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Creating member directly into database

Started by Mex, November 19, 2014, 10:33:02 AM

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Hi there

I am making a website for a friend, the site will also have an SMF forum.
There will be a login/register on the website which will work directly with the forum database.

My question is, if I am to add a member via PHP, is it as simple as running an INSERT SQL query on the 'members' table?
Is there any other tables I need to INSERT or UPDATE?


My query:

public function register_member()
$data = array(
'member_name' => $username,
'date_registered' => time(),
'posts' => 0,
'id_group' => 1,
'lngfile' => '',
'last_login' => time(),
'real_name' => $realName,
'instant_messages' => 0,
'unread_messages' => 0,
'new_pm' => 0,
'buddy_list' => '',
'pm_ignore_list' => '',
'pm_prefs' => 0,
'mod_prefs' => '',
'message_labels' => '',
'passwd' => $password,
'openid_uri' => '',
'email_address' => $email,
'personal_text' => '',
'gender' => 0,
'birthdate' => '0001-01-01',
'website_title' => '',
'website_url' => '',
'location' => '',
'icq' => '',
'aim' => '',
'yim' => '',
'msn' => '',
'hide_email' => 0,
'show_online' => 1,
'time_format' => '',
'signature' => '',
'time_offset' => 0,
'avatar' => '',
'pm_email_notify' => 0,
'karma_bad' => 0,
'karma_good' => 0,
'usertitle' => '',
'notify_announcements' => 1,
'notify_regularity' => 1,
'notify_send_body' => 0,
'notify_types' => 2,
'member_ip' => $ip,
'member_ip2' => $ip,
'secret_question' => '',
'secret_answer' => '',
'id_theme' => 0,
'is_activated' => 1,
'validation_code' => '',
'id_msg_last_visit' => 1,
'additional_groups' => '',
'smiley_set' => '',
'id_post_group' => 0,
'total_time_logged_in' => 0,
'password_salt' => $passwordSalt,
'ignore_boards' => '',
'warning' => 0,
'passwd_flood' => '',
'pm_receive_from' => 1
$this->db->insert('members', $data);


No, use registerMember() in Subs-Members.php instead since there are other things beyond inserting into the database to do.


However, the larger question is...   why?

Is the site code going to be custom, or another pre-built system?
If it's custom, why note just use the SMF members and functions directly rather than trying to link disparate systems (which may not be as secure as SMF is)?

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Thanks guys.

I'll look into registerMember()


I tried including Subs-Members.php but this relies upon a loadLanguage function, which seems to be defined in Sources/Load.php.

Which PHP file(s) do I need to include?


Basically just include SSI.php and then Subs-Members.php.

And answering the questions previously asked might also prove useful.


Apologies for not answering the other questions sooner.
I am using a custom built website with the CodeIgniter framework.

I will give the SSI file a go now.


I thought CodeIgniter was abandoned these days after the devs were trying to find a buyer/maintainer for it?


The registration now works, thanks a lot.

Not sure about CodeIgniter, but wiki says:
On July 9, 2013, EllisLab announced that it is seeking a new owner for its CodeIgniter, stating lack of involvement as a reason.[11] On October 6, 2014, EllisLab announced that CodeIgniter will continue its development under the stewardship of the British Columbia Institute of Technology.[12]


Huh, someone actually picked it up. I wonder if they will ever get around to jettisoning PHP 4 compatibility seeing how PHP 4 was discontinued years ago.
