Gamer IDs

Started by KiLLuMiNaTi-7-, October 18, 2010, 07:50:53 PM

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Oh and i forget :

French translation :

Quote$txt['gamer_xbgt'] = 'Xbox Live';
$txt['your_gamer_xbgt'] = 'Entre votre GamerTag Xbox Live.';

$txt['gamer_view_profile'] = 'Voir le profile de %s via';
$txt['gamer_view_profile_noname'] = 'Voir le profile via';
$txt['gamer_send_message'] = 'Envoyez un message a';
$txt['gamer_add_friend'] = 'Ajouter %s a votre liste d\'amis';
$txt['gamer_view_friend'] = 'Voir la liste d\'amis de %s';
$txt['gamer_compare_games'] = 'Comparez vos jeux';

$txt['gamer_psn'] = 'PSN';
$txt['your_gamer_psn'] = 'Entrez votre identifiant PlayStation Network.';

$txt['gamer_steam'] = 'Steam ID';
$txt['your_gamer_steam'] = 'Entrez votre nom de profile (URL personnalise) <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=helpadmin;help=help_gamer_steam" onclick="return reqWin(this.href);">(?)</a> ou votre numero d\'identifiant Steam.';
$txt['help_gamer_steam'] = 'Connectez vous a <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Allez dans -> "Votre nom d\'utilisateur" -> Modifier mon profile -> URL personnalise et entrez votre pseudo (Il ne vous reste plus qu\'a copier simplement votre pseudo).';

$txt['gamer_xfire'] = 'Xfire';
$txt['your_gamer_xfire'] = 'Votre nom d\'utilisateur Xfire.';

$txt['gamer_plain'] = 'Afficher les identifiants sous forme de texte au lieu des icones.';
$txt['gamer_psn_us'] = 'Afficher le Playstation Network américain au lieu de la version européenne.';
Site :

Projet :

Version SMF : 2.0.9


Hello , I click on the psn icon and it loads that new page but doesn't load the gamer card showing their stats or anything, it just shows a little blank little square box, I understand the psn is case sensitive, but their is just no image after clicking the icon i have to click and go further into the ps website and manually type the name


Quote from: CannabisGamerClub on September 03, 2014, 02:30:08 PM
Hello , I click on the psn icon and it loads that new page but doesn't load the gamer card showing their stats or anything, it just shows a little blank little square box, I understand the psn is case sensitive, but their is just no image after clicking the icon i have to click and go further into the ps website and manually type the name

Because PSN has long updated their URLs since this mod was released, and modified years ago.  I just looked up the chnages, you'll have to edit a file.


function ShowPSN()
global $context, $modSettings, $txt;

// No spaces please.
$context['gamer_name'] = strtr($context['gamer_name'], array(' ' => ''));

if (!empty($modSettings['gamer_psn_us']))
$url = '' . $context['gamer_name'] . '.png';
$url = '' . $context['gamer_name'] . '.png';

$context['gamercard'] = '<img src="' . $url . '" alt="" />';
$context['gamer_links'] = array(
'url' => '' . $context['gamer_name'],
'text' => sprintf($txt['gamer_view_profile'], $context['gamer_name']) . ''


Replace With
function ShowPSN()
global $context, $modSettings, $txt;

// No spaces please.
$context['gamer_name'] = strtr($context['gamer_name'], array(' ' => ''));

if (!empty($modSettings['gamer_psn_us']))
$url = '' . $context['gamer_name'] . '.png';
$url = '' . $context['gamer_name'] . '.png';

$context['gamercard'] = '<img src="' . $url . '" alt="" />';
$context['gamer_links'] = array(
'url' => '' . $context['gamer_name'],
'text' => sprintf($txt['gamer_view_profile'], $context['gamer_name']) . ''


Sadly, we can't update out of date MODs :( 


HcfWesker, It works great now, amazing update in code XD. The xbox works good too, but I did a test on the steam and it's not working, i'm assuming that's because of steam randomizing steam ids I think I read that in the further post on this topic. Do you think theirs a way around that too make steam work better?
