Switching hosts

Started by Qwert Man, March 18, 2007, 12:42:36 PM

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Qwert Man

SMF Version: SMF 1.1.1
I recently switched web hosts. In my old host, my forum was located at hxxp:qwertycake.com/fsource [nonactive], and in the new one it is at hxxp:qwertycake.com/forum [nonactive]. I fixed this by going into my backup of the database and replacing all the directory names that needed changing. My new problem is, before, my database was at localhost/qwertyca/forums, and now it's at hxxp:mysql.qwertycake.com/forums [nonactive]. Because of this, SMF isn't able to connect to the database, can I point it to the new database location and still be able to keep my old posts/settings/modifications?

Peter Duggan

Qwert Man
