'])) { echo'
'.$txt['2sichat_theme5'].' '.$_GET['udone'].'
'; } echo'
'; echo''; echo'
'; echo' '.$txt['2sichat_theme15'].'

'.$txt['2sichat_theme8'].' '; // loop through the array of files and echo all for($index=0; $index < $indexCount; $index++) { if (substr($dirArray[$index], 0, 1) != '.' && $dirArray[$index] != "index.php"){ // don't list hidden files echo' '; } } echo'

'; echo'
'; echo'
'; echo'
'; echo'


'.$txt['2sichat_theme12'].' zip

'; echo'
'; echo'
'; echo'


'; echo'
'; echo'

'; if(!empty($dirArray)){ for($index=0; $index < $indexCount; $index++) { if (substr($dirArray[$index], 0, 1) != '.' && $dirArray[$index] != "index.php" && $dirArray[$index] != 'default' ){ // don't list hidden files echo' '.$dirArray[$index].' '.$txt['2sichat_theme27'].'
'; } } } echo'

Get Pumped Saltwater

Quote from: SA™ on July 21, 2010, 10:36:59 PM

Translations needed
$txt['home'] = 'Home';
$txt['msgs'] = 'Messages';
$txt['myspace'] = 'MySpace';
$txt['twitter'] = 'Tweet';
$txt['facebook'] = 'Facebook';
$txt['whos_on'] = 'Who's Online';
$txt['guest_msg'] = 'Welcome, Guest. Please <a class="white" href="'.$boardurl.'/index.php?action=login">login</a> or <a class="white" href="'.$boardurl.'/index.php?action=register">register.</a>';
$txt['load_warning'] = 'The chat is not availible due to high server load.';

$txt['2sichat_mn_heart'] = 'Main heartbeat';
$txt['2sichat_mn_heart_sub'] = 'In ms<br />Example: 30000 = 30 seconds<br />Note: Setting too low may cause database load problems.<hr />';
$txt['2sichat_cw_h_enable'] = 'Enable chat window heartbeat';
$txt['2sichat_cw_h_e_sub'] = 'Have a seperate heartbeat for each chat window';
$txt['2sichat_cw_heart'] = 'Chat window heartbeat';
$txt['2sichat_cw_heart_sub'] = 'In ms<br />Example: 15000 = 15 seconds<br />Note: Setting too low may cause database load problems.<hr />';
$txt['2sichat_purge'] = 'Purge read messages';
$txt['2sichat_purge_sub'] = 'Purge read messages after how many days?<hr />';
$txt['2sichat_purge_all'] = 'Purge all messages';
$txt['2sichat_purge_a_sub'] = '<span style="color:red">Warning! this will delete all chat messages.<br />This will also reset the auto increment.</span><hr />';
$txt['2sichat_gad_trans'] = 'Enable Page Translator';
$txt['2sichat_gad_lang'] = 'Language Code';
$txt['2sichat_gad_lang_sub'] = 'The Page language translator needs a language code to work.<br />This should be your websites default language.<hr />';
$txt['2sichat_ico_home'] = 'Enable Home Icon';
$txt['2sichat_ico_pm'] = 'Enable PM Icon';
$txt['2sichat_ico_myspace'] = 'Enable Myspace Icon';
$txt['2sichat_ico_twit'] = 'Enable Twitter Icon';
$txt['2sichat_ico_fb'] = 'Enable Facebook Icon<hr />';
$txt['2sichat'] = 'SA Chat';
$txt['twosichatConfig'] = 'Config';
$txt['twosichatGadget'] = 'Gadgets';
$txt['2sichat_admin'] = 'SA Chat Admin';
$txt['2sichat_config'] = 'SA Chat Config';
$txt['2sichat_config_des'] = 'Here you can edit the main settings for SA Chat';
$txt['2sichat_gadgets'] = 'SA Chat Gadgets';
$txt['2sichat_gadgets_des'] = 'Add custom gadgets to SA Chat';
$txt['2sichat_gad_add'] = 'Add Gadget';
$txt['2sichat_title'] = 'Title';
$txt['2sichat_url'] = 'URL/Gadget Code';
$txt['2sichat_width'] = 'Width';
$txt['2sichat_height'] = 'Height';
$txt['2sichat_vis'] = 'Visibility';
$txt['2sichat_vis0'] = 'Hidden';
$txt['2sichat_vis1'] = 'Members';
$txt['2sichat_vis2'] = 'Guest';
$txt['2sichat_vis3'] = 'All';
$txt['2sichat_ord'] = 'Order';
$txt['2sichat_preview'] = 'Preview';
$txt['2sichat_edit'] = 'Edit';
$txt['2sichat_delete'] = 'Delete';
$txt['2sichat_link'] = 'Link';
$txt['2sichat_list_type'] = 'Show Everyone Online';
$txt['2sichat_list_t_sub'] = 'Shows everyone online instead of buddies only.<hr />';
$txt['2sichat_dis_list'] = 'Disable chat list';
$txt['2sichat_dis_l_sub'] = 'Removes the Who\'s Online list.<hr />';
$txt['2sichat_disable'] = 'Disable SA Chat';
$txt['2sichat_disable_sub'] = 'Disable SA Chat and all features.<hr />';
$txt['2sichat_dis_bar'] = 'Disable Bar';
$txt['2sichat_dis_b_sub'] = 'Disable chat bar leaving features.<hr />';
$txt['2sichat_load_chk'] = 'Enable load checking';
$txt['2sichat_max_load'] = 'Highest load level';
$txt['2sichat_max_l_sub'] = 'Goes by server load average';
$txt['2sichat_load_dis_list'] = 'On high load disable chat list';
$txt['2sichat_load_dis_chat'] = 'On high load disable SA Chat';
$txt['2sichat_load_dis_bar'] = 'On high load disable bar';
$txt['2sichat_live_online'] = 'Update Online List Live';
$txt['2sichat_simple_bbc'] = 'Enable Simple BBC<hr />';
$txt['2sichat_permissions'] = 'Enable group permissions';
$txt['2sichat_permissions_sub'] = 'Enable group permissions that you can modify in the permission manager in SMF.<br />Note: The settings here overide permission settings.<hr />';

