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Auto BBC

Started by JayBachatero, August 02, 2006, 12:10:49 AM

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N.B. rather than editing the mod please use:

QuoteJust add ;version_emulate=1.1.1 to the url then install.


Anyone have tried it with SMF 1.1.4 ? Does it work ?


It should work in 1.1.4.
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i got this working but my error log are flooded with this error...

8: Undefined index: bbc_before
File: /home/kubon0/public_html/Themes/default/languages/Post.english.php (eval?)
Line: 1050

can someone help me?


somebody please help me... members who doesn't set their BBC always have this error on error log everytime they post... it's flooding up my error log...

8: Undefined index: bbc_before
File: /home/kubon0/public_html/Themes/default/languages/Post.english.php (eval?)
Line: 1050

please help me remove the error... i don't know anything about php... only copy paste code... please help...


Quote from: Vinspire on April 02, 2008, 04:23:53 PM
Anyone have tried it with SMF 1.1.4 ? Does it work ?

I doesnt work in SMF 1.1.8
and I really need this feature to work
Yo soy hincha de Emelec por siempre

- = Orfeo = -

This is a Great Mod! but how can i get this feature on quickreply? i try to put the "post.template" code modification in "display.template" into template_quickreply_box but nothing.... :(


Sorry for bump but...
This is what I looking for years, and this mod is exactly what I wanting for.

User can set prefered style for posting. Fonts, Color, Italic/Bold, etc.

I wonder if there's similiar updated mod of this?
But I hope someone can port this mod to 2.0.11.
きみと手をつなごう つらいときはもっと
ゼロからはじめよう ほら ほら 手をつなごう
みんな手をつなごう つらいときはもっと
力を合わせよう ほら ほら 手をつなごう