I do not have a /Themes/default/language/ file


Quote from: Get Pumped Saltwater on January 01, 2012, 09:17:51 PM
This is what I have in public_html/resources/Themes/2011/index.template.php

   <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www."></script>
<body><script type="text/javascript" src="http://www."></script>';

yes I tried

But, Then I also tried this just to see what happens...
Got a few errors..
You must of found a old tutorial, that is the old embed codes when I was running the project. The embed code has changed to reflect the new name of the chat. Also the new version uses hooks so there shouldn't be no need for those embed codes unless you plan to embed on another page that is outside of the Simple Machines Forum system.

New code
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

I notice when I go to your site you have the old code, maybe inserted by 2-SI Chat which is the older version of SA Chat, are you running a older version or had a older version installed before? If you have 2-SI Chat installed uninstall SA Chat, uninstall 2-SI Chat and then reinstall SA Chat.

But from looking at your site it seems like the sachat folder was not created or something because I get a 404. You may have to unzip the package and upload the sachat folder to your forum root folder and chmod.

In any means it would probably be better to remove the chat systems first and start with a fresh install because it seems you have remnants of the two chat systems. The two systems can not work together because they are basically the same code base with the same commands. ;)

Here is the download link...


Quote from: Get Pumped Saltwater on January 02, 2012, 11:43:04 AM
Quote from: SA™ on July 21, 2010, 10:36:59 PM

Translations needed
$txt['home'] = 'Home';
$txt['msgs'] = 'Messages';
$txt['myspace'] = 'MySpace';
$txt['twitter'] = 'Tweet';
$txt['facebook'] = 'Facebook';
$txt['whos_on'] = 'Who's Online';
$txt['guest_msg'] = 'Welcome, Guest. Please <a class="white" href="'.$boardurl.'/index.php?action=login">login</a> or <a class="white" href="'.$boardurl.'/index.php?action=register">register.</a>';
$txt['load_warning'] = 'The chat is not availible due to high server load.';

$txt['2sichat_mn_heart'] = 'Main heartbeat';
$txt['2sichat_mn_heart_sub'] = 'In ms<br />Example: 30000 = 30 seconds<br />Note: Setting too low may cause database load problems.<hr />';
$txt['2sichat_cw_h_enable'] = 'Enable chat window heartbeat';
$txt['2sichat_cw_h_e_sub'] = 'Have a seperate heartbeat for each chat window';
$txt['2sichat_cw_heart'] = 'Chat window heartbeat';
$txt['2sichat_cw_heart_sub'] = 'In ms<br />Example: 15000 = 15 seconds<br />Note: Setting too low may cause database load problems.<hr />';
$txt['2sichat_purge'] = 'Purge read messages';
$txt['2sichat_purge_sub'] = 'Purge read messages after how many days?<hr />';
$txt['2sichat_purge_all'] = 'Purge all messages';
$txt['2sichat_purge_a_sub'] = '<span style="color:red">Warning! this will delete all chat messages.<br />This will also reset the auto increment.</span><hr />';
$txt['2sichat_gad_trans'] = 'Enable Page Translator';
$txt['2sichat_gad_lang'] = 'Language Code';
$txt['2sichat_gad_lang_sub'] = 'The Page language translator needs a language code to work.<br />This should be your websites default language.<hr />';
$txt['2sichat_ico_home'] = 'Enable Home Icon';
$txt['2sichat_ico_pm'] = 'Enable PM Icon';
$txt['2sichat_ico_myspace'] = 'Enable Myspace Icon';
$txt['2sichat_ico_twit'] = 'Enable Twitter Icon';
$txt['2sichat_ico_fb'] = 'Enable Facebook Icon<hr />';
$txt['2sichat'] = 'SA Chat';
$txt['twosichatConfig'] = 'Config';
$txt['twosichatGadget'] = 'Gadgets';
$txt['2sichat_admin'] = 'SA Chat Admin';
$txt['2sichat_config'] = 'SA Chat Config';
$txt['2sichat_config_des'] = 'Here you can edit the main settings for SA Chat';
$txt['2sichat_gadgets'] = 'SA Chat Gadgets';
$txt['2sichat_gadgets_des'] = 'Add custom gadgets to SA Chat';
$txt['2sichat_gad_add'] = 'Add Gadget';
$txt['2sichat_title'] = 'Title';
$txt['2sichat_url'] = 'URL/Gadget Code';
$txt['2sichat_width'] = 'Width';
$txt['2sichat_height'] = 'Height';
$txt['2sichat_vis'] = 'Visibility';
$txt['2sichat_vis0'] = 'Hidden';
$txt['2sichat_vis1'] = 'Members';
$txt['2sichat_vis2'] = 'Guest';
$txt['2sichat_vis3'] = 'All';
$txt['2sichat_ord'] = 'Order';
$txt['2sichat_preview'] = 'Preview';
$txt['2sichat_edit'] = 'Edit';
$txt['2sichat_delete'] = 'Delete';
$txt['2sichat_link'] = 'Link';
$txt['2sichat_list_type'] = 'Show Everyone Online';
$txt['2sichat_list_t_sub'] = 'Shows everyone online instead of buddies only.<hr />';
$txt['2sichat_dis_list'] = 'Disable chat list';
$txt['2sichat_dis_l_sub'] = 'Removes the Who\'s Online list.<hr />';
$txt['2sichat_disable'] = 'Disable SA Chat';
$txt['2sichat_disable_sub'] = 'Disable SA Chat and all features.<hr />';
$txt['2sichat_dis_bar'] = 'Disable Bar';
$txt['2sichat_dis_b_sub'] = 'Disable chat bar leaving features.<hr />';
$txt['2sichat_load_chk'] = 'Enable load checking';
$txt['2sichat_max_load'] = 'Highest load level';
$txt['2sichat_max_l_sub'] = 'Goes by server load average';
$txt['2sichat_load_dis_list'] = 'On high load disable chat list';
$txt['2sichat_load_dis_chat'] = 'On high load disable SA Chat';
$txt['2sichat_load_dis_bar'] = 'On high load disable bar';
$txt['2sichat_live_online'] = 'Update Online List Live';
$txt['2sichat_simple_bbc'] = 'Enable Simple BBC<hr />';
$txt['2sichat_permissions'] = 'Enable group permissions';
$txt['2sichat_permissions_sub'] = 'Enable group permissions that you can modify in the permission manager in SMF.<br />Note: The settings here overide permission settings.<hr />';

I do not have a /Themes/default/language/2sichat.english.php

the file now is

Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-

Get Pumped Saltwater

Should I use the Package Manager or do it manual for the re-install?


best to use the package manager

Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-

Get Pumped Saltwater

Quote from: SA™ on January 02, 2012, 04:18:59 PM
best to use the package manager

Ok.. we will see what happens..  :-[


I've installed this modification. One word : Perfect !

But sometimes; when I click on someone in the "Who's online ?" list, the popup doesn't appear. Some kind of a bug ?

Thanks, much appreciated.


i have notice this one myself in ie tho mainly

Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-


Sir, I've noticed; I see this problem in Google Chrome v16, Mozilla Firefox v8 and Safari v5. In IE v8, toolbar works perfect.

Maybe, this will be a compatibility problem.


yeah maybe i had it working on all brousers cept ie but i musta been dreaming ar e somthing cos it doesnt work any more  :(

Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-


Hello :)  Using Firefox and cannot see a thing :|   SMF 2.0.2


Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-



Quote from: SA™ on January 09, 2012, 10:47:10 AM
see if this helps you;area=article;cont=29
This didn't help me for my forum but everything works fine with the mod because when I open an html file from my computer with the mod's javascript code the chat bar appears and when I place the same file on my server, it doesn't.

I was wondering if the mod needs server requirement to be functional. ???


got any guide on how to install it? I find out that those link in the 1st post seem to be unworking


i've installed this mod, the bar appears correctly and i can see who's online, but when i try to start a chat with someone it doesn't work, the chat windows appears, but i can't drag it and when i send messages nothing happens.

Any idea? :/


Quote from: eric1234 on January 12, 2012, 12:49:51 PM
got any guide on how to install it? I find out that those link in the 1st post seem to be unworking
It was up yesterday morning, I wonder what gives.


Well I installed this in 2.0.2 and it worked... then it didnt.. then it did.. chmod worked once but when you click on a chat the box opens and nothing updates you type and nothing shows up and the username in the chat looks greyed out like they are offline.

SEVERAL members love his thing but I cant mess with it until its viably solid :(

Interesting enough I use a Paypal donation link in my forum signature and with SA running it did not work. With SA removed it (the paypal link) does work. *shrugs*

I can explain this as simply as possible.. If I do it & implement I guarantee it.
If I do it and you implement it its a crap shoot.
